Monday, September 18, 2017

Remembering Lucy

Lucy's walk-off song is "A Thousand Years" by The Piano Guys.


  1. I think I know how you feel...

  2. Lived and loved to the max.
    Thank you

  3. Northern AB gal9/18/17, 5:32 AM

    So many wonderful memories, thank-you.

  4. What a beautiful girl she was and what a lovely life she had. She will be loved and missed for years to come. Sending healing thoughts to you and the critters.

  5. Tears. Just tears.....
    Long time reader from Minnesota, so sorry.

  6. Such a precious, beautiful, gentle lovey...the ripples of her loss reach far and's hard to breathe without Lucy...can't even begin to comprehend your loss. I feel blessed from afar, having loved her...sending love ripples back. Hugs. Monie

  7. Linda, your loss is shared by all of your blog followers who loved dear Lucy too. Lucy was one of the luckiest animals in the world, sharing her full life with you, Hank, George, Alan, and Smooch in the beautiful New Mexico desert. She will be missed.

  8. Oh, Carson... I am so very sorry for the loss of Lucy. She was a beautiful girl with so much personality. We were honored to spend an afternoon with her. May your memories and lovely pictures of Lucy bring you comfort and smiles in the days to come.

  9. Lucy, one of a kind. Beautiful tribute to a good friend.

  10. Thank you for the lovely memorial to Lucy. Can't imagine how hard that was to do. Just beautiful, she will be with you always. Prayers for you all.Lisa G in TN

  11. Smiles and tears. Thank you for these. We'll always love Lucy too.

  12. Sweet Lucy. Such a beautiful soul. You are missed by all of us.

  13. Thank you for sharing Lucy with us.


  14. Lovely tribute. Will miss Miss Lucy. Sue from NY

  15. What a life!!! What a sweet face. Thank you.

  16. Oh, no, not Lucy! I am so sorry for your loss....and ours. I'm sending you loving prayers for healing.

  17. My heart breaks for you. Thank you for sharing Lucy with all of us. Godspeed, Lucy. What a good girl!

  18. Crying tears of sadness for your loss and tears of joy for all the precious, beautiful memories you have with this beautiful girl. Big hugs to you, George, and Alan.

  19. What an amazing tribute to such an amazing soul. Big hugs

  20. Beautiful tribute to a beautiful animal. Fly free Lucy...

  21. What a super duper gal she was. What a wonderful tribute to your special girl. xoxo Oma Linda

  22. Lucy was such a beautiful and lucky gal to have found you for her human. There are no words for the loss you must be feeling. Thank you for sharing her with all of us for all these years. She was loved and will be missed by all of us as well.

  23. Breaks my heart, especially the ones of Lucy and Hank. They were so loved--by you and all of us. Linda in Tn.

  24. Beautiful, thanks for sharing.

  25. That is a beautiful tribute. She never took a bad picture. Rest in Peace Sweet Lucy, you were loved by so many.

  26. My heart goes out to you. Lucy was such a special lady, she will be sorely missed. Bless your heart, I wish I could say something that would make tings better. Just know that a whole lot of people are sending prayers to you.

  27. What a gorgeous tribute to a very special friend. If I cried while watching it, I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you to sort through all of your gorgeous photographs and pull it together. You did a marvelous job, Carson, and we all thank you for it. Lots of love and hugs to you and scratches to all the four-foots as you move forward. JudyB

  28. Oh Linda. My heart is breaking for you. You have given a home to so many beautiful souls. I can only begin to understand the depth of your loss. XOXO Carolynn Anctil

  29. Carson... I am so deeply saddened by Lucy's passing. I can only imagine your grief. These animals become such a deeply ingrained part of our souls, don't they? There is a tremendous hole left with their passing. I know that no words, no poems, nothing can lighten the burden right now. But, please know that your grief is shared by so many who have come to love your herd from afar. You have many friends who please remember that you are not alone in your grief.

    With a tear in my eye...

  30. Words fail me. I guess the cost of getting to share in the joy she gave is having to share in the pain of her going. You took a piece of my heart with you, Miss Lucy.

  31. My heart is breaking for you, George, Alan and Smooch. I will miss seeing her sweet face on your wonderful blog. You bring me smiles everyday! This tribute was wonderful!

  32. What a beautiful tribute. You have my deepest condolences. She was one-of-a-kind.

  33. Beautiful, like her life. She carried you all over the place on your rides and loved every minute of it. I remember watching and waiting for her arrival. She and Hank had a special bond and she made sure that Alan and George never forgot her place in the pecking order. She could play the fool with the best of them. Thank you for sharing her and giving her a most fitting send off.

  34. An American in Tokyo9/18/17, 8:29 AM

    I am so sorry for your loss of wonderful Lucy!! Sending you love and hugs!!

  35. So many beautiful souls at your ranch... (((♥︎♥︎♥︎)))

  36. I wonder how many times I will watch this. The goal will be to smile more each time. Today I choose to hope that Lucy is with my girl because there are no better loving arms on that side.

  37. The world is a little less bright without her.

  38. Not good enough with words to express how sorry I am for your loss... :(

  39. wonderful pictures. so sorry for your loss.

  40. So sorry for your loss and what a great tribute to such a special girl. May she RIP and I loved all her adventures and life that you shared through your blog. Betsy

  41. So very sorry to hear about Lucy. You have a wonderful tribute to her and many beautiful memories. It is so hard to lose a furry friend. She will be missed. xo Sandra

  42. Smiling thru my tears...mostly tears. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful soul. I hope I can smile a little more next time I watch this. She's with her old buddy Hank now. Hugs to all of you at the 7MSN.

  43. Thank you for sharing Lucy with us.
    My very deepest sympathies

  44. There are just no words. :( Thank you for sharing her with us--I have been following your blog for as long as I can remember and it almost feels as though I have lost her myself. I hope the necropsy will give you answers as to what it was that ultimately took her away from you. <3

  45. Lucy, such a special lady. She was well loved by her family and friends and will never be forgotten. She touched many hearts and will live in memories forever. Beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl.

  46. I am so, so sorry for your loss. The way you share your animals with us, we feel like they are a part of us. Hugs and much love to you and all of your critters.

  47. I am in tears. For you and remembering my own loss. such a beautiful tribute

  48. Linda I was saddened to read about Lucy's passing. I enjoyed following your search for her and her story of arriving at 7msn ranch and your enjoyment interacting with and riding her. Take care.

  49. I never met Lucy in person but tears are rolling, good bye sweet girl

  50. Surrounding you with love and light and Lucy fairydust.

  51. She was undoubtedly greeted by Hank, Lyle, and Deets at the bridge. She could not have had a better friend than you.

    My heart breaks for you.

    Emily in NC

  52. Those ears, that beautiful face. What a heart-rending loss. Thank you for sharing Lucy with us. Take care of yourself.

  53. Tears. Thank you for sharing this beautiful soul with us for all this time.

  54. I'm so sorry, and so shocked. What a sweet soul. It just doesn't seem right. But I know you loved and appreciated her from the first minute you saw her.

  55. Michelle from Vancouver9/18/17, 12:17 PM

    Beautiful ❤️

  56. I'm so sorry to hear about Lucy. This was a beautiful tribute to a wonderful companion.

  57. This breaks my heart. Lucy will be missed.

  58. She had the best face, those eyes, ears and soft gentle lips when she would take watermelon or cookies from you. I tried not to cry thru this but have watched it several times. So many memories for you Carse and you two did so many things together. I still can't believe it. A beautiful tribute for her...she was such a gentle soul.

  59. Oh, I'm so very sorry...sharing your tears and sending you love. RIP beautiful girl.

  60. oh no! it can't be true. I'm so sad. Lucy, beautiful soul she was, what happened to you? my heart breaks for you. but I will cherish your memory. big hug Linda

  61. My heart is with you, dear friend. Sending hugs and love.

  62. Such a beautiful and perfect tribute to sweet Lucy. I can't imagine how hard this was for you to make. But these pictures (and the memories) are powerful and, even in grief, still bring a smile to my face. I am so thankful you shared her with us, from beginning to end.

  63. Beautiful tribute. Wonderful life. <3

  64. Beautiful remembrance of Lucy - seen, like so many others,through my tears.

    Thank you for bringing Lucy to 7MSN and for sharing her adventures with us.

    She was a beautiful soul.

  65. A more beautiful tribute could not have been created. Thank you for sharing with us.

    With love,

    Marty in North Carolina

  66. The best donk ever! Thanks for sharing her lifever the years!

  67. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! :-( I am so sorry....

  68. Like so many others, shedding tears for a donkey I never met. So sorry for your loss. She was beautiful.

  69. All I could say when I read the title was Oh, no!
    Loved the beautiful photos of you and your gang of wonderful animal friends... my throat aches just listening to the lovely music and seeing all the great memories ...
    Vee in Canada

  70. I am sorry for this loss. What a beautiful tribute for her and yourself.

  71. She lived well. I will miss seeing her in your posts. She will be remembered.
    Good Bless.
    Love from NC

  72. Thank you. Hugs from my little rescue donkey girl to you all.

  73. Loved the memories and her tribute was beautiful. You will be missed, Miss Lucy. Hugs from Wisconsin.

  74. Shedding tears as I watched this. I can only imagine the hole in your heart. Hugs from Nevada.

  75. I am so sorry for your loss.

  76. She was well loved and in return gave you love too. She will be missed.

  77. Oh ... Carson. I am so saddened to hear about Lucy. She was such a beautiful creature. I can only imagine how your heart must be reeling. I'm wishing you gentle mornings and many hugs from the boys. Love from Canada

  78. I want to tell you how deeply sorry I am for your loss. You have people all over the world who adore you. May you find some sort of comfort knowing that. You are loved. Hugs to you.

  79. Long time lurker here. I am so sad for you. Too many people have lost beloved animals recently, but your beautiful tribute to Lucy will help her memory live on for years to come. Thank you for the gift of sharing her joy with us, so that we may also share your pain.

  80. I had to wait a while before I could watch this. I'm heartbroken, but also so profoundly grateful that Lucy and you, Linda, had each other in your beautiful lives.

  81. I'm so sorry for your loss, Carson. I have fond memories of following Lucy around the property at night and seeing her in the corral as we enjoyed wine. Sad...

  82. Remembering the day you got her, a lovely tribute to a good friend.

  83. Tears, a beautiful tribute for someone that many heats loved.
    Wendy in Thailand

  84. I have been following this blog for years. sweet angel RIP Lucy. Carson thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us. Alicia A. from Austin, TX.

  85. I'm sorry for your loss. I read all your blog posts and always enjoy them. It broke my heart to hear about Lucy.

  86. Heartbreaking doesn't begin to touch it. I wish so profoundly that I had a magic wand to make it all not have happened. Thoughts & heartfelt symnpathy to you, George (I hope he's better!), Alan, Feral Beauty. We are lucky that you shared her with us all the way & I'm sure she's waiting at the Bridge with Hank, Lyle & Wynonna.

  87. Awash in tears. What a lovely lady she was. I'm so very sorry for this great loss. R.I.P. Sweet Lucy. ♥♥

  88. I finally got up my nerve to watch. It was beautiful. I loved Lucy from the start, but my all time favorite Lucy post was the video of you riding and you'd pan around the ranch and then back at yourself and you both were having so much fun. So much joy. {{{hug}}}

  89. This made me smile and cry. Not a day goes by that I don't think of the 7MSN. Hope all else is well.

  90. Oh my - how beautiful. I'm so sorry for your loss, what a sweetie she was and she will be forever in your heart. Take care, God bless, Suzanne in Ohio

  91. I'm glad there were no lyrics in the video. I just read them and I'm so choked up my throat hurts. I'll miss Lucy, just as I miss all the animals that were my companions.

  92. My deep condolences to you. Please know that as much as we vicariously shared your joy in Lucy, we are sharing your sorrow. It will be a long time before I can watch your tribute to her. Please take care of yourself.
    Lana in Phoenix

  93. I couldn't get through that to the end. I only just found out and am too sad. Lucy, one day I hope to have a donkey because of you. I was purely a horse-girl until I 'met' you! Be free now in the land where the grazing muzzles never, ever have to happen! xxx

  94. I don't know what I can say that others already have. Praying for you, crying with you.

  95. Thinking of you again today. Hoping that the raw edges of your grief are beginning to smooth. And really hoping that whatever you are thinking and feeling you are not second-guessing any of the decisions that you made along the way. Because you were the best and did the best you could for sweet Lucy.

  96. Linda, can you give us an update on George? I sure hope he's feeling a lot better.... and you too. hugs!

    1. Someday when I feel like talking again, I'll do a proper post. Meanwhile, know that George is doing great, though he will continue to be confined for probably another month.

    2. Thank you Linda. Take your time. We'll all be here when you get back.

    3. Thanks Carson- I wondered about George too. I think about you all every day and send warm wishes.

  97. Thank you for the update on George. Been worrying about him. Take care, we will be here when you're ready to come back. (hugs)

  98. So good to see your update. Relieved that George is doing well...was worried. Know that we all are with you. Sending hugs from TN. Lisa G

  99. So good to hear George is doing well. When your ready, we will be here. Actually, we are here for you now. Hugs and best wishes from Tucson.

    Linda D.

  100. I, too, appreciate the update on George and will tell Dave. Right now you need to take care of yourself, George, Alan, and Smooch. We're here loving and supporting you. We'll love hearing from you when you're ready. (((HUGS)))

  101. Thank you for the update - I have been thinking of you.

  102. I haven't been online much for the past four weeks as we get back on our feet after an Aug 26th house fire (nobody's hurt, the firemen saved our dog Stinky first which is as it should be, the house is still standing and the smoke damage is being repaired) but now here I am and I am so shocked to hear of Lucy's passing. Linda, I am so very sorry. Lucy was truly a gentle soul. I've been reading your blog for years, and I've always loved your photos and your beautiful menagerie and the life you all have out there in the desert. You gave Lucy the saddle-trained donkey a beautiful life. Hugs to you from a fellow Ohioan. ---Mindy
