
Friday, February 16, 2018

The sound of music

It's been so long since we've heard rain on the roof, I had to record it. 
One never knows when we might hear it again.


  1. Rain on a tin roof; a sound from my childhood in Southern New Mexico.

  2. Sigh.... I can almost hear the boys saying, "Sigh...., at least we get ear rubs."

  3. my husband just said what the hell is that when the video came on. i said rain on the donkeys barn roof.. and they look happy listening to it. they also looks sooooooooooo sweet

  4. LOL, it does sound wonderful. You are lucky that you don't get the winds I get in Montana. Snow, rain always comes in sideways! These boys get to watch from the comfort of their house.

  5. It's a lovely sound, isn't it? We has a nice gentle rain here most of Wednesday and into Thursday afternoon here. I had to run errands and it took me a few minutes to remember how to work my windshield wipers! LOL

  6. fantastic! we also hear the chirps of happy birds and the boys are home nicely tucked. is all this rain going to your well?

  7. I love this video. LOVE IT!

  8. we too finally had some rain. Thank goodness. Love the sound on the tin roof, happy donkeys. xoxo Oma Linda

  9. Wish I could send you some rain. Too much here in WV!

  10. Those tin roofs really amplify the sound alright. Boys are looking quite content inside.

  11. Kentucky has had a lot of rain lately. My cousin raises fancy chickens. She posted a conversation on twitter that went something like this: I understand you are a farmer. What kind of farm do you have? Mud farm. I have a mud farm. :) Glad you finally got some rain.

  12. Sounds wonderful! And I bet it smells even better.
    I noticed the water trough and tippy water holder are gone...just a little blue bucket? For winter?
    Jus wondered
    They look so cute waiting for it to stop, love those faces.

    1. The blue tub holds 20 gallons and it's heated, so that's enough for the two of them in winter. I moved the big trough and the tippy trough out for now (two less vessels for the birds to poop all over).

  13. Love the video! As an update, your rain moved quickly eastward and became 6 inches of heavy snow near Boston last night. Awoke to blue skies and sunshine this morning, and it looks like a Christmas card! But now the shoveling begins!!! Best wishes to you and the boys, JB

  14. Wow! Love how relaxed George and Alan look. Just snoozing out the storm. Happy rain day!
