
Friday, January 5, 2018

Ranch Journal ~ January 4, 2018

Smooch is having her doubts about this new lifestyle. Her job was much easier
when I sat at my desk all day and she knew where I was.
Now she's having trouble keeping track.

She and I have agreed to share the lamb pelt.
One half drapes nicely over the back of my desk chair,
and the other half is a perfect fit on Smooch's chair/bed/nest/all-purpose getaway.

I can already hear you asking, "but what about Johnny?"
When he stops allowing mice to share his bed, we'll talk.


  1. My buddy Smooch will have the situation well in paw in no time at all. She probably figures that if she has a lamb pelt in her office chair like you've had all these years she must have been promoted. She's the girl for the job!

  2. Smooch really seems to wonder: ''What's got into her?'' As for Johnny, he's not prejudiced, that's a great quality. Let Smooch learn from him.

  3. Smooch has it all straight. Inside the house is her domain. Therefore, her piece of the pelt remains hers. Johnny, as outside enforcer, can catch his own critter. I've spent the last twenty minutes catching up on posts I have not seen. What a luxury! Sorry about the chickens. Love getting more Smooch updates. Your project book is inspiring, but not catching. I am immune to organizational skills. Decades of proof. The only true exception is when I bake. Precision itself. Always makes me smile.

  4. I like the b/w pics. Can't wait until I can go to 3 days a week and sorta pretend I'm you lol. Glad you're enjoying it

  5. Poor Johnny, only mice to keep him warm.

  6. karenk in Portland1/5/18, 11:15 AM

    I really hope you enjoy your retirement as much as I have over the past three years. I really CLEANED everything when I was newly free, just like you are doing. It's uplifting to finally have time to do all of those projects -- no matter how mundane -- you always wanted to tackle but didn't have the time! (Unfortunately, the newness of cleaning will wear off in time...) Congratulations!

  7. I like that up close picture of Smooch.

  8. I didn't realize Smooch was a 'follower'. My kids always used to say that they knew exactly where to find me if they saw our dog, Mandy. Poor thing would accompany me on every move I made in the house. I would try and try to convince her that I was coming right back and that she'd be better off staying put. She never listened.

  9. Ha ha ha poor Johnny is literally left out in the cold! I haven't been online very much lately and it's been a real luxury to catch up on several of your posts at once! You could never be boring, Carson!

    I have two new lambskins that I bought from IKEA last month to serve as my Christmas tree skirt. I now have them on the sofa for winter cuddling, so I've saved your instructions and also the instructions posted by your helpful sweater-washing follower so that I'll be ready when the time comes. I love your project book! I have a similar notebook waiting to be set up so I can start making selections of items for our house (it's still being renovated after the house fire, but we're getting closer to getting back in.) I remain your most loyal longtime anonymous follower and wish you the best in retirement. ~~ from Mindy, your fellow native Ohioan.

  10. Love the black and white photos, too. Hope you are staying warm!

  11. Hahahaha! So ... being a 'retired person' myself I've been away from my usual routines ... and tonight flop onto my couch to check in with you all down there. And voila! (That is french for 'Here it is!') Your retirement has begun. Your first three posts have really made me smile. LOVE the binder of plans and lists - and YES ... DO NOTE ... retirement is doing what you want, when you want. You get to change your mind day by day. And wowser! THERE is where our Robins go! I have NEVER seen so many Robins at one time. When they are here we are lucky to see two or three. They really spread out by the time they get this far north. Thank you for letting them drink at your place. They are such a special sound of spring for us way up here. And judging by the incredible polar vortex of FREEZING weather we've had so far ... we will NEED to see them come May. Welcome to retirement. Enjoy! Enjoy! Many hugs from up in frigid white Canada.

  12. unfair for Johnny, how do you dare! he can have one mouse as a pal, can't he?
