
Thursday, February 1, 2018

Ranch Journal ~ January 31, 2018

I checked off an item that has been on my to-do list for 12 years. 
No, it was not "do laundry." It was "install a clothesline."
Why it took so long, I have no idea. 
When I think about all the electricity I've wasted...let's just not go there.


  1. Clotheslines are the best and clothesPINS are even better! Clothespins work in so many different ways.

  2. Ohhhhhh, how I miss our clothesline from my young days. Mother nature smells so much better than those fabric softeners. Congratulations.

  3. I miss the smell of clean sheets hung outside to dry.
    Lynda in Michigan

  4. Nothing nicer than laundry on the line. They smell so nice. Can't put clothes out to dry here yet, they would be stiff as a board (sigh). I enjoy your blog and have been following for quite some time.

  5. Obviously, Smooch thinks it a new source of entertainment.... as it can be.......

  6. Looks like Smooch likes the clothesline too! Win/win!!!
    ~ Linda K.

  7. It is funny you never did that!

  8. You're making me feel unproductive.....

  9. Couldn't live without my clothesline.

  10. An American in Tokyo2/1/18, 8:06 PM

    Over here, hanging clothes to dry is the norm. Very few of my friends actually have dryers in their home, but most all have washers. I got used to it but there are a few times when I have to kick myself for not washing something because I wanted to wear it that day...oh well. I guess there are more important things in life! ha ha!

  11. so cute! I've missed your blog. :)
    hope 2018 is treating you great!

  12. At our summer place in Pagosa Springs I had a clothesline put up. I can hang out clothes and often by the time I was finished the clothes first hung were dry.

  13. I have an...gasp... ILLEGAL clothes line! Our city doesn't allow them, so I put it up behind our garage! I LOVE the smell of clothes off the clothes line! In this day and age, WHY aren't more cities allowing them?
