
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

An encore for Anne

Last May, I got to meet in person a dear friend who had been reading this blog since the early days.
After her visit, I remember telling Ethel and Danni and Justina that they all had to meet Anne someday 
because she's cool and fascinating and drops as many f-bombs as I do.
If you're a regular reader of the comments, you know her as Anne Boleyn (her real name, by the way). 
Anne suffered a heart attack on Sunday and passed away.
How fuckin' wrong is that?

I'm republishing this post from Anne's visit in her honor.
What a dame. 
And she knows I mean that with the greatest respect. 


My hope for every first-time visitor to the 7MSN is that
they get to enjoy the full ranch experience,

which this time included a wild ride home from the airport
through 11.4 miles of deep mud. Anne was totally cool with it. Me? A total wreck.

Anne has been a dear friend and reader of this blog since longer than either of us can remember,
and it should come as no surprise that she loves all of my animals and vice versa.
The windy, cold weather was a bit less than hospitable, 
so we spent many hours in the sunroom swapping stories,
interrupted only by last week's frequent breaking news bulletins. 

Anne: You're not going to believe this.
Smooch: What's he done this time?

We took full advantage of the sunshine when it finally made an appearance.

 Few things bring me as much joy as sharing my sunshine with others.


  1. I am so sorry to hear that!! She will be missed. I take comfort in the last picture. Beloved humans, just like beloved animals, have a finite time here on earth, reminding us it's all in the Order of things. At least that's what I try very hard to believe. In Memoriam.

  2. I am sorry to learn of her passing. May your memories of her bring you smiles. Please accept my condolences.

  3. So sorry.
    I remember her comments.
    She will be up there filling in Lucy about your unplanned dismount.
    Love and loss and love again.
    Adie from Amsterdam

  4. Wrong AF as the young ones say. So sorry. We will all miss her.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear that, Linda. I remember seeing her name many, many times in the comments section. ...sigh... What a wonderful tribute to her you have done.

  6. I am so very sorry. That is sad but I am glad you had a chance to meet in person. Most of us don't get to do that.

  7. Your remembrance post is beautiful. Anne went to meet Lucy but they both will keep on living in your heart.

  8. Seeing her with Lucy...just too much. So sorry and so sad.

  9. Oh no, so very sad. I loved her posts here and elsewhere. What terrific memories you have with her here and in person. Ride on, Anne, ride with the wind.

  10. I am so sorry to hear that. She is up there having fun with Lucy.

  11. Sad news and bittersweet to see Anne riding and loving beautiful Lucy.

  12. I have always loved Anne's comments here and just absolutely hate this. I imagine she has found Lucy.

  13. Michelle from Vancouver4/24/18, 9:03 AM

    ☹️ I always loved her name. Hard to loose a good friend, so sorry.

  14. So sorry about the loss of your friend. May her soul rest in peace.

  15. She'll be missed. So sorry to hear this. Thinking of her family.

  16. Diane from Richmond Va4/24/18, 12:13 PM

    So sorry for your loss. You are blessed to have such a great friend. I'm sure she will be missed.

  17. I am so very sorry to hear this.

  18. I’m so, so glad you reposted this. My heart has felt so heavy, but seeing her at the 7MSN is such a gift. She was the kindest and funniest person - and as far back as I can remember, she has been posting the best comments on our blogs.
    In my heart, on royal wedding day in May, we will all be together making tiaras for the big event.

  19. So sorry to hear this. Losing a friend is always hard. May she rest in peace.

  20. My prayers are with you and Anne's family.

  21. Oh goodness.... Life is too fleeting. I always loved her comments. Thanks for sharing and posting this in her honor

  22. i am so sorry.

  23. So glad she got to come visit and meet everyone. Here's to a life well lived! Lisa G in TN

  24. So sorry for her passing , but happy you all got to enjoy 7MSN together.
    Wendy in thailand

  25. I'm with Danni...I'm so glad she was able to spend time at the 7msn ranch. No matter what she did there, it must have been heavenly for her. I too loved Anne Boleyn's posts and will miss her so much. Rest in peace dear lady. Prayers for everyone who knew and loved you like we did. ~Auntie Em~

  26. Just wanted to add my condolences to those of the rest of the group.... sending a hug...


  27. She will be missed by many of us who enjoy reading the comments here. That picture of her loving on Lucy is priceless. I'm so sorry you've lost a dear friend.

  28. My condolences to Anne's family and friends. Like the others, I'm feeling a big sadness after reading this. Even though most of your readers have never met, we've become familiar with each other through this little spot in the ginormous cyberworld. We read each others comments and appreciate the humor, sadness or joy that each share. I'm so glad you had the chance to meet Anne and share all that is the 7MSN with her. RIP Anne.

  29. Her comments will be missed by all and I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. The picture of her and Lucy is unbelievably bittersweet. Hugs and prayers to all who loved her.

  30. So sorry to hear of her passing. I do remember her in your post and comments. :(

    NE Oklahoma

  31. The last picture completely did me in !! Linda in Tn.

  32. An American in Tokyo4/25/18, 6:08 PM

    I'm so sorry to hear about Anne. My deepest condolences to you and her friends and family.
    Lovely blog today in her memory.

  33. My god. Sometimes the world just sucks. I’m so sorry, but also so glad that Anne was able to visit and that you had such a long friendship.

  34. I’m so sorry Linda. She seemed like a kind, sincere person. Play like I’m hugging you. Aunt Jean

  35. I'm so sorry to hear of Anne's passing; I noticed her often in your comments & I know she will be sadly missed. :-(

  36. So very sorry and sad.....

  37. So sad that Anne passed away suddenly. We all face our mortality but, damn, it shouldn't happen to some people!
