
Monday, January 29, 2018

Senior accommodations

We celebrated Smooch's 12th birthday yesterday with a new sweater, 
an accommodation to her esteemed status as a "senior dog."

Today's music is "Dog Years" by Maggie Rogers.

We should all be so lucky to have a dog who achieves senior status.
I'm learning everything I know about accommodations for senior dogs from a man
who has stolen my heart because senior dogs have stolen his.
His name is Steve, and his Instagram account is wolfgang2242.

He lives with nine senior dogs, three chickens, two ducks, a rabbit and Bikini.
This is Bikini:

Here's a link to a news story about Steve and all he is doing to promote senior dog adoption.
He says, "I always tell people, you know how as you become older you become the best version
of yourself? It's the same thing with dogs. They just settle in to who they are,
and they're wonderful, wonderful dogs."

 Isn't that right, Smooch?


  1. Happy Birthday to Smooch, and lovin her new sweater!
    Wally was 10 last November and has gone from a puppy with SO much energy, to a mellow old guy who just goes with the flow and wants lots of belly rubs.

  2. we adopted Cooper when he was 7. he was the best behaved dog we have ever had. Saving Senior dogs is the way to go.

  3. forgot to say Smooch doesn't show her age at all. love the new sweater..

  4. Awwwwwww! Happy Birthday, Smooch!

  5. Started following. So so sweet. Aunt Jean

  6. Happy Birthday Smooch! I'm lovin the new sweater. Cant help but think of Wynonna when I saw Bikini. :)

  7. Happy Birthday Smooch! Senior dogs are the best hands down. Even thou my Chewy's last year was challenging and needy, I loved every minute of it. (9-17-2001--11-25-17) I'd do it again in a heartbeat. It's great to see animals so well taken care of. I gotta go get coffee before i start crying again, LOL.

  8. Happy birthday to Smooch ... if anything is slowing down on her, it sure isn't her tail! LOL
    I counted 10 dogs in that picture ... 10 dogs, 1 pig!

    Hugs from CO ... Marcia

  9. Happy Belated Birthday, Smooch! She is in the top 5 dogs I have ever met. So smart and grounded and funny. Plus, she helps complete strangers feel welcome and abides their mistakes in routine without blinking an eye.

  10. Happy Birthday, Smooch. Smooch looks like her walk is powered by her happy, wagging tail.

  11. Happy Birthday, Smooch. Sweater looks great. As a senor girl myself, I know the little things make daily life marvelous. And Jag the senior cat (17 and counting) agrees.

  12. Happy Birthday Smooch! And thank you for the intro to wolfgang!

  13. Happy Birthday Smooch!!
    We adopted a senior kitty last year - 15 years young and are looking forward to celebrating her 16th birthday in Feb. Adopting Seniors are the best!

  14. Happy Birthday Smooth you look so good and man Steve looks like a great role model.

  15. Love Maggie Rogers ever since I heard, "Alaska." Smooch looks pretty smart and in that new sweater. She needs a wardrobe. How about something with a fair isle design?

  16. Sorry but my post clicked off before I was finished! check out this facebook site of a senior dog sanctuary in TN. - Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary . I love the pictures they post and I love that they exist!

  17. Aww, Smooch! You look maaarvelous :-)
    I love Steve and his animals, he has such a big heart!
    Smooch still looks and acts like a puppy...except for a little grey/white on her face...we’ll just call it blonde! Big hug and kiss Smoochie

  18. Happy Birthday Smooch!! xoxo
    from Lynda in Michigan

  19. Found in the spam folder, from BumbleVee:
    Adding my birthday wishes to Smooch..... what a dog! She is pretty special...can't believe she's 12 !

  20. Happy Birthday Smooch! You look wonderful and so spry for 12 years. I would have never known it.
    Senior pets rock!
    Linda D.
    Tucson, AZ

  21. Happy Birthday Smooch! I have been following Steve for a long time. What an inspiration to us all. I didn't realize you were on instagram! I just started following you. You need to post some of your beautiful pictures.

    1. I only have an Instagram account so I can follow other people. I can't post there because I don't have a smartphone.

  22. We have had a new puppy in our house for 5 weeks now. Every day at least one of us comments how we could probably have lived easier with 3 or 4 senior dogs than with this little furniture chewing piss pot. She's adorable, but it takes all 3 of us to keep her out of trouble.

  23. Yay Smooch! She knows what a happy life she has. She's young at heart & has much of life ahead of her, just like my 14-yr-old Siberian -- I'm currently sleeping on the couch because she can't do stairs anymore & has never been alone at night but is still cheery & loves to bully me. Have had many old dogs -- I'm an old dog myself!

  24. Happy Birthday Smooch! And best wishes for many happy years of zoomies and digging to China expeditions. You're a good dog, Smooch!

  25. An American in Tokyo1/29/18, 5:45 PM

    I hope she enjoys her sweater and many, many more birthdays to come!!!
    Please give her a big hug and kiss from me...mwah!

  26. I'm in denial and I refuse to consider Smooch as a senior dog (plugging my ears) LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU! Love you Smooch!

  27. Best wishes old lady Smooch (looking as fresh as a teenager!) I hope you will get boots for your 13th birthday. I'm amazed because she has learned to remain at your side instad of running wild digging and chasing rabbits. not so long ago, I remember you would not venture letting her off leash! seems the years are making us wiser, doesn'it?

  28. Found in the spam folder, from Brigitte:
    I'm in denial and I refuse to consider Smooch as a senior dog (plugging my ears) LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU! Love you Smooch!

  29. Happy Birthday, dear Smooch!

  30. Happy Birthday, Smooch. So many trails to explore. Lucky dog to live with Linda.

  31. Happy Belated Birthday to Ms. Smooch! You look absolutely lovely dahhhhling! ♥♥
