Thursday, January 14, 2016

It must be the smell

When something is amiss outside, day or night, 
no matter where she is or what she's doing, Smooch is instantly aware.
I'm not sure how she does it, but I'm guessing her nose knows.

She can go from the sleep of the dead to the nearest window 
in a split second, alerting me with her five-alarm bark of danger
to grab the camera and follow her. And she never lies.

Yesterday she let me know a bobcat was in the driveway.

It may be the same one who visited in November
I've studied the pictures side by side and the markings seem the same,
but what do I know from bobcats?

I do know that everybody around here heeds Smooch's danger warnings,
and we all stay safe because of her.


  1. The Dog Bell takes precedence in the best homes!

  2. Diane K. Eastern NC1/14/16, 5:46 AM

    A very "high paw five" for Smooch.

  3. Just doing her job. She deserves bonus pay.

  4. Oh My Gosh! Bobcat sighting is way cool! Let alone getting pictures? Hopefully he was paying a friendly visit and not scoping out a meal..... /o:

  5. You are very lucky! We live in the Colorado foothills and have seen bear, mountain lions etc. We hear there are bobcats afoot, but no one sees them! Elusive they are. Good dog you have. Aunt Jean

  6. Your "Director" is calling - get to work!

  7. How great that JCC knows to batten the hatches when that guy moseys along. Thanks to the Guard Smooch! He is a beauty, though.

  8. Smooch is a great protector. :) It is most likely the same bobcat. We have them here too. Their territory is usually quite large and doesn't overlap with other bobcats unless they are looking for a mate. We have a female that likes to nap on the haystack in our barn. I always makes lots of noise when heading down there so she can slink away before I get there. The coolest thing was last year when she had two young babies with her. The horses never seem to be bothered by her.

  9. Michelle from Vancouver1/14/16, 9:07 AM

    What do you think the herd would do if they spotted the Bobcat? Chase it away?

    1. The November cat exited right past Lucy, George and Alan. They stood and watched, not making any moves to go after it.

  10. Thought bubble above Bobcat's head: MMMMM, I smell chicken! It's good to have a friend in the house who has ninja like powers.

  11. The smell of the enemy! She cracks me up. The only thing my dog smells is the dryer sheets.

  12. Wow beautiful bobcat! They do eat chickens so thank goodness for Smooch and I hope as she ages she doesn't lose any of her senses. Betsy

    1. I've been wondering about that. Smooch will soon be 10 years old - if anything, I think she's getting better at sensing things. Hope it lasts!

  13. I think you are right, same one...good job Smooch!
    Bob must smell the chickens and just trying to figure out where they are and how to get to them...Mrs Huges would probably make a meal of him, too
    She is one tough broad

    1. And now the cat has a name. Leave it to you.

  14. It amazes me how other animals are warned by a bark of a possible intruder. They are immediately on the alert.

  15. I hope Bob doesn't come around to the chicken side of the house. He'd be over the fence and out with a chicken in his mouth before just about anyone but Smooch knew it.

  16. Me again. Same kitty. He/She has a nick in the upper left ear. So beautiful!

  17. maybe it is the chickens that you need to bring inside your house !

  18. An American in Tokyo1/14/16, 6:28 PM

    Yay, Smoochie-poo!!
    Head of Ranch Security!! =)
