
Friday, July 24, 2015

How Johnny fills his busy days

I've read that cats typically sleep 16 to 20 hours per day.

That leaves Johnny with 4 to 8 hours to hunt, eat...

stand at the door waiting to be let in...

...and, most importantly, pose for pictures.


  1. That looks like ti feels GREAT!

  2. How is the mouse situation, now the Johnny is in charge?

    1. Remarkably under control, considering how many are out there. I rarely see a live one, and the chickens take care of the dead ones. We won't talk about the one mouse who lives in the feed room – apparently JCC has decided to keep him for a pet.

  3. Go Johnny! He does know just how to work it!

  4. die his fur black and he can be a Halloween Cat.. maybe that is what he is practicing in the last shot. he is so beautifl

  5. How clever of you to get a barn cat to match the NM scenery. Aunt Jean

  6. JCC should start his own blog. He could have different segments, like... HOW TO CHANGE FROM FERAL BEAST INTO PUSSYCAT....MOUSE CATCHING 101....HOW TO TRAIN YOUR HUMAN.. and of course a TRAVEL section.

  7. Are we sure his handsomeness in not in possession of an extra vertebra or two? :D

  8. He is the sweetest and tallest cat! I cannot believe I just signed on to read this now. I must have been knee deep in crap. I mean serious work in the government cubicle. Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Sweet gorgeous and skinny Johnny. You have fans

  10. My two feral kittens are doing just fine. "Junior" (who looks like his dad) must have a very high prey drive. He's always out TRYING to catch the sparrows or doves in the front yard and he's constantly on the roof, keeping an eye out for mice and rats. He did catch a cicada this morning and he ate it and smacked his lips! Yes, he too comes to the side door, leans against it, demands to be let in, but I don't allow him inside as I already have an indoors cat, Abby. I am glad he and his brother (yes, I've determined it is a male...) have chosen to stay in our back yard!
    ~Cheryl Ann~
