
Friday, August 7, 2015

Blame it on the grass

The sun was coming up and Lucy was getting in her last scratches before muzzle-time.

Me: All summer in a grazing muzzle and I can still see fat rolls on your rib cage.

Lucy: Fat rolls? Excuse me? My body is barely wider than my head!

Me: It's the wide-angle lens. Don't kid yourself.

Lucy: How is it even possible to get fat eating grass?


  1. Lucy is right, how is it possible? if I eat only green salads I wont get fat

  2. Replies
    1. I'm there with you, sisters!

  3. I totally do you get fat on grass? Makes me think...maybe its the salad that is adding pounds on me....not the cookies! Lisa G. In TN

  4. I'd pretty much say you've been given the death stare in that second picture.

  5. My vet gave me a "prescription" for our fat boy - ride him more! As in, make it a priority. So I let other things go in order to get him under wet saddle blankets more, nothing has fallen apart, and he has sliimed down a bit.

  6. Picking on that pretty girl. Don't hear anybody talking about the boys having fat rolls. But, they get muzzles too. Except of course Handsome Hank. Less rain, more riding down the trail with Lucy, wearing the gopro :) She will trim right down.

  7. you look slim and trim to ME and I have bigger rolls of fat and should be eating grass... i even though of wiring my jaws shut which would be like your muzzle.

  8. I swear that mine get fat breathing air!!! And anyways, as we age.... a little extra softness keeps us young looking. I think Lucy knows this!!!

  9. What a great year for the cattle and the wildlife!

  10. Lucy as she stares in disgust at us through the computer screen: "So how much grass have YOU all been eating?? A lot, looks like. Put your grazing muzzle on. Don't have one? Mom'll send you mine."

    1. You're always so good at reading Lucy's mind.

  11. You may have to ride her more to help her keep her girlish figure. :)

  12. Aww, Luce you are beautiful and I don't think your Mom would mind riding you more!
