
Monday, February 26, 2018

Project progress

 Painting goes so much faster with Smooch and podcasts to keep me company.

 For the walls, I selected "Quiet Time," from Behr's 2018 Color Trends collection.
It's described as "gray with a touch of green;" the old color was more blue/green 
with a touch of gray. Whatever you call it, it's a chameleon and changes dramatically
depending on the time of day.

It looked awful and uneven as it was drying, and I was certain I would need two coats...

 ...but I didn't...

...which made Smooch very happy.
She's had enough of this disruption.

I had moved the big dresser out of the way to give me more room to work,
which is now causing me more work because the room looks better without it
and what's the point of having a clunky empty dresser that guests don't usually use anyway?
So the dresser is now in the garage, waiting to be filled, 
which means I have to reorganize out there.
And I've ordered a storage thing for the corner that comes with a 20-page booklet
of assembly instructions. Can't wait.


 Not quite after:

The room is far from done, but progress is being made. 
Note the no-poster bed. I was swayed by your comments on the bedpost bling 
and sawed off the other two. More conchos will be arriving this week. 

Next up are window treatments. I will try to make a roman shade for the door,
and I'm thinking about sliding fabric shutters of some sort for the big window.

Selecting fabric is far worse than selecting paint colors.
I've ordered swatches of these six options. 
The decorating committee will be convened once they arrive.


  1. looking good from here, love new color and the posterless bed

  2. What a wonderful difference!

  3. Beautiful! Love the white trim, the wall color, and the shorter bed posts. Rooms looks brighter and roomier. Smooch should enjoy her "quiet time" in there.

  4. Love the new color and spacious look of the room! Once you change the window treatments, you'll want to change the duvet cover too. It always seems like one change leads to another. :D

  5. I love the changes you have made, looks great!

  6. That is a great color for the walls. The bed does look better with the posts gone :).

  7. New wall color for that magical New Mexico light to play with. Looks great. Smooch is glad the stinky part is over.

  8. I love it! The color you went with is very similar to one we used in daughter’s bedroom right before Christmas. It’s a soothing color and looks good with sunlight and at night with lamps on. Can’t wait to see the shade!

  9. Love the color, but I think I would wait for the window curtains until you have the bedding decided. Have you thought of just frosting the door window? I know there is something like contact paper you can use on the window for privacy

  10. As long as Smooch can take her nap...

  11. #3 or 5 are my early voting for the fabric.

  12. Another item for your resume---decorator !!!! Love it all !!!! Linda in Tn.

  13. Looks excellent! Are you getting a new bedspread as well as window treatments?

  14. It's wonderful! The calm, peaceful vibe is just right. Rather than a colored shade that quickly gets old and is expensive to change I'd suggest a cellular shade in a white to match the trim, lets in lots of light but offers privacy too.

    Then, perhaps a duvet cover and fun throw rugs on the floor for color. The duvet can be changed with the seasons, white for summer, maybe a plaid flannel for the winter months.

  15. I saw the open wall space and thought: "She should swap the bed to the blank wall, and have more access to light from the window!" Then maybe a low chest under the window, that you can use for storage of bedding, and guests could use to park their suitcase upon!

  16. This is so exciting! It looks wonderful. My car, which is about the same color as the new paint, does the same thing; it changes color at various times of day and degrees of light.
    We're on the same wave length with excitement over new stuff to assemble. I've ordered a new sewing table that has lots of parts and I'm as excited about putting it together as I am about having a good new table that will put my machine at the right height for the first time in my life.

    Hmm. I'm already voting for and against some of the fabric swatches. We are SO opinionated! Thank goodness you will do what you want to do!

  17. An American in Tokyo2/26/18, 8:52 PM

    Omigosh, your guest room looks GREAT!!!
    I can't wait to see how you do the window treatments!!!

  18. Wowza! Looks awesome. So feng shui! Smooch seems happy, too and that is the most important thing :-)

  19. Wow, I love the lack of bedposts! And the grey with white is my favorite - I did a kitchen like this. Yours really does change color. For the windows, with no neighbors I'd leave them bare. However if it's a guest room and people are jet lagged, I'd put up Plissees that are dark enough to darken the room to let people nap, but I'd leave them totally open most of the time. Plissees are the best, they compress down to nothing when open, where curtains make small rooms look smaller. Wish I had them on all my windows. We have Roman blinds on all our living room windows and I hate them, but they were cheap. And while I'm being so bossy, if that were my room I'd get a vivid multi-colored bedspread. You do bright colors so well in your house.

  20. Love the wall color! Pick a print that brings the wall color and the floor color together. :)

  21. Looking good! I always notice your floors. What are they? Other than gorgeous?

    1. The floors are stained concrete (here is the definitive post about them -

    2. Oh wow - I didn't know you had done this too! I know I am far from being able to retire, but your posts of projects have inspired me to do some home improvements. I have hated my carpet for a really long time - I'm embarrassed to tell you how long. But suffice it to say I am unable to put down the $$ required for tile or new carpet. I thought about tearing up the carpet but then what? So a friend mentioned to me last week that she knew someone that had painted the concrete. I had never heard of this before! What a brilliant idea! So this weekend I pulled up the hideous, disgusting carpet. I will be doing the painting myself as well. It's a labor of love - as in - I LOVED getting rid of that carpet! I'm not really a project sort of person - but you have definitely been an inspiration and one day soon, I, too, will have my concrete painted. I hope it turns out as well as yours!

    3. Another reason to be super jealous of living in the south! Our old northern farmhouse already has trouble holding on to its floors... Literally, a couple of years ago we noticed our kitchen floor was letting go of the walls ... or the walls were letting go of the floor. Turned out that 50 years ago (when this house was moved from another location) the floor beams were only connected on one side of the foundation! We quickly had supports installed in the basement to hold us up. Phew! We have a 150+ year old house on a 50 year old foundation. That part is nice! Thanks for the link to your floor project. Wow! LOVE it!

  22. My 2 cents worth ... if you are going to keep your current bedspread, then I'd say pick #5 [middle swatch on row 2]. You need some bursts of color in there.
    If you do change out the bedspread, you have at least 5 color options if you want to coordinate with the curtains!
    It will be interesting to see what you choose in the end! Hugs from CO ... Marcia

  23. Looks great!

  24. Can't wait to see what you pick for the window treatment. I understand what you're going though. I love color but have a hard time getting it all together. And that's crazy since I quilt. LOL

  25. what is your flooring in that room? Is it concrete?

    1. It's stained concrete - here's a link to a post that has all the details:
