Friday, January 13, 2017

The 7MSN after dark

When I posted pictures of my bathtub geraniums earlier this week,
there were comments about my bathroom, of all things.
"Have we ever seen your bathroom?" "Hope you have a second bathroom for yourself."

Before any of you start thinking the 7MSN does not have indoor plumbing,
I thought a quick tour might be in order. It was dark when this idea 
came to me, so I flipped on all of the lights and walked around with the GoPro.

Let's see if I can anticipate your questions...
1. The new kitchen appliances have yet to be delivered. Now I'm being told Tuesday.
2. The lightbulbs in the new dining room fixture are being returned 
for some that won't cast a sickly green glow.
3. I never make my bed.
4. I've been reading Bruce Springsteen's memoir and now can't stop listening to his music.
5. My garage is an effing nightmare of filth and clutter,
and all I can do is laugh about it.


  1. You have a lovely home. Thank you for sharing!


  2. Love your place ... so comfy and nice. Lucky you!

  3. LOVE the layout. Research shows that an unmade bed has less issues as the sheets can dry out (for those that sweat at night), reducing the skin mite infestations that we all have.

    I also love the butt carve outs on the dining room benches.

    Your garage is NOT messy if you can still fit the truck in it.

    Emily in NC

  4. your home is beautiful and I really like it a lot. would love to live in it but not in the desert.. here in Florida would be fine.

  5. Love your house!!!!

  6. It looks wonderful. New appliances? How exciting.

  7. What an invitingm cozy home. Thanks for sharing it with your readers :).

  8. Dry run tour before the day comes that you really do decide to sell. Cozy castle w/o turrets of course. Who needs turrets when you see mountains out the window. Smooch thinks it was all about her. Sweet girl.

  9. Wonderful! And so reassuring that you don't make your bed! I love an unmade bed!

  10. Awww, Smooch! Love her kisses...
    I love the new arrangement in the living room, very cozy and warm. That black wall just seems to embrace the room and makes everything pop.

  11. Your house/ decor is so cool! Thank you for posting this - it's great to see how everything fits together. I'll have to reconstruct my mental map now. I didn't realize you had that office area. I had your kitchen located there in my mental map and I had the dining room pictured where the hall bathroom actually is. Is the Springsteen book good?

    1. Finished the book last night - it was truly amazing. The guy writes books as beautifully and thoughtfully as he writes songs.

  12. Ditto, Rain Trueax. This was a very interesting tour, and we all appreciate it. Some spots I have never seen before. You've done a fantastic job of planning and executing the design. When you are ready to sell, I hope some dull, unappreciative clod isn't the buyer.

  13. Your house is warm and full of beautiful personality - love it.
    The butt carve outs are a hoot - are they comfortable?

  14. I love your place. It's perfect, but so carefully, deliberately, thoughtfully created. It seems to tell more about you than even your word-reflections can do. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Fantastic! Smooch likes the Bruce too! I am also reading his book - his writing reminds me of his long monos during his concerts - amazing! But that bed is awfully small for you and Smooch! ;)

  16. I love the openness of your home. I don't make the bed any more. I read about the benefits of leaving it uncovered to allow for evaporation and became an instant convert. Can you tell that I never liked making the bed? I had been raised to always make my bed so would have felt guilty not doing it, until I found a good excuse. I fold the covers down instead of pulling them up. I donated my comforter and pillow shams to Goodwill. Then we went to a play put on by a local theater guild and I saw my old bedding redone as drapes and throw pillows on the set of Steel Magnolias!

    1. Agreed. That is hilarious!

    2. We have to at least pull the quilt up, or we'd be sleeping in a bed of dog hair!

  17. You have such a warm and cozy home. Currently living in L.A. but daydream often about moving to ABQ or Santa Fe. Somehow i always feel better when i'm there.

  18. That was so much fun! Thanks for taking us on tour. Love the cow on your fridge. AND love that your room opens right onto the sunroom. It was interesting to try to put it all together in my head from the shots I've seen from outside for years. I like how open everything is. How your study space opens into your living room - and the fire - and the music and ... SMOOCH! Have a great weekend Carson.

  19. My husband says to tell you that "Tom Joad" is one of the best albums EVER, he thanks you for playing it (and we are now listening to it).

  20. An American in Tokyo1/15/17, 7:58 PM

    I love your house tour! Now I feel right at home, especially since I never make my bed either! (I like to air it out when I'm not sleeping in it!) And don't feel bad about your garage, everyone needs someplace to throw stuff to organize later. hee hee!

  21. That was so much fun! If I were to do that here, all you would see are piles of books and clothes!

  22. That was great! I love the half wall in the living room area. We used to have a long living room and it really could have used a way to break up the space without blocking the line of sight. I'll know what to do next time! Ps. We make our bed in the morning but only enough to make it a bit flat so I can throw a bedspread over it, since the dogs like to snooze on it by day. We remake it and shake out every sheet and blanket before getting into bed at night, because white-tail spiders or even small scorpions might have crept in there!

  23. I really miss relaxing in your home :-)

  24. Thanks for the tour. What a beautiful home you have!
