
Monday, April 30, 2018

Thinking outside the armoire

 See that cabinet in the corner? You may remember it from its former life as the bottom part
of a foolishly large armoire, which Ethel and I dismantled six years ago
The top part is still living a useful life in the garage as storage, 
but I'd never gotten around to refinishing or repurposing the bottom part.

 Until now.

Smooch supervised while I demo'd the insides.

 Then the power tools came out. 

I hate sanding.

 Almost as much as I hate priming and painting and polyurethane-ing.
But this was one of those labors of love, and all onerous tasks are henceforth forgotten.

The new puppy will have a snuggly, cozy den opposite Smooch's bed
when she's ready to come home.

 Smooch: She'd better not whine.

Smooch: But if she does, I suppose I could curl up in there with her.


Weekend Pupdate ~ The Puppies Go Outside


  1. Lovely! They're so big already, you're really not getting her for another full month????? I cannot wait that long!

  2. Have you named your new baby yet?

  3. That looks so good! I love it.

  4. Superb! And she will be watched over by your big fur baby portraits.

  5. What a cool way to repurpose - you are so creative. Can't wait til you bring the new pup home.

  6. oh LC this is so exciting. I'm very happy for you and Smooch.

  7. I said it before...that puppy hit the doggie lottery!Lisa G in TN

  8. oh my, those fat little puppies with wiggly tails, the cuteness overload! I can't wait till one gets to enjoy the fancy bed you just created!

  9. Bestill my puppy-belly-kissing heart.

  10. Cool idea! Those chubby heart.

  11. That is genius. I love the color. AND THE PUPPY!!!!!. I thought retiring would be the best time for me to get a dog. I go to the shelter looking for the perfect one. There are so many. Maybe after my trips this summer.

  12. Awesome re-purpose! Can't wait for puppy to come home. Have you picked out a name already? Your animals all have such good names.

    1. The puppy shall remain nameless until the right one appears to me in a vision.

    2. I always wait and see if the dog tells me their name. Weird, I know. But I ask and something always pops into my head within a day or so. I always attribute it to the dog telling me.

  13. Love the puppeh with the tiniest white tip!

  14. I’m so glad you’re getting an Auxiliary Dog family member, and looking at those pups makes me feel all squeeeee! But, what is that on the right hand wall as Smooch supervises? A snake, surely, but what kind? What materials? How attached? Source? I love that snake!

    1. The snake source was the one and only Anne Boleyn, who sent it to me during the medical nightmare that was Sept. 2013. Somewhere I have the link to the artist's website but can I find now? Of course not. It is hung from the ceiling with fishing line. This post documents its arrival:

    2. maybe it is written on the snake?

  15. Is one of the puppies more brownish than black? wonderful pink! if you take off the grid on one door, you can close both and the puppy can go through that door otherwise these doors will be constantly in your way

  16. An American in Tokyo4/30/18, 7:23 PM

    Yay! Love the new puppy house and pup-date! hee hee!

  17. Very cool! Amazing what you can do. Love the color! Once the puppy is bigger you could maybe take the doors off but I like how they look!

  18. Am I missing the puppy count down clock :-)

  19. Wait, what?!! You're getting a new pup?! That's wonderful. I hope Smooch is up the task of allowing a new baby in the house. :)

  20. Such a clever idea for a puppy room! Such sweet puddley puppies!

    Laurie in NB, Canada

  21. The cabinet looks lovely. �� I look forward to seeing pics of the puppy when you finally get her home. ��

  22. Love the armoire-crate! So pretty as well as functional!

    I'm 3.5 weeks in with an 11.5 week old pup ... first puppy in 17 years as I adopted my last when he was 6.5 after his first person died. I work from a home office and despite crate(s) and play pen, it took us (me, pup and cat) until week 3 to hit our stride with routine. Ups and downs, but so much fun - hope you have a wonderful experience and that Smooch enjoys being part of the training team :)

  23. Oh, name ... funny what you said about appearing in a vision. I actually received the name even before my dear older dog died. And it fits.

  24. I am so excited about your anticipated arrival, and I ADORE what you did to the cabinet. What a great way to have a kennel! Smooch will love having a puppy.... well, maybe not at first!

  25. I love that you've made her her own space ("den"). Can't wait to see which of the puppy girls you pick as your new family member.
