
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Things we do when it rains

1. Take attendance. Storms aren't as scary when I know where all the animals are.
2. Walk from window to window watching it because: a) it's always a novelty and b) it's fun to see impromptu creeks rise in the front yard.
3. Monitor this really cool website that shows where lightning is striking in real time.
4. Monitor the weather radar to gauge how much I need to worry and/or pray because I keep forgetting to procure emergency sandbags.
5. Stay inside until the lightning stops, more or less.
6. Go outside as soon as it's safe to check on the herd, clear culverts, redirect ditches, and otherwise splash around in the puddles.
7. Watch all the runoff from behind the barn drain into a mysterious hole.
8. Contemplate how city dwellers probably take storm drains for granted.
9. Listen to the coyotes and toads sing their happy songs.
10. Check the rain gauge and be grateful that New Mexico's drought has ended, at least for this year.


  1. I like the mysterious hole.

  2. Would be interesting to unroll some twine and let it get sucked down the hole to see how far it goes. Have you ever put anything in the hole? Lisa G in TN

    1. Besides my foot? No. I like the twine idea, though.

  3. I love your rain boots. And the sound of rain on your roof!

  4. You are too funny. There is a tractor down the road from us and I keep telling my husband that I want it. It's a cute little tractor with a bucket and it would probably be perfect for you.
    Back in Ohio, my favorite season was fall but, living out here, my favorite season is monsoon.

  5. P.S. It would've been funny if you tripped and fell in it. :)

  6. Cool...waterfall...I cracked up on that.
    Maybe the hole goes to the well water but gets filtered before it reaches it. How would a tractor help you?

    1. A tractor...better yet, a man with a tractor...could fill in the low spots and knock down the high spots and dig swales in the right places to better direct all the water.

  7. Does NM get sink holes? We live in Florida and they scare me, so unpredictable and caused by rain!

  8. This is so amazing to me. Rain, what the hell is that? Yeah, it is like that around here in fried and dried up Sacramento Valley.
    Do you have your cell phone strapped to your head? HA HA!

  9. When I was first told of "monsoon" season I thought....hmmm. But I guess she was right!! Impressive!

  10. I loved the sound of New Mexico rain, the mini tour of your home, the weather-nerd-link to real-time lightning, the glimpse of your Cocorahs rain gauge, and the "I'm right there with you" feeling from your GoPro.

  11. I love the rain, win and lightening, too, although it is so scary!!! Tractor? You need a rubber raft!

  12. An American in Tokyo7/28/15, 5:46 PM

    Coyotes sing after the rain?! I would love to hear that!!

  13. Ooh, ooh a link to real time lightning. Once I sent a weatherman my approximate lat and lon and he sent me coordinates for a strike near my house. Love that stuff.

  14. Was that Johnny Cat curled up on your porch? I love your rain boots. Our daughter has a black pair with polka dots! I need a pair,especially if El Nino is heading our way this winter!
