
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Snakebite Report ~ Day 5

Whew. At 8:45 p.m. Tuesday night, Hank finally decided it was okay to drink water. 
Give us all a heart attack, why don't you?
The vet reports that his current behavior (eating fine, then not eating fine because the acid content 
in his stomach changes and he doesn't feel well for awhile, then eating fine again) 
helps confirm the diagnosis of ulcers, and I should expect that for awhile after he comes home,
which should be today as long as: 1) his protein levels are normal and 
2) it doesn't rain and I can get there to pick him up.
All the vets at the clinic agree that Hank is not comfortable in that environment
and shouldn't stay any longer than necessary. Sort of like me when I go to town.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the rest of the herd is anxiously awaiting Hank’s return. 
Lucy, George and Alan are leaderless and seem uncertain of what to do in his absence. 
I shot the following video yesterday, when: 1) they were late coming home in the morning,
2) Alan attempted to leave before I could put on his fly mask and grazing muzzle, 
3) they all stood at the gate wondering where Hank was, 
and 4) they spent much of the day napping.

You might notice a different look to this video. I broke my Flip video camera 
a few weeks ago and had to get a new one. That turned out to be a good thing because 
I’d been wanting a hands-free head-cam for awhile. We’ll be having all kinds of fun with it,
especially when I figure out how to put it on someone’s head other than my own.

p.s. I'll update the Twitter feed at the bottom of this page throughout the day as the situation warrants.

p.p.s. Have I told you lately how much your support and concern and comments 
have helped me get through this?

I don't know what comes after p.p.s. but I'll try to remember to wear the head-cam 
for the Hank/herd reunion. 


  1. It makes it even MORE like we are really there! Yea Hank! Yea Head-Cam! The next time they are all at the gate, let the Big Guy be coming through it!

  2. Good news, Hank! Keep it up! Your poor leaderless minions need you!

    1. My thoughts exactly. Aunt Jean

  3. I hope the go-pro-cam will fit Smooches head. So she can film the happy reunion! Hank will be soooooo happy to be back home. Hang in there!

  4. I've been away from the computer for a few days, but I'm so glad to hear that Hank is on the mend and should be home by this evening! I'm sure the herd (and you!) will be thankful to have everyone under the same roof again. Please tell him to try and stay away from snakes!


  5. This is wonderful video. I can't imagine what it would look like in a hurried situation, like snake wrangling, when you move your head a lot/quickly.Is there a way that you can see what the camera is seeing so that you don't wind up with pictures above and below what you really want to film? Love the ear scratching and head kissing shots!

    1. I can't see what the camera is seeing, but after a few test runs I've figured out where to lock the angle in place. That new mirror in the mud room is coming in handy - I can check my head-cam on the way out the door.

  6. I do hope Hank comes home today, i am busy doing the UN RAIN dance.. and singing rain rain go away, don't hit New Mexico today... love the new cam and got a great laugh at the shadow YOU...

  7. Every morning I anxiously check the blog for a Hank update. So glad he is drinking. How long did he go before he started drinking. I'll figure out Twitter so I can quick updates. Will love to see the upcoming herd interaction at reunion.

    1. It took him from Saturday afternoon to Tuesday night to start drinking on his own, but he was getting IV fluids to stay hydrated. You shouldn't have to figure out anything with Twitter - any updates will appear automatically in the "Tweets" window at the bottom of this page.

  8. 1) Just sent off my entire supply of Perfect Protein Level Wishes to Hank; 2) the weather reports I've checked for your neck of the nowhere say no rain/maybe a 20 p.c.chance in the p.m. This has got to mean that Hank is coming home today! Because nothing will heal his ulcers better than assuming his reign over The 7MSN Ranch again, I'm sure. That, and being filmed AND loved on at the same time! :)
    There's a 100 percent chance of me checking the Twitter feed about, oh, innumerable times today... - super 'service', thank you!!

  9. Hooray Hank! Hope you have a safe trip home and have a great reunion today!

  10. Waiting by the gate, the crew looks like the city council ready for a dignitary's train to arrive. I guess, in fact, they pretty much are! Dear Hank, hankering (ahem) for Home & Hearth (barn) & Family. What a sweetheart. We miss him almost as much as the 4 of you!

  11. Good news about Hank...whew! He's probably wondering what all those donkeys are doing without him to control the herd. And also, fun video with your new camera. It gives a whole different perspective.

  12. Good on how he's recovering. And hope he's home soon-- but when it's safe for him. No animal likes to be away from his herd...

  13. Love the good news and your new toy! Look forward to the herd reunion too!

  14. Oh gosh! I have a lot to catch up on. Glad to hear you are on the upside. Can't wait to see the results of the new cam!

  15. You know as well as Hank that being in the 'hospital' sucks and you just wanna go home. Hang in there. I'll be watching Twitter to see if you get him home today. Good vibes headed your way.

  16. Glad to hear the good news. I'm not surprised about the ulcers...trying to keep that herd under control could give ulcers to anyone! :) Has the vet mentioned giving him Ulcerguard? It worked well for our horse that had them.

  17. I always read here every day, first thing I go to, but these days I've been especially vigilant...concerned for Handsome Hank and for YOU too. I'm so happy that there could be a reunion today..."Lord willin' and the creeks don't rise", as the saying goes! Will be watching twitter all day...Hello to the herd, we love you all!

  18. I just looked at a radar map of New Mexico and there's barely anything moving on it. Here's hoping your afternoon heat doesn't create any problems. Knowing you, you'll probably be in town as early as possible and be home well before that possibility occurs. I love those head cams and love your video, especially the scratching and ear rubs. I'm going to leave this page open all day and check repeatedly until I see the tweet that all is well and the illustrious herd leader is home where he belongs.

  19. Cool new camera. They are lost as can be without their leader. Happy to hear Hank is convincing the vets to let him leave soon. Mother Nature surely will cooperate for the window needed. We hope.

  20. Awesome camera! Love the views, couldn't help myself....but think when you look down at the fly masks, it reminds me of a pair of underwear on their head :-0
    So happy about Hank drinking and yes, he is probably just like you and doesn't like to be away from home very long!

  21. What an excellent ear-scratching tutorial for future donkey lovers! I'm very excited about the prospect of the new hands-free videos, but not nearly as excited as you are about seeing Hank back in his proper place. (I came home from a week away to find the whole drama nearly played out, but I'm sending my good wishes along for the final push!)

  22. Animals are funny creatures that love routine. They look a little punky and lost without their fearless leader. I hope you can bring Hank home today and without any crazy weather. You can send that crazy weather that includes 5 feet of rain over this way. Happy travels. I cannot wait to see everyone together again!

  23. I'm liking that new go-pro. It takes great video. Soooo glad Hank is coming home today. T.L. Merrybard is right, your minions need you Hank! And so do we. :-)

  24. can wait to see handsome Hank back home and reunited with his herd, all on go pro!!!

    1. Guess who ran the battery down on the GoPro and didn't get one single frame of the homecoming. *slaps forehead*

  25. The way the heart skips a few beats in anticipation of the greeting whinny...
    Bonne route back home to make the herd complete again! :)

  26. We will ALL be breathing a sigh of relief when he is safe and home with the rest of the herd!!! Sending lots of love! I think watermelon is in order :-) thanks for the updates!

    1. The watermelon is all sliced and waiting for everybody to come back to the barn...and for the GoPro to recharge.

    2. well, at least we'll see that on video even if we did not get to see the homecoming.... you can do one of your awesome drawings for the homecoming re-enactment.... or we can imagine it and we'll all be smiling :-)

  27. Just saw your tweet!!! I'm so relieved he headed for the water right away. The herd is complete again! Can you hear the big sigh of relief from all of us?

    1. It's echoing between the mountains. xxoo

  28. Hank went straight for the water tub... and then said, "See, Mom, I am drinking. I'm fine. Now you go and enjoy a lovely beverage as well. ;) "

    1. How did you know? One more sip then back outside to check on him.

    2. After which you could have JohnnyCC give you a relaxing massage...

  29. Oh what a grand reunion when Hank returns home to his herd, and to you.

  30. Linda, people all over this country are celebrating with you!

    Marty in NC

  31. An American in Tokyo7/8/15, 6:06 PM

    Still on pins and needles! But glad to hear he is drinking water and eating somewhat! Amen.

    I hope the weather holds so he can come home soon. I always think that everyone benefits from getting better at home. =)

    Love your new camera by the way!

  32. An American in Tokyo7/8/15, 6:07 PM



  33. Awwwwww, he missed Goldfish the most of all. Hope he didn't swallow him in one gulp!
    Great news, Carson!

  34. This sounds great. I bet Hanks buddies do miss him.
