
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Just thinking

I'm not sure what George and Alan think about when they're in sweet repose –
probably something having to do with hay. Oh, to be a burro...with no access to the news.


  1. Beautiful picture, love and peace!

  2. The conversation. ...Mom seems stressed, Yep, I agree. What should we do? Well, as soon as she comes out we back up to her so she can scratch our butts....that makes her forget everything. OK, but I think it also needs a kiss on the nose.
    It's a plan. Now stop bugging me.

    Lisa G in TN

  3. i am with you on no access to the news. for some reason, this photo touched my heart strings. so beautiful. i love all your photos of these precious guys, but this one speaks to me

  4. Ooh I would love this framed! It is very calming and peaceful.

  5. I want to crawl through the computer monitor and just sit down with them!

  6. Oh, to be a burro... or any of our other beloved critters. My father used to say that critters are fortunate because they seem to have no imagination therefore they don't worry about what could or might happen. Living in the moment.

  7. oh they're cute cute cute!
