
Friday, July 10, 2015

The orange panther patrols the perimeter

p.s. If you have a reasonably fast internet connection, watch my videos in HD by
clicking the little Settings wheel at the bottom right of the video window, then selecting 780.


  1. That's a Ring-Tail Tiger! Gorgeous guard cat.

  2. The new video camera was worth whatever it cost! My daughters used to say they loved watching a cat walk away because they walk like a guy in tight jeans.

  3. Lookin' for mice? Ballerina toes! Love the cat!

  4. Northern AB gal7/10/15, 6:50 AM

    Wish my balance was that good! Love how the music tempo matches his - good choice.

  5. Wow!! JCC navigates that rounded fence pole like a flying Wallenda!! I have to get us one of those jungle surveillance cats!!

  6. I think he just set a world record for fence walking. Perfect music too.

  7. What a great video. Good choice of music! Wonder what was going through his mind? He seemed slightly alarmed as his tail was fluffy.

  8. Looks kinda muddy Johnnie has his own set of rails to travel on.

  9. Ha ha.... great guard.


  10. Too Cute, esp. the music! Loved the way his tail was talking to you, his mom, before he got a few pats, then up as he was "leading" you back to the barn.

  11. Forgot, I'm happy Hank is better and home. Continued prayers to him for healing of his ulcer and to you, his mom and "nurse". Loving our "critterkids" as we do, whenever they're hurting is stressful and painful. Wishing you healthy trails!

  12. I think JCC is ready for the Olympics on the balance beam. I give him a perfect 10 score. He nailed his landing! Betsy

  13. HA! what a cute security guard YOU have! I guess he didn't need his back scratched under the tree! HAPPY week-end to YOU and YOURS!!! XOXXOXO

  14. It is great to see how far JCC has come since he arrived. From feed room lurker to fence patrol!

  15. I love that theme song and it appears Johnny does too. He has quite the swagger. God Bless the Orange & White!!! Happiest of weekends to you all.

  16. Oh we love this orange panther. what an excellent equilibrist! this is good, it means he has safetyways to travel out of reach from the snakes. I've been wondering if the snake population hasn't been overgrowing in your area

  17. Must be my favorite 7msn movie so far - the walk, the brushed up tail, the stressed-out birds, the music - J-cat on a mission. Great!

  18. Hello! I just discovered your blog and your video of Johnny Cashcat is the first entry I've seen! I loved the video; he is such a handsome boy. It brought tears to my eyes; I had the privilege of living with a male orange tabby for just under 18 years. Jasper was the sweetest, most loving cat I've ever had. We developed a very strong bond when he was a kitten; we brought him home from the shelter, not knowing he and his litter mates all had distemper. (Shelters would not adopt out cats with distemper; somehow these kittens slipped through the cracks.) Within a week of coming home with us, Jasper's twin brother died (we adopted them both); the shelter had to put his 3 sisters to sleep, and called me to offer me a "new cat" if I wanted to bring him back. I had already fallen in love with him, declined their offer, and under the supervision of our Vet nursed him back to health. I carried him in a pouch on my chest 24/7 for a week, fed him with an eye dropper, etc., until he was strong enough to survive. Over the years we bonded so closely that when I became permanently disabled he became my "love sponge". (That was my nickname for him!) When he was 8 he developed feline diabetes & I had to give him insulin shots twice daily for the last 10 yrs. of his life. Bless his heart, he knew when I was filling the syringe; he'll just wait patiently at my feet, & took his shots so matter-of-fact. . . like he knew I was doing it to help him. When I had a heart attack, he crawled up into my lap, placed his head on my chest, & cried & cried. When the paramedics came, he would not leave my side. (Normally 4 large men with boots on clomping into our home would have sent him running for cover!) Jasper lived until 1 week prior to his 18th birthday. He was in fairly good health until about his last week. He was the very best thing that ever happened in my life (aside from my "human" loved ones, of course!). He has been gone 6 years now, and every single day I thank my lucky stars that he was with us for so long. Since I'm a new reader to your blog I don't know JCC's story, but I'm looking forward to reading more about him. Thank you for sharing such a great video with us! And sorry this was so long . . . .

    Warm Regards, Lisa in Oregon

  19. oh my gosh, I love this so much. Pink Panther was my favorite cartoon as a kid. JCC struts it well! (and thanks for the HD tip!)

  20. Orange Panther *owns* this catwalk, in the most elegant fashion, and totally in rhythm with the PP tune! Fantastic video, swoon-worthy. And the view!, in HD to boot (yes, thanks for the tip from me, too)! Wishing you and your Big Guy patient a relaxing, ulcer-healing, splendid weekend...

  21. An American in Tokyo7/12/15, 5:54 PM

    Beautiful sky and JCC's "personal assistant" following him around! hee hee!

  22. LOL I was thinking a panther! Oh No! And there he is. Too cute and love the music you added.
