
Friday, June 26, 2015

Mama and Junior 2.0

 I peeked out my office door and saw Lucy fixated on something.

 It was Mama 2.0. We met her a few weeks ago, along with her baby, Junior 2.0.
(If all of that makes no sense, click on the "pronghorns" label below to catch up on
last year's adventures with the first Mama and Junior.)

 Anyway, this Mama is not injured; she just seems to like hanging out here.

 She's a little shy and wary of me, as she should be,

 but she trusts the herd unequivocally. On three occasions last week, I was walking through
the pasture, only to come upon Junior napping in the tall grass –– with Mama nowhere in sight!
Hank, however, was just a few yards away. I'll swear that Mama is letting Hank babysit 
while she wanders around grazing and doing whatever else wayward unwed teenage pronghorns do
when they should be minding their children.

Judging by the little nubs that will eventually support her horns, 
I'm guessing that Mama is very young. She may not know yet that
she shouldn't be leaving her baby with a tall, handsome stranger.

 Me: Yes, I'm talking about you. Now go and find him before a coyote does.


  1. Never a dull moment chez toi!

  2. She must be Junior 1.0's bride, and he led her to what is, he assured her, the safest place in the entire state, where she would be in the very best company.

    1. I love your theory. It's also crossed my mind that Junior 1.0 may have been a female and Mama 2.0 is really Junior 1.0? No way of ever knowing, but it's fun to imagine.

    2. That's the first thought that went through my head! She came back to a safe place.

    3. That is whay I was thinking. Junior 1.0 now Mama 2.0. Both healthy and hanging with the 7MSN crowd. Love it.

    4. Of course! Much more plausible! Junior 1.0 was a Juniorette and is now Mama 2.0 - it makes all the sense in the world! Hence she remembered that this tall, handsome not-so-stranger is as benevolent as they come...

  3. Yes, they have to be from the same family to know that it's "safe". So cool to have them back in the area hanging out!

  4. Gosh, how interesting! Could be you have a family tree going here. Extraordinary behavior too, leaving Baby in Hank's dependable care. Aren't donkeys often used to guard sheep from predators? Maybe Mama read about that. Btw, I don't see how she could possibly be weary of you, but she might be wary, haha.

    1. ***hanging my head in grammatical shame*** Thanks for catching that.

    2. Hey, these days hardly anybody knows the meaning of "grammatical" OR "shame." I'm proud of you!! Lol, sort of.

  5. One day Mama will be giving the unwed teenage talk to dozens of prepubescent pronghorns. In the meantime, who wouldn't trust Hank? Aunt Jean
