
Thursday, February 15, 2018

The one where the title of the post got changed at the last minute

A footnote: This video was made and uploaded early Tuesday afternoon,
before the awful shooting in Florida. The title which appears on the video seems awful to use
at this point, or maybe I'm being overly sensitive; nonetheless, I can't figure out
how to get into my youtube account to change it.

Another footnote, to the leaders of this country:
I don't care how you fix this problem but
agree on something that will work and fix it. #justfixit


  1. Wow, makes a huge difference!!! You come up with the best ideas.

  2. Wow! That bed looks so much better, and great idea to do the cuts in two sessions. You're a genius!

  3. What in the world does a 19 year old with mental health issues, who got kicked out of school, who writes freely on social media about killing people need with an assault rifle??? And to think that he passed his background check and purchased it legally! If Sandy Hook didn't cause our government leaders to do something, I am guessing this won't either. Sad. Sad.

    Marty from NC

  4. Just get some matching stain and put it on the cut end of the bed posts and, once it all matches in color, being a little slanted won't even be noticed! Definitely looks better! It will be interesting to see what you come up with for the baseball bat ends of those posts! You will come up with some ingenious use for them! LOL
    Hugs from Colorado ... Marcia

  5. Now that is a good choice of tools!

  6. So impressed with your opening up that room! Now I want to go search Etsy for a pair of horse head bed knobs. :) I don’t think I would have thought of cutting the posts - I would have ended up looking for a new bed. Love that you took care of it in a few easy steps.

    1. Bed knobs? That's what they're called? Down the rabbithole I go...

    2. I was going to suggest using the knobs you took off, but like the idea of the horse head bed knobs.
      Funny video, too.

  7. Now I have to count my saws because I think I have as many as you do. I even have my grandmother's bone saw (for hams [and I have her meat cleaver hanging on the wall in my kitchen]). I like the mental picture of using a two woman lumberjack saw, oh well.
    Well done!

  8. You could put a fancy saddle concho on there. Not sure if it's the right style for that type of bed though...

    1. That's a perfect solution! It may not be the right style for the bed but it will work with the saddles in the closet. Just found a few on Thanks for the great idea!

  9. I don't have access to youtube ... any chance of some still shots ?
    All I have a the clues from the comments.
    M in nc

    1. Aha - remodeling ! :) Had access to a smart phone so I was able to watch the small screen version.
      Some 4-posters have corner posts that are in multiple sections. Apparently yours doesn't.
      You might be able to level your cuts with a carpenter's plane.

      M in NC

  10. Wow, what a difference! It is more calming when you look into the room...but I’ll miss decorating the posts with my clothes when I visit ;-)

  11. I cut off my posts and reinstalled the top finials on the cut end. Looked great. I did not cut mine as short as yours.

  12. All I can think is: I wonder how much she paid for that bed that she's cutting pieces off!

    1. I'm so happy that I don't remember! I bought it in 1988, so I'd like to think I've already gotten my money's worth.
