Monday, October 22, 2018

To blog or to instagram, that is the question

 Alex has finally figured out beds and how to climb up on them,

and I have finally figured out Instagram and 
how to post pictures on it from my desktop computer.

Neither of these things is necessarily beneficial to mankind.

However, I'm starting to think that Instagram
might be a suitable platform for photo essays like this...

  ...when I want to share a few pictures that don't need 
a written narrative to explain them.

I can't imagine ever giving up this blog for the Instagram platform,
but one never knows. There's a certain appeal to the spontaneity of Instagram.
You can find us there @the7msn.

p.s. JaneK, Smooch loves her new crab, and Alex loves her nerfy snake! Thanks so much!


  1. You know that we will take what we can get but this makes me sad. So many bloggers I loved have gone to Instagram instead and we lose their writing which in every case is what drew me in, however much I enjoy the photos. In your case too, your writing is the hook and where your personality shines through. Please don't stop blogging!! /Gretchen

  2. I hope you don't give up your blog completely. At age 82 it's the only e-magic I do, and oh, how I'd miss you and yours. Don't feel like you have to type narrative for me. I "see" the story just fine through the photos. I could write the narrative myself. I can't have pets, so live vicariously through your photos. Have followed for years, but seldom comment, too introverted, I guess. You are a fun bunch! Just pop in some photos and let it go at that, as far as I'm concerned. Writing can become a burden leading to burn-out, in my opinion. Hi and bye from Lexington, KY, USA.

  3. I hope you don't stop blogging, I never miss a single post and love to see your photos of your life on your ranch and your sweet pups. I don't comment on every post, but I do follow. I don't do Instagram.

  4. Nooo don’t give up the blog but I do love seeing you pop up on IG! I think your blog followers take you as you are and just want to have a peek into your life. (I personally like IG more than FB, less complaining I think)

  5. Please don't stop blogging. I try to limit my forays into social media platforms and I would be so sad to miss out on your 7MSN world.

  6. And so it goes. I connect to your blog through my old web page where I used to blog. The only others who post from there are The Dancing Donkey and My Shetland and occasionally Seaside Donkey. I'm pretty certain IG will be your primary platform from now on but that's ok as long as we see you all regularly and if you respond to questions via IG!!! AND please don't tell Kris at DD how to post from her camera - at least for a while longer!

    1. Don't worry, Shelley, I will make sure that Kris does not entertain that thought of stopping her blog! After all, how else will I see pictures of my farm and more importantly, pictures of puppy Ian!!!

  7. I have also followed you and your animals for years on the blog but am very happy to see you on Instagram too. Instagram is my happy place. I only follow amazing animals and other things that bring me joy & happiness (DIY, quilting, etc.) I live in a subdivision so my animals are limited to dogs & cats but I love ALL the animals and am happy to see and "know" beautiful creatures like George & Alan (& the chickens)...Annette (fabgolf on Instagram)...Bloomington, Indiana

  8. I do not own a smart phone either! Never have, never will. My little flip phone with buttons works just fine for me,thank you very much. It is ancient, still functions perfectly, still on its original battery...which I only have to charge once every two weeks or so by the way...and is basically indestructible! I pulled it out at a retail establishment last week, and the youngster next to me actually laughed out loud. I laughed with him, because as I told him, he was young enough to not even have ever seen one like it before. HA! I love Barbee's comment and reference to 'e-magic'. Love that. I'm basically a relic, and the least 'techie' person on the planet. My 'e-magic' consists of email, blogs (I only read yours and PW's), Pinterest, and Facebook. And well, I guess I'm pretty good at navigating shopping sites, too. The point is, I don't do Instagram either. I agree also with Anonymous, (5:26am), that your writing is brilliant and always inspired. Bottom line is, that I will follow you as long as you are willing to be followed,wherever that may be. If you choose Instagram, I will do my best to learn a new trick!!!

  9. I joined Instagram a couple of years ago, to connect with the online life of one of my daughters (who doesn't have Facebook) I found that the ease of posting from wherever I am, on my phone, was liberating. I have the app on my phone and iPad, but haven't figured out how to do anything but scroll and comment (which don't appear as threaded replies from my computer). How DO you post to IG from your computer? I haven't figured it out.

    My blogging time was waning even before I joined IG. It became more and more difficult to gather the motivation to sit at my computer and compose a post. My latest post was in June. The blog isn't dead, but it's definitely gathering dust.

    1. Connie, I followed the instructions at this link:
      There are several ways to do it, but I used the first one mentioned (telling Safari that your desktop is an iphone).

  10. I echo the above comments. Oh please, please don’t shift to Instagram. Aside from the fact that I don’t use Instagram, I would so miss your writing and descriptions. Your writing is what most let’s us know who you are.

  11. Love both formats, the blog and instagram. Volume of pictures on instagram. Happy to see them there too. Thank you. I don't follow a lot of people there, but have been enjoying Danni's pictures for a while. I remember she had a blog that she didn't see to post on much. Many of the people I follow prefer instagram to FB. I just check in. Don't post myself.

  12. I just love your posts and the multiple photos with captions that tell a story and make me laugh. Hard to get that with IG Although I will follow you on IG so I don't miss any of your photos, I just love your blog and would miss it!

  13. I vote NO on Instagram. I Love your blog and don't need another platform to take up time. I still have my flip phone and refuse to change to a smart phone. My phone is a phone and nothing else. I like it that way.

  14. I am thrilled about the IG account and already raced to follow you.

  15. I'll still come to visit you at your blog .... I like it here....

  16. I enjoy seeing your photos on IG but really enjoy your writing, perspective on life and sense of humor that shines through on the blog. As BumbleVee said, "I like it here"!

  17. An American in Tokyo10/22/18, 5:59 PM

    I hope you don't transfer over to Instagram! (I don't have an account there.)
    But then you can probably link your Instagram account to Facebook, then I can see what you uploaded! (hint! hint!)
    Love that Alex figured out how to jump up on beds! hee hee!

  18. Northern AB gal10/22/18, 6:24 PM

    If we are having a vote, my vote is to keep the blog, and agree with Sue S. above. A small request, is it possible to put a link to your IG account somewhere on your blog page?

  19. Awwwww! So happy they finally made it and are well received :) took me long enough to get them there. love that little sister is trying to get big sister's and big sis is having none of it :)
    I am rarely on Instagram because I still need to be on FB to connect with local events especially with a school aged child. I can't spend time on both but I technically have an account because a few of her teachers only do Instagram. I know Danni is on it and I do miss being in touch. Maybe I can make Instagram my Saturday morning ritual :-) but as other's have said, I do love your narratives so maybe continue your blog as least a few times a month? Just my opinion :-)

  20. Blog for sure, but if you only have time for a picture, I can see instagram ... oh and the video usually plays too :) since i cannot see the utubey videos ;)

    M in NC

  21. Photo essays like this one are precisely why blogging is still better. You can post multiple pictures on IG, sure, but I think your stories between each picture are as important or more important than the pictures themselves. If one picture can tell the story, great, but this post is a perfect example of how multiple pictures and some story mixed in between is much more memorable.

  22. "My turn!" "Smooch! I said it's my turn!"

  23. I agree without above comments :I love and prefer yr blog because éven if you dont write much, you make us part of yr adventures:I am sad with you, happy with you, excited with your projects,thrilled by Danni's visit, and I éven learned quite a lot through the Years I've been reading yr blog

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Northern AB gal10/23/18, 8:30 PM

    Thanks for the IG link :)

  26. I won't be able to comment on instagram, but know I'll love all of the pics. Do hope you'll keep the blog running though..., much more personable than IS or FB.
    Great to see the dogs so happy together. Hope the burros are fiber too?
    Elsewhere from amsterdam

  27. Carson, I don't blog as often as I used to. I just don't get out as often. I stay home and work on my journals. I use Instagram A LOT to promote them.

  28. I hope you continue to blog - I like the 'story' that is created by even a few words glueing the photos together. I also limit my media time, don't have a smartphone (I have a good old flip phone), don't use instagram, don't follow pintrest, though I do use facebook and email and follow a very few blogs - yours being my favourite.

  29. I love your blog and your writing is one reason that the blog is a good platform for you. Please don't stop blogging! You rock!

  30. I love your blog. But I am on instagram a lot. Just remember your hashtags! Hashtag the hell out of your instagram photos.
