
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Remembering Hank

I said goodbye to Hank on Friday. Yes, it was as heart-breaking as you're imagining. 

The quality of his life had gone downhill fast since mid-December. 
The snow and ice and mud took their toll on his fragile knee, 
and his bad days far outnumbered his good ones. 
I didn't think he'd make it through another storm.

I made the decision to let him go last weekend and scheduled the vet appointment for Friday, 
when I anticipated being able to get out with the horse trailer. 
That gave me a week to wrap my head and heart around the decision
and to spoil him with as much love – and as many treats – as he could handle. 

Early Friday morning, Lucy, George and Alan escorted us to the corral gate
and watched our every move as I loaded Hank in the trailer.
In their own way, I know they knew he wouldn't be coming back.

Our long-time vet performed the euthanasia, and it was painless and very peaceful for Hank.
I let him go knowing that he lived the last 10 years of his life
in the wide open spaces of the ranch, just being a horse.


  1. What a wonderful video you made to remember Hank....He was
    Handsome Hank indeed....He lived his life happily on the ranch with
    the crew....Seeing him on the blog posts will be missed by all.
    Losing loved animals is hard....I will keep you in my prayers.
    Love from NC

  2. Oh Linda ... I'm so sorry. He had a wonderful home with you. I'm so glad that was his swan song to life. A beautiful tribute dear girl.

    1. what is the name of this beautiful song? it was so perfect! Alicia Acord

    2. It's called "Without You," by The Piano Guys.

  3. I am so sorry. It is never easy.
    He was an awesome horse and he had a great life with on the ranch with his herd.

  4. There are no words but I will try...even though I knew it was coming, you are never prepared for the feelings and emotion that come over you. What a beautiful tribute to Hank, Carson and all that he was and will be in our hearts forever. I will always look for him out in the pasture as I have done for so many years and will continue to do when I visit. Because I know that he is out there with his herd...and just maybe I'll catch a glimpse of him. Much love and hugs

    1. You said my heart, Ethel. I am truly so heartbroken. Hank was so handsome and amazing. I know, Linda, that that drive had to be the hardest ever. Bless your heart. There will never be another Hank. He was truly loved by many.

    2. This says it all. Hugs and prayers for you and your herd!

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss. You loved him and treated him so well and I know you did the right thing.

  6. my sincerest condolences. I love your love for the creatures of this world. He was lucky to have you, and you him.

  7. Carson, I am so sorry for your loss. Handsome Hank had a wonderful life with you & the herd on the 7MSN Ranch all these years.

  8. Oh, heart just aches for you. I've lost 3 of my beloved horses in the 12 years I've had my herd. It is never easy. We all know how much you loved him and what a beautiful life you gave him. Take care of yourself, please. (((BIG HUG)))
    Cheryl Ann (Desert Horses)

  9. I am so sorry. I won a contest you had years back and was able to select any picture of yours on canvas...I chose Hank catching snowflakes on his tongue...I will cherish it always! ♥

  10. So sorry for your loss. Noble Hank will truly be missed.

  11. I'm so sorry for your loss it's never easy to go through this...he was beautiful, and beloved. Jen

  12. So sorry Linda. I had to let my old guy go in December. I know how hard it is to make the decision and let go. I will miss seeing him on the blog. You are in my thoughts.

  13. Oh no. I am so sorry. I never imagined the 7MSN without Hank. I wish there was something I could say that would help even a tiny bit, but I know it's going to hurt, on and off, for a long time. Think of all the good memories, and smile through the tears sometimes. Your herd will help you get through this. You loved him well.

  14. I'm sorry he had to go. You loved him and he loved you. And he had a wonderful life with you. Sending you thoughts of comfort.

  15. I'm so sorry for your loss x

  16. My sincere condolences Linda. What a beautiful tribute piece to Hank; the 4MSN will not be the same without his handsome presence.

  17. What a beautiful tribute to a beloved horse. Now he can jump and run again without pain; his spirit will never leave you. Hugs to you and your herd.

  18. I'm so sorry, Linda. This is always such a hard decision - our heads and our hearts know it is right, that it is time but it still hurts so much. Hank had the best life a horse could have.

  19. I am so sorry. These wonderful creatures bring so much into our lives, but they sure do take a big part of our hearts with them when they go. I am happy for Hank that he got to have such a beautiful and rich life with you and sorry for you and the rest of your herd that he is now gone.

  20. Tears. Just tears.

    Marty in North Carolina

  21. So sorry but you gave him everything he could have asked for. Very sad though. We love them but this is how it always has to end and we have to accept that or we'd die first and that'd be worrisome too.

  22. Rest in peace handsome Hank, a beautiful video tribute.

  23. Linda, so sorry for your loss. My daughter just lost her beautiful Friesian a few weeks ago to Colic. He was her heart... so I know the loss is hard. But from your video, Hank had a wonderful last 10 years at your place. That alone was a wonderful gift.

  24. You gave him a great life. So sorry for your loss.

  25. sending warm thoughts your way for this hard time. You love Hank and you made us love him too altough we never met! and you made him a happy horse too, surrounded by a family. that is a treasure we all would like to have.

  26. I am so very sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful boy, and he lived a good life with you <3 I will miss seeing his face in your posts *hugs*

  27. so very sorry and my heart hurts and aches for you and your loved ones that will all miss Hank so much. hugs and prayers for you. he did have a super life there with all his friends and so much love

  28. So very hard. I am so sorry, he was a beautiful horse.

  29. Michelle from Vancouver1/24/16, 11:15 AM

    Such a beautiful tribute to an amazing horse. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you for sharing him with us.

  30. Beautiful tribute. It's always hard to let them go. He had a wonderful life with you.

  31. Oh no.... No words, just lots of tears as I read this. Thank you for sharing his wonderful life with us and sharing such a beautiful tribute. Sending warm hugs your way

  32. I'm so sorry. You gave Hank a wonderful 10 years on the ranch. I know your heart must be heavy. Sending hugs and peace,

  33. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. What a lovely tribute.

  34. So sorry to hear you have suffered the loss of your beautiful boy Hank. It seems as though our time with them is so fleeting . . . but your wonderful memories of him will live on forever. I’m sure the herd is feeling the loss of their leader. My heart hurts for all of you. Thank you for sharing him with all of us. R.I.P. Beautiful Boy. ♥♥

  35. Hank's eyes looked sad recently, so I had wondered if he was okay. What a great horse companion he was for you. Hank was very fortunate to call the 7MSN home and to have you as his owner. Thank you for sharing him with us via photographs and stories. Very sorry for your loss of that special boy.

  36. I'm so sorry. I can imagine how you feel. But I also know it will be a relief to know he lived the best possible life he could, and there's no suffering for him.

  37. I am so sorry, he was a beautiful horse.

  38. Oh Lord. I was scrolling unsuspectingly on FB and the post just made my heart stop. My Sunday is suddenly filled with deep sorrow. I will come back and watch the tribute. But not just yet because I'm crying and I need to adjust my head around this new situation. Needless to say, I will be sending you love and thoughts while you mourn. Truly I am mourning with you. Goodbye big boy.

  39. Heartbroken.
    Anonymous in RI

  40. I am so sorry, Linda. My heart and prayers go out to you.

    Linda D.

  41. I'm so sorry. I'm sniffling over a horse and person I've never met but I feel like I've known for years now. You gave him a great life, and you did a great thing by not letting him suffer long because you didn't want him to go. Hang in there. --Laura

  42. The only thing that makes me feel better is imagining his reunion with Kyle, these two jumping about like colts.

    1. And I can't even correct my typos on comments, sorry Sweet Lyle

  43. Tears in my eyes, I am so sorry. Hank was so very lucky to have you and the ranch for the last 10 years.

  44. My heart hurts for you and the herd. I know how much you will miss your dear Hank. Thank you for sharing him with us through your blog. I've shed some tears here in New Zealand this morning; Hank was admired around the world. Hugs to you.

  45. I'm so sorry to hear about Hank. I know you must be heartbroken. Hank was a very special horse and a good friend. He had a wonderful life with you and his ranch buddies. It's hard to do what we know is best for our animals because it leaves such a huge hole in our hearts. You know he will always be with you in your heart and memories. Rest In Peace Hank.

  46. :( I'm so sorry!!!
    i know he will be sorely missed.

  47. Goodbye, Hank. It was good to have known you thuugh yur best friend's web site. Mayyu est in peace forever.

    1. May you rest in peace forever. Hugs. Linda.

  48. Like Laura said a couple of comments ago....I'm tearing up over a horse and a person I've never met but I feel I've known for years, too. I'm so sorry for your and the herds loss. Beautiful video of Hank! Hugs to you Carson.

  49. Oh Linda, how heartbreaking. My deepest condolences to you and the herd. Hank was so fortunate to be loved by you these past ten years, and we are so fortunate that you shared him with us through your blog. He will be missed.

  50. I'm so sorry for your loss. He was a wonderful horse.

  51. I am so sorry for your loss. Hank was such a handsome fellow. I loved seeing every image of him. My heart goes out to you and the herd. But you have so many wonderful memories to cherish. Take care.

  52. Such a loving tribute.
    You have my deepest sympathies.

  53. I am feeling it in my heart. I did the same with my first dog. You gave him the most wonderful life a horse could ask for. I hope that the pain in your heart softens soon.

  54. I'm so sorry. I was just thinking recently that his legs looked unhappy.

    This kind of decision is always so hard to make. I've heard it described as the time when we take their pain and make it our own.....

    I can't imagine a better life for a horse than his life at 7MSN. Sending much sympathy.

  55. Oh crap. Oh no. I am so sorry. I'm going to miss him, and wish you solace.

  56. This is the saddest news, Carson. It's hard to imagine the 7msn without the occasionally pirouetting Hank or his drooling watermelon tongue or his supreme handsomeness. I can only imagine your grief and send my deepest condolences.

  57. I am very, very, very sorry for your loss. I will really miss Hank, and I am not even a horse person. He is beautiful.

  58. What a lovely tribute you've put together ... excellent music choice, btw. I love that song. My deepest, heartfelt condolences on your loss ... Handsome Hank was part of your tribe, your herd, and thank you so much for sharing him with all those who follow your delightful blog. We mourn the loss right along with you.

  59. I'm so sorry, what a hard a right thing to do. Goodbye Hank. You were so loved. I'll miss your stories.

  60. I have not checked in here in awhile and this is what I saw.. So so sorry!

  61. I am so truly sorry to learn about Hank. I know how much he meant to you and how much beauty and laughter he brought into your life. He was a great companion!

  62. Oh Carson. So sorry. All horses should have the life that you gave him for the last decade. God bless. Aunt Jean

  63. Northern AB gal1/24/16, 6:22 PM

    My heart is breaking for you, so very sorry for your loss. Take some solace knowing that all of your "cyber" friends grieve with you. Hank was a very special horse and may your many wonderful memories carry you through the dark days ahead.

  64. Thank you for allowing us to know and love Hank. Your tribute video, so moving and beautiful and brought tears to my eyes...oh how we would wish to have them here always, but not in such pain and difficulty, and so you gave him the most courageous and generous gift you could, after giving him the most wonderful life he could have on 7MSN. My heart is with you.

  65. I'm so very sorry, Carson. I admired his beauty and nobleness. He has touched this heart of mine way over here in PA.

  66. So very, very sorry on the loss of your wonderful boy.I hope you know he brought a lot of joy to all of us through your pictures and writing.Thank you for sharing Hank with us.

  67. So very sorry for your loss. That'a a lovely tribute video. You gave him the best home he could have ever wished for.

  68. An American in Tokyo1/24/16, 8:20 PM

    Oh no, I'm so very sorry for your loss.
    My heart is with you during this difficult time.
    I know you gave him a much more wonderful life than many hundreds of horses in this world!
    Love and hugs!

  69. I do believe he was the most beautifully photographed horse on the planet. Sorry for your loss.

  70. Oh, Carson, I'm so very sorry -- you have my deepest sympathy. It's so hard to take that final step, even when we know it's the best thing to do. Going forward, not only will you have all your treasured memories of him, but you've become a superb photographer and you have hundreds (thousands?) of marvelous pictures of him. so he'll be with you always. Your tribute was priceless! Take care and best wishes, and know that we all have you and your herd in our hearts. Hugs, JudyB

  71. Thought are with you and the herd tonight as I read this, with tears in my eyes.

  72. I am so sorry. Beautiful, beautiful Hank. We will miss him too.

  73. My deepest sympathy to you--our love for them enriches us so, yet makes us feel such a void at parting. I am so sorry. Best wishes from North Carolina.

  74. I can't watch the video. Not yet. Until I finish crying. Oh, my. Wish I could put my arms around you & make it better, my arms around Hank & bring him back. Courageous act, to let him go where he will always be a horse, running as free as he did at the 7MSN. As I face a similar time soon with my beloved adorable dog & probably my last Siberian, I sure do send you love & peaceful thoughts.

    1. RIP were loved by many.

      Healing winds being sent your way


      Emily in NC

  75. Godspeed, Hank.

    So sorry for your loss, Carson.

  76. So sorry for your loss. He was so beautiful in every way.

  77. RIP Hank. You were loved so very much.

  78. So very sorry!! How heart breaking....even when you know it is the right decision to make. {{HUGS}} to you.

  79. Oh, Hank... All horses should have the kind of life you gave him. He was a lucky boy. Bless you, Carson. I am so terribly sorry.

  80. So very sad, and so very sorry for your loss and all that pain in your heart, Carson.
    Thank you for sharing Handsome Hank's beautiful and happy life, and your last great gift to him, with us.
    Remembering Hank--oh yes, forever. Holding you in my thoughts.

  81. Oh Carson, I am so very sorry for your loss. I loved the magnificent Hank from afar. It is so very hard to make the decision to do this. Much love to you and to all the 7MSN family.

  82. So very sorry. Hank will be missed by sooo many...

  83. Sure a beautiful tribute to Handsome Hank. Thank You for sharing him with us. I feel for you.

  84. Sorry for your loss.. Hank will be missed! Godspeed Hank now free to run with his buddies!

  85. I can't tell you how sorry I am and sad for you. He lived a great life and you were an amazing human to him! He will be missed by so many that read your amazing blog everyday, especially me!!

  86. I am so very saddened to read this and understand how difficult this has been for you. All the best to you and your donkeys.

  87. I am so sorry for the loss of Hank, Carson. My heart is with you and yours.


  88. So sorry. I will miss seeing Handsome Hank.
    Lynda in Michigan.

  89. "You took his pain and made it your own"
    There is no greater love ...

  90. "you took his pain and made it your own"
    There is no greater gift ...

  91. So heart-breaking for you and, to a lesser degree, for those of us who came to know and love him through your blog. I was not at all prepared for that news. Grieve as you must and cherish the memories. You are surrounded by care, concern, and shared sorrow.

  92. What a life...what a love...what a loss. My heart is with you.

  93. I am so sorry. Hank will be missed by all of us.

  94. My heart breaks for you. I am so sorry for your loss. Hank was so loved by all of us. Thank you for letting us share in his life with you. Sending you love and strength.

  95. Thanks for leaving the comments open to this community of fans of Hank. It gives us all a shared opportunity to reflect on how much we all care for an amazing stranger and her magical horse. It is sad and it is healing for all of us who have lost a four-legged family member.

  96. I sit here with tears in my eyes....I know your pain. I am so sorry for your loss....and sad that Hank will no longer be a part of our lives as well. This was a beautiful tribute to a beautiful soul. Many hugs to you!

  97. Tears of heartbreak. Thank you, Linda, for the way you share your animals with us and for the way you advocate for them and make the best decisions on their behalf. Even that hardest decision of all. He was one loved and cherished boy. May his memory never fade. xo

  98. What a beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing Hank with us. Sending hugs.

  99. Handsome Hank. I like to think he is kicking up his heels painfree now. Hard decision to make and live with, but you did it. Proud to have known him through this space. Be kind to yourself. Grief takes its toll and its time.

  100. I am so sorry to hear about Hank! I've been reading your blog for several years now and have come to see horses and donkeys differently than I had before. I don't have any experience with either.
    Take heart in knowing that Hank knew he was loved and you have so many memories/pictures/treasures of him through your website. Sally Knight in TX

  101. I'm so very sorry. We will all miss Hank.


  102. I cannot even imagine the loss you feel. I am blubbering away in my government cubicle. My heart hurts for you. He was the most majestic horse! Thanks for the beautiful memories Hank. You will be missed by so many.

  103. I'm so, so sorry. He was loved by many and especially by you; Hank was a very lucky horse indeed.

  104. Wonderful tribute to an obviously good life...still totally sucks, and I'm so sorry.

  105. I'm so sorry for your loss. He had a great life and was lucky to have you.

  106. Karen K in Portland1/25/16, 2:44 PM

    Thank you so much for sharing, even though I couldn't watch the video because I knew it would tear me up. You were so loving and brave to let Hank go. He couldn't have had a better life than the one he had with you and his buddies.

  107. Love is all we need. Love is all we have. All the love that flows through these comments says no matter who we are, or where we are, love is the common denominator. Somehow it should help.

  108. So sorry for your loss. We euthanised our cat today. She was nearly 19. So sad. We will both miss our dear animal friends.

  109. I'm so sorry. I know the pain of having to make that decision but he is so much better now.

  110. Tears that Hank is gone, smiles for Hank's life.

  111. Farewell to a wonderful horse, a great creature. May he run and jump pain free. A beautiful tribute to him. You must have a large hole in your heart.

  112. It's taken me this long to think of the words I wanted to say. Sorry for your loss, happy for his life, tears by all the Cuckoos for the empty spot at 7MSN, love and hugs from us all for you dear lady. xoxo Oma Linda

  113. Thank you for the wonderful years that you gave Hank. And a hug from one animal lover to another to ease your sorrow.

  114. He waits for you on the other side of the bridge...

  115. ". . . just being a horse." A much loved horse. Thanks, Carson, for your much loved blog.

    Sam, in Texas

  116. I'm so sorry. That last picture is perfect—Hank will always be with you.

  117. What a wonderful concept ... living life in love and being a horse. It's the best that anyone can imagine. Love and hugs to you, Carson. Thank you for sharing Hank, Wynnona, Lyle, and all of your critters, past and present, with us. They've become family, through your words and images. Grief can become lighter when you share it ... today, we all share it with you. Godspeed, Hank. Your work here is done.

  118. My heart aches for you and the here. Love and light for you all.

  119. Oh no! I am so very sorry. My heart is heavy right now so I know your is too. And I didn't even know him! But I am a huge animal lover just like you. Just know that you gave him a wonderful life. You have taken so many fabulous pictures of Hank that I think you should make a coffee table book in Hank's honor. Now I must go refresh my makeup. Again, I am very very sorry for your loss.

  120. Sorry. Many tears here.

  121. My heart just aches. Thank you for sharing the wonderful Mr. Hank with us all. He will be dearly missed.

  122. One does not have to be a visitor to your blog for long to know your compassion runs true and deep. Very sad to hear the news and wish you find some ease with the loss of Hank.

  123. So sad about Hank, but thankful you had the wisdom to not let him suffer. You know the bible clearly talks about animals in heaven and I know that I will get to see the people I love and all my dogs when I get there!! your herd will be waiting! Lisa G in TN

  124. I am so sorry for your loss, Hank was gorgeous and I will miss seeing him on your blog and hearing about his adventures. You gave him so much love and care, I hope you can find moments of peace in your grief.

  125. Nothing I say can make up for your loss, but I add my energy and thoughts for you and all those who grieve with you.

  126. So very sorry Carson. He was a lucky boy to be yours.

  127. So sorry for your loss. Our animals are such an important part of our lives. I named my rescue chihuahua after your Hank. He has seizures and he handles his issues with the acceptance and dignity your Hank did. Lana in Phoenix

  128. Oh no! Totally breaks my heart! So sorry for your loss. It's amazing how animal companions can fill our lives with so much joy but when they leave, they leave a huge hole. Carson, I hope you can find solace in knowing Hank many good and happy.

  129. Hank had the best years of his life on the 7MSN ranch with you and the donks--ten wonderful years of being spoiled daily and being free to just be a horse. He was the King of his herd. I know this was a difficult decision, but I'm sure you did the right thing by him and now he is running across the sky and is pain free. I am truly sorry for your loss.

  130. There are no words that can express what you feel for such a beloved companion. Been's never easy. But you know when it's time, that it's the right thing to do for them. I'm sure Lyle was there to greet him on the other side.

  131. Carson, I am so sorry for your loss. You are such a good herd-mama. You did the right thing for Hank.
    Thank you for sharing Handsome Hank with us.

  132. Thinking of you again this morning. What a huge hole there must be in your life right now. How is the rest of the herd? Their emotions are different than ours, but they must be grieving in their own way.


  133. Thanks for thinking of us, Julia. The rest of the herd (myself included) seem a little subdued and lost but we're doing ok.

    1. Thank you for the reply, Linda. I was getting so worried for you and the herd.

  134. Handsome Happy Hank. You were a blessing to each other and we feel blessed to have shared him with you. Peace to you.

  135. Sleep well, beautiful Hank.

  136. I have been there recently, twice. I think of you every day. I am so, so, so sorry.

  137. Diane K. Eastern NC1/31/16, 12:24 PM

    Thank you for sharing him with all of us. Hugs

  138. I hope your heart is beginning to heal. Your loving tribute for Hank is just beautiful. So many wonderful memories to carry forward. I think I said it before, but Hank was one lucky fella when he got you for his love and affection and his best companion until the end.

  139. Carson,you have been on my mind the last week. I had to have my favorite mare put down when I was a teenager because her Coggins test came back positive. It was heart breaking. Hank was lucky to have you, but you were also lucky to have him. I'm hoping that the pain is lessening a little and the fun memories of the big lug are helping. Hugs.

  140. When its time you know.....and you did.....I have several great horses buried in my pasture, and I always feel eased, knowing that I allowed them to live out their senior years, as a horse in their pasture. I have two old timers left, we don't ride them anymore, but we enjoy them just the same, as you did with Hank. I have enjoyed watching his life through your pictures.....thanks for sharing.

  141. I am here again for the second time... still thinking about you... I hope all your furry friends are doing well. from Austin TX... Alicia Acord

  142. Thinking of you today. I looked at your weather and I see you've been spared by some of the storms heading west to east.
    I hope you are treating yourself with kindness and have people you are leaning on for an uplifting conversation when you are feeling down.

  143. Thank You for letting us into your life with your wonderful animals. Hank will be missed

  144. Hi Linda - Like many other followers, you were in my thoughts and prayers this morning. It has been a hard winter. Tons of snow, Ethel's real estate deal falling through, and now loosing Hank. I bet all of us wish we were closer physically to put an arm around or do the chores so you could rest. I pray for specifics like this for you. Know that as inadequate as our words are, you are in our hearts. Your friend, Aunt Jean

  145. I don't think I have ever commented, but read frequently. Hank was such a handsome fellow and I know he was part of your heart. Found this on another blog, thought there might be some comfort in it for you. I hope you see it.

    "Somewhere in time's own space
    there must be some sweet pastured place,
    where creeks sing on and tall trees grow,
    Some paradise where horses go.
    For by the love that guides my pen
    I know great horses live again."
    Stanley Harrison.

    Chris S in Canada

  146. Northern AB gal2/2/16, 8:01 PM

    Gee, I wish there were some way we could like other people's comments, there have been some really nice ones posted here. Chris S. that poem was lovely and I am saving it. Linda, we love you, and are thinking of you.

  147. So sorry to hear/read about Hank. I can't even watch the video so can't imagine how you are feeling. My thoughts are with you!

  148. Just know we are all missing you and the herd. For me....I have to first start "acting" like I feel better...which leads me to feeling better. So here is to hoping that each day is a bit easier and your new normal is a good one. Blessings. Lisa G in TN

  149. Awwwww..... I just want to send you a hug Carson..... Our furry friends are family and it's a damn tough row to hoe when they are gone. I absolutely also want to commend you for not prolonging his life for selfish reasons when you knew things were going downhill with is health .... he did have such a wonderful time with you and the herd and you have beautiful photos and memories of a lovely guy.

    BIG hugs, Vee

  150. So sorry Carson to hear about Hank. It is so hard to lose our four-legged family members. That was a beautiful tribute you made for him and we know he felt your love every day.
    Tom & Kathy

  151. come back to your blog! I miss your wonderful posts everyday!!!!

  152. Just saying hello to let you know that you are still in my thoughts.

    Take care.

  153. An American in Tokyo2/8/16, 1:12 AM

    Thinking of you and hope all is well as can be! Sending hugs over the internet!

  154. Good morning Carson. Hope you and the herd are well. We miss you.

  155. Michelle from Vancouver2/8/16, 5:31 AM

    Checking in everyday, hoping you are doing ok ? We miss you and the gang.

  156. Please come back. We miss you. You have been in my thoughts.
    Lynda in Michigan.

  157. Dear Linda ... every day I check your blog to see if you are back! I believe everyone who has spent time with you and your blog understand your hurt, but can't full appreciate the pain of losing Hank. But we certainly empathize with you over the loss of a beloved "family" member ... even one that lives in the barn.
    WE MISS YOU and we will miss Hank but you have other equine kids and dear Smooch ... can all of us be enough to sooth and embrace you to make the hurt not so bad?
    WE LOVE YOU!!! Marcia in CO

  158. What a handsome fellow he was. What a blessing for you both that those ten years were spent at SMSN. Part of being a good mama is knowing when to say goodbye, but leaving us with a hole in our hearts. So glad I got to know you, Hank.

  159. I too check every day... hope all is well with you and your babies... Alicia from Austin TX

  160. Hello, Linda. I'm checking in every day to see if you've come back to your blog too. My heart goes out to you...your love for your animals is unquestionable and unequivocal.

  161. Dear Carson,
    I have followed you since you got the boys (Alan and George). I miss you as we all do, but take all the time you need to mourn and greive. I look forward to the time you are comfortable enough to come back and share the life you live with us.

    Take Care,
    Jill Farrell

  162. Checking everyday too. Hope your feeling better.

  163. Just checking in on you. Hope to see you and your animals up to your usual antics, soon. As you've seen, there are so many of us that are hurting for you and the rest of your animal family. Give George, Alan, Lucy, Smooch, Johnny CC big hugs and kisses from me (OK, may Johnny will take a good belly rub). (I would have included the chickens, but I am not sure it would really be such a wise idea to get your nose that close to their beaks. : >) And give yourself a big hug from me as well. Take all the time you need to just be with the ones still there and work through your grief.
    Much love and regards,
    Linda D.

  164. Hi Carson,
    I'm just checking in with everyone else each morning ... hoping to hear that you are okay. I hope that you will be able to pick up your camera again soon to chronicle the many blessings of living 7MSN. Sending you hugs.

  165. Just a tweet we know you are OK? Lisa G in TN

  166. Oh Carson, I am so so sorry. I know that Hank was part of your family, and I know that recovering from this will take time. Many hugs your way.

  167. Keeping good thoughts for you, for Hank, and for all who loved him. Hank was sent off with love, and I think that's about as good as it gets for any of us.
    I'm wrestling with the right thing to do for my housemate of 12 years, and I respect you for the courage it took to help him despite your loss.

  168. I am so sorry for your loss. Hank was such a character and I've enjoyed reading his adventures with his long-eared buddies.

  169. I am so sorry. He was a grand old guy, who was loved greatly. You did well by him.
