
Friday, March 16, 2018

Sh*t happens

I have no pictures to accompany the bizarre events of this week, 
but here's one of a two-headed burro to kick things off.

On Monday, I test-rode a mule. I was not actively looking for a new mount;
this one found me. He was extremely loveable, but the ride did not end well
and there was an unscheduled dismount.

On Wednesday, I went to town for an unscheduled xray,
which reminds me, I do have a picture to accompany the bizarre events of this week:

The xray report said, and I quote:
"Fractures of the left fourth, fifth and sixth ribs.
Otherwise unremarkable chest and left ribs."
 How dare they judge my chest to be unremarkable!

But also on Wednesday, an unexpected email arrived:
"Gosh, I so need to get away. You're not looking for 
a housesitter for a week this spring? Just a spontaneous thought..."

And within 24 hours, flights were booked and
arrangements made for a spontaneous visit to Danni's place near Portland.
At long last, I will meet all the critters at Critter Farm, plus, I will get to meet
a friend whom I've known for 8 or 9 years but have yet to meet in person.
I cannot wait. Having this to look forward to takes all the sting
out of a few cracked ribs. Ok, maybe not all of it, but close.


  1. I hope that Danni is not funny. My memory of cracked ribs (from a kick, not a dismount) is that laughing is the one thing that really hurt. Get an aisle seat on the airplane so you don't have to contort yourself to get on. Have fun!

    1. Well, she is just going to have to figure out how laugh gently :-) because I can guarantee there will be lots of laughing!

    2. And some of Danni's animals are absolute clowns. I've seen their antics and faces on Instagram. Shallow breathing with the laughter, absolutely necessary.

  2. So the bucking bronco is a no go?

    1. A no go, for sure. He's got some issues to work through and it would be dangerous for me to try to fix them.

  3. Broken ribs are the worst. Let everyone else schlep your luggage around for you and enjoy your trip!

  4. Oh dear. So sorry about your mishap. But tickled to hear you're heading north for a vacation with Danni! Looking forward to reading about your big adventure to the Pacific Northwest.

  5. Oh my goodness Linda. Do take care and I hope you heal up quickly. Fractured ribs are so very painful.

  6. Oh no, Carson! What provoked the unscheduled dismount? I hope your ribs heal quickly and, depending on when you visit Danni, you don't injure yourself laughing. Heal well.

  7. Oh, Carson, OUCH!, OWWW! Tell us more! Are you bound up so all the heavy lifting that ranch life requires can happen? Have you improvised pulleys and levers and such to help with chores? DAMN! OUCH! OWWW!

    1. Apparently taping broken ribs is no longer a thing. I'm spending my "take it easy" time devising all sorts of ways to get my chores done without twisting my torso or, god forbid, sneezing. I'll probably write more about it next week.

  8. my husband broke 5 ribs when the ladder turned over and he fell over it. he said the pain from those was worse than the pain from his heart surgery. hope yours is not as painful as his were. YAY for a vacation.

  9. Oh my, so glad you are okay!

  10. Ouch! I love mules but they can hurt. I'm glad it wasn't worse but I'm sure that's bad enough. I'm glad you have a trip to look forward to! What fun! Lovely, green Portland. :)

  11. So sorry about your ribs. I was afraid the xray was going to reveal a broken happy that it was ribs instead! Not to make lite of ribs, but just thankful it wasn't worse.

  12. Yay! For your visit to Danni’s! Boo for your ribs, love the x-ray. You are in great shape and I know you will heal quickly.

  13. Who, pray tell, will be tending to your critters while you check out Danni's critters?
    Dang ... gonna take a while for ribs to mend and not hurt when you cough or sneeze or maybe even fart, for that matter! Hope you mend quickly and enjoy your time away!!

    Hugs [gently] from Colorado ... Marcia

    1. My critter sitter is coming all the way from Montreal. I expect we'll all have French accents by the end of her stay.

  14. I am SO excited, it’s ridiculous. But oh-so incredibly relieved you didn’t break your damn neck.

  15. "there was an unscheduled dismount"...that cracked me up! But oh no, an x-ray! I would never make it as a radiologist. I was guessing a hairline fracture in your arm bone (must be a shadow of something), but I can't see anything on your ribs. I hope it's not too painful and you heal quickly. Enjoy your well-deserved trip!

  16. Absolutely LOVE that first picture!!!! Do you need someone to go to Danni's with you to help with luggage and such (she said while waving her hands widely in the air). Linda in Tn.

  17. You must be in so much pain. I hope you are on the mend soon. Have fun in Portland. I will be there too on April 9th for a week. Never been, but I hear it is very green and lush.

    1. Don’t forget wet. It will be very wet. Hence the geeen and lush. :-)

  18. Ouch. That one hurts, even to breath, as I recall. Have a good trip and take a lot of pictures.

  19. I'm also just recovering from my broken ribs, from a unscheduled dismount from my own horse. If you can fly out in the first week of broken ribs you are a stronger woman than me! Enjoy Portland, it will be beautiful.

    1. I'm not flying out for another 25 days - hope to be much better by then. Have you figured out how to get a good night's sleep? I think I'm going to try the recliner tonight.

    2. I would need drugs.

    3. I slept in my recliner for 2 weeks. It was just too painful to try to lay down or get out of bed even being propped up with pillows. Also took prescription dosages of ibuprofen. Bathroom procedures, getting up or down from my recliner took a few minutes to gather my courage, I knew it would hurt, had to do it...just wait a minute. I'm on my 5th week now, I can still feel the ribs are not right yet, but I can go thru a normal day without Ibuprofen. It will get better in two - two 1/2 weeks. Give yourself time. Also...dogs will eat off the floor if you sprinkle their food on the floor because you can't bend down to pick up or put their bowl down! And one of those long handle picker upper things works great for everything else on the ground. Just saying :) I'm in Washington, the spring flowers and cherry trees are starting to bloom. It will be lovely. Best wishes to you,

  20. Oh heck. So sorry about the wild ride but happy that you are going to visit Danni and all her critters. Let everyone treat you like you deserve.....the best. xoxo Oma Linda

  21. i am sooo sorry you have fractured your ribs. hope you are better soon.

  22. Oh NO! That is so painful and it will be great you don't have to do chores but might be hard to travel with broken ribs. Have a fun vacation!

  23. Oh, no! I know that pain from broken ribs is unrelenting. You've got to breathe and the deeper the better, BUT...
    I hope your trip is far enough in the future that you'll be well on your way to being healed before you go. Being in constant pain would take a lot of fun out of the trip. You have the best friends.

  24. It’s always a little insulting to read about unremarkable things in a medical report. They really need to think about using a different term. How would those doctors like it if we gave them a review on Yelp and called THEM unremarkable?!

    Praying for speedy healing and a fun trip!

  25. oh, nooooo.... just sending some hugs along with everybody else... and, wishing you a speedy recovery .... I've had a few myself and know what you are experiencing .... not much fun. Don't sneeze or cough......

  26. Ouch on the ribs. Yippee Danni - have a wonderful time up here in my neck of the woods. I'm sure you both will have a fabulous time full of critters and lots of laughs. It's a beautiful time to visit and you might actually get to enjoy some rain for a change.

  27. So sorry to hear about your ribs and to imagine the pain you are in. Travel tip: when you have an invisible injury that means you should not be lifting luggage, simply put your arm in a sling. It is remarkable how helpful every one around you will be!! /Gretchen

    1. Wow. I was wondering how I was going to finesse the whole shove the suitcase in the overhead compartment thing, because you have no idea how much I hate asking for help. This is a genius idea. Thanks!

    2. You are most welcome, wish you did not need that particular travel tip. Think through which arm you want to put in that sling. Hope you are getting some sleep! /Gretchen

    3. You can also ask the gate attendants to gate check it for you. Then, you don't have to lift it to the overhead bin AND you don't have to pay the checked bag fee. You don't have to be injured either.

  28. For some reason I thought Danni had been to visit you. How fun to meet in person. Have a wonderful time!
    For speedy your greens, King Arthur sardines (get the double layer small ones at Walmart), salmon and drink some Kefir. Bones need good building material to heal. Lisa G in TN

    1. Danni's been to visit me more times than I can count but I've never been able to visit her until now. Thanks for your ideas on bone building foods, but sardines? I don't think so.

  29. Oh...and use the Walmart app so you can stay in your truck and they can bring it out to you. But...dirt road driveway not so fun. Lisa G in TN

    1. So cute that you think I have a smartphone and a Walmart with curbside delivery.

    2. Bummer....I thought all of the WM supercenters had the pick up option. I was a late adopter to a smartphone, but it's an awesome tool for so many things.
      And I too dislike sardines...but you can mash the small ones up and prep it like tuna. They are just great for bone building and all sorts of vitamins. Plus you can share with Johnny!
      Speedy recovery to you!
      Lisa G in TN

  30. Oh Em Geeeeeee!!! So much fun!! But sorry about the ribs but as Danni said, I'm glad it wasn't your neck . Heal quickly and we expect pics!!

  31. I too have had broken ribs, and I remember laughing, sneezing and coughing hurt the most, as I'm sure you've already found out. It helped to hug a pillow when a sneeze or cough or laugh couldn't be stopped. I hope you feel better soon!

  32. Hi Carson. Hoping the recliner has given you some chance of catching some zzzzzzz's. I'm feeling a little faint just thinking of you trying to feed Alan and George and keep an eye on things. Perhaps this is a time to do some Netflix binge watching. I recommend Broadchurch. Very compelling watching. Sending gentle hugs from Canada.

  33. Wow, sorry to hear you're a little "damaged". Here's hoping it won't be long before you're as good as new. Those unscheduled dismounts are not fun. Here's to your healing being swift and that you'll be in good shape for you trip to the Pacific Northwest. Tell Smooch and The Boys to perfect their nursing skills and to be gentle. Take care!

  34. Oh, my! Hope your recovery is swift and stay off those mules!

  35. An American in Tokyo3/19/18, 1:32 AM

    Sorry to hear about your mule ride, but glad to hear you are going to visit Danni!!
    Enjoy your time there and hope it will help you heal faster! ;)
