
Monday, July 13, 2015

The new normal

 Lucy: Is it time yet?
Me: You asked me that a minute ago. The answer is still no.

It's 7:00 p.m., it's still summer, and my donkeys are still in their masks and muzzles. 
They're hating me about now. The masks/muzzles go on at 6:15 a.m. 
and come off at 8:15 p.m. It's the new normal.

 Unlike the donkeys, Hank does not get fat on air and he can graze 
to his stomach's content night and day. Besides, constant eating helps keep 
his stomach acid balanced and his ulcers will heal faster.

Lucy: Is it time yet?
Me: Yes, it's time.


  1. Thank goodness there's no need to "torture" Smooch or Johnny! As to the donkey/burro "victims" of your care, I sort of feel their pain, but I definitely feel yours even more. Although--they surely must love you at 8:15 p.m.!

  2. Love how they know what time it is...

  3. I read that donkeys and mules should not wear grazing muzzles,they are very adapted to the desert grazing... they only need to be restricted (by limiting time in pasture) when they are in a more lucrative environment such as deep lush grass, donkeys eat and can digest fibrous material and this keeps their systems in good condition. This was written by Dr.Faith Burden Head of the Veterinary Projects Dept Of the Donkey Sanctuary Devon, You can read it here.

  4. Everybody is happy including the cat!

  5. Poor babies! They must be so happy to see you in the evening...

  6. So well behaved. Aside from the "is it time yet" litany that I am sure starts much too early. So good to see Hank back home and taking his own place in the line up. Loving the hands free camera too. Johnny just has to lead you back tto where you need to be next. My Jag seldom lets me walk across the room without following him.

  7. I didn't realize Lucy had so many freckles. Too cute!

    1. They only show up once she sheds her winter coat. I love them.

  8. I loved every second of that and everything in it, including the scenery. :)

  9. I love your new camera because it gives me the feeling of being right there, of being you in fact! and what a nice roll Johnny chéri!

  10. An American in Tokyo7/13/15, 5:48 PM

    I think that George was watching you take off Alan's stuff so he could try to do it tomorrow! hee hee!

    Love the new camera!

  11. Lucy's dapples are wonderful, she almost has a pattern like a giraffe.

  12. Is it my iPad, or does the new camera not have sound? I could "imagine" your dialogue with the critters, but wasn't getting anything. Pooh!
