
Friday, February 9, 2018

Dishcloths and scrubbies

I took a break from crocheting pillows and went back to dishcloths for awhile,
trying to decide on something fun to make next that wasn't a pillow.
But then I discovered scrubby yarn and got distracted.

Scrubby yarn is not for sissies, unless said sissy has better than 20/20 vision.
Lordy, this stuff can be hard to work with. 
I happened upon a tip sheet before starting my first scrubby, which suggested
pairing it with cotton yarn so that you could see the stitches. Totally works.

My first attempts have passed the get-the-dried-egg-off-the-dish test,
so I'll bundle a couple of these with a couple of almost-color-coordinated dishcloths
as the prize for the guess-the-expiration-date-on-the-parsley-flakes contest
announced yesterday. A run-on sentence with 15 hyphens. That may be a record for me. 
Submit your guess in the comments of yesterday's post by 7 mountain time tonight
if you want to play along.

As for the post-pillow, next big crochet project, there is a blanket in the works:
I'm using the same stitch that I use for the dishcloths and scrubbies, except on a much larger scale.


  1. I have just discovered Scrubby, too! I am pairing it with cotton yarn and like that combination. Your blanket is very nice!

  2. The scrubbies look great. Blanket too.

  3. I haven’t tried the scrubby yarn, but have heard it was difficult to work with!

  4. Beautiful blanket...Scrubby idea is great...I'm lazy and use old credit cards as scrubbies..LOL
    The expire date for the parsley flakes might be June 2009...LOL...I found a box of tea bags last
    year in a purge that had expired in 1998..How's that for not rotating stock?
    Love your cabinet clean out post...
    Love from NC

  5. That's going to be a pretty blanket.
    Lynda in Michigan

  6. I think you should get a booth and start selling them at craft fairs. They look really good.

  7. the scrubbies are a great idea, i like the look of the scrubby yarn all by itself.

  8. That blanket looks like it'll be the kind with some good weight to it. I like heavy blankets; crawling under one feels like laying inside a hug.

  9. I don't crochet, but my sister does. I had bought a few crocheted scrubbies and gave one to her. We both loved them so she decided to make some. Afterwards, she said she'd never do it again. I'll have to tell her about mixing cotton yarn with the scrubby yarn. I've used dish brushes, sponges and commercially produced scrubbers. The crocheted scrubbies are by far my favorites for scraping dishes before washing them. I happen to love the blue, too. My countertops are like faded denim!

  10. I’m going with 10/27/2013....having just done a similar herb and spice purge I found some that were ooooold. Love the colors for you scrubbies. When I wanted to make some I could only find muted colors. Love a Vibrant scrubby.

  11. Really good to know about the cotton yarn addition. I just go a delivery of Scrubby yarn today. I am new to crochet and very grateful for the timely tip before I start! Thanks!

  12. Love the yellow crocheted scrubby.

  13. Never knew there was such a thing ... you learn something new every day!

  14. Love the look of those cloths!! I love to crochet too. I've been crocheting donkeys the last little while as gifts for our granddaughters. A very relaxing past time. Especially for us 'old retired folk'. Ha!

  15. An American in Tokyo2/12/18, 10:09 PM

    You are so handy! I could never knit...I never got anything to look the way it was supposed to! ha ha!

  16. An American in Tokyo2/12/18, 10:15 PM

    Not sure why but I was quite surprised to see your post on the parsley flakes!!
    I thought you were really good at keeping things clean and clutter-free?!
