
Friday, February 23, 2018

Bedpost bling

Last week when I was sawing off half the posters on my four-poster bed
and wondering how I would disguise the stumps,
Andrea suggested I could cover them with saddle conchos.
I thought that was a genius idea and had a great time shopping for 2" round conchos.
I wasn't quite sure how I would attach them, but I have duct tape so I wasn't worried.
As it happens, all I had to do was drill a hole in the post
and the fitting on the back of the concho twisted right in.

I love the look so much I'm tempted to saw off the other two posts.

Thank you, Andrea!
I would have never come up with this idea on my own.


  1. Absolutely love it! Great idea.

  2. That looks fantastic! What a great idea.

  3. What a great idea!! The finished result is very pretty. Well done!

  4. Brilliant!!! Post on pinterest and your blog will be flooded with stylistas. I once posted a photo of how I tuned a wooden chicken crate on end (not half as pretty as your bed) to make a table and think I started a trend :)

  5. Please saw off the other posts! Imagine how much bigger the room will be with zero posts!

  6. Love it! I love conchos. They're relatively cheap and there are so many styles to choose from. You can get screws to put in the back that have small threads for the concho part and bigger threads that go into wood for the part that sticks out (if that description makes sense). Meant to screw into the saddle tree but we can get crafty with it. :) If there's still a Tandy leather in Albuquerque they would have them. Or you can easily order them online and avoid the temptation of going into the store and wanting to buy ALL THE THINGS.

  7. Genius! Plus is it just not super amazing to have all these people in your life that you haven't met in person, but have an impact anyway! Some aspects of technology today are good!
    Lisa G in TN

  8. Inspired and brilliant, and absolutely perfect. BEAUTIFUL! m

  9. Two heads are better than one ... and four posts even more beautiful! Come and retire here - my house could use some sprucing up too! Glad you are enjoying the time to do as you please - when you please. Happy retirement Carson!

  10. Awesome! I a, loving watching all your projects :-)

  11. Go for all four!!!

  12. Perfect! And so lovely! Excellent suggestion.

  13. Perfect for the ranch and unique. Aunt Jean

  14. What a fabulous suggestion and excellent execution. Love this look. Two thumbs up on the decorating. xoxo Oma Linda

  15. Love the conchos and I’m voting yes for all the posts to have them. Also love all your project enthusiasm. It’s inspiring me to do some fun ones around my house.

  16. That is beautiful. Dona

  17. Oh wow! Love! It adds a little bling to the room!

  18. Michelle from Vancouver2/23/18, 9:09 AM


  19. Great look! I’d cut off the other two bedposts and do same thing.

  20. Oh my stars! Super cool and super pretty.

  21. Enablers! Every single one of you! The two remaining stumps will be a half inch larger when I saw them off but I just found and ordered matching conchos in the next size up.

  22. You know you wanted an excuse to get that sawzall out again! ;D

  23. LOL. OMG. that is so awesome! genius and beautiful.

    Anna G

  24. If you cut off the other two you'll have twice as many options for the posts, thereby keeping us in twice as much suspense.

  25. Now I see what you were going for !!
    The Conchos look great.
    Is there any artwork over the bed?
    You could do an open shadow box with a variety of conchos you could 'swap out' when you feel the need for some change !!

    M in NC

    Make sure you have Pictures ... no access to youtube still

  26. An American in Tokyo2/25/18, 7:42 PM

    WOW!! Very pretty!!

  27. Beautiful! I'd be tempted as well!
