
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Hanging out with the herd in Florida

Seriously? These things are everywhere. The locals call them iguanas, but you can't fool me.
South Florida is being invaded by Godzilla and his very large extended family.

 When my mom said we'd be going over to feed the ducks, 
she failed to mention the iguanas, wanting to surprise me.

 Call me surprised.

Normally I would throw a shoe into the frame for scale, 
but I was afraid this guy would run off with it.

Don't let the smiles fool you. Mom and Saint Carolynn are thieving bandits
who smuggle bread out of the dining room every day to feed to their herd.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Ethel has provided proof of the latest accomplishment in the hen house.
Makes me think my girls might be tough enough to hold their own against an iguana.


  1. the one that surprised you is gorgeous... hope they don't come to my side of the state... wow on that egg

  2. Haha! You go 1000 miles away and still are confronted with reptiles! Mom looks great. Being a thieving bandit suits her well!

  3. Oh this is wonderful. Casa de Cuckoo had a 4.5 ft Iguana name Beelzabub, but we just called her Bob. She would ride around on my shoulder and scare the bejeeesuz out of all my neighbors. She was a very affectionate and fun member of the family. She would snuggle down with the cats and even the dogs liked her. They all hung out on the couch. Bob would sit and sun herself on the back. Your Mom has good taste in her herd. Iguanas love dandelions and hibiscus flowers and head wag as a sign not only of dominance like the big boy on the left of you first photo but the females also head bob as a sign of comfort in a social situation. Gosh, now you made me miss my lovely personal dragon.

  4. Your Mom is beautiful. Did you get a rain report on the ranch? Your rain gauge (from yesterday's post) looks like mine (right down to the debris in the bottom). Do you report your rain/snow on COCORAHS? .

    1. I do report in to cocorahs - a whopping .48" yesterday.

  5. I just got back from Cleveland and seeing my mom. She doesn't have iguanas. ...or ducks. :( but she was happy too! Have a great trip and enjoy every minute.

  6. Iguanas have become pests in the Keys, where my parents live. I hear they taste like chicken.

  7. We took a trip to Mexico, several years ago. Those Godzilla things were everywhere! They would jump out at you while on a walking trail. I screamed so many times. To this day, I have fears of them! EEK!!!!!

  8. I looooove the green you put in that pix of the gozillas. maybe you could take one back for company to Smooch

  9. oh and by the way, I think you could send the pixes of your chickens eating tarantula or mice to the Washington Post

  10. Your Mom looks super good! Those iguanas don't look like the ones kids keep in their rooms. Those iguanas look like they are on steriods. YUCK. Looks like you are having a blast in my favorite state!

  11. Just FYI bread is the worst thing in the world for waterfowl. Gives them a condition called swan wing. Maybe stock your mom up with some seed or duck approved pellets.
    Great looking iguanas but kinda scary too.

  12. redhorse...they are actually better than chicken. Great barbeque.

    1. I'll have to let my Dad know. They keep eating his peppers.

  13. I told you that kitchen scale was a must-have. :-)
    And welcome to the wonderful, wacky world of nerds-who-weigh-things-our-animals-do, Denise. lol
    You mama seriously has the most beautiful smile, Carson.

    1. I'm part of the egg weighing club too. I weigh the biggest and the smallest.

  14. Your photos show how handsome iguanas are; I like the blue face on the larger one.

  15. Hope you brought some breeders home with you

  16. I'll take $5 on the hens...the iguanas are toast, or dinner, heh.

  17. I think that your hens and the lizards could live quite nicely in harmony. However, the lizards would eat those enormous eggs before you could get to them.

  18. I saw iguanas like this in the Keys. they really were everywhere! your Mom looks like a happy lady. :)

  19. An American in Tokyo5/17/15, 6:11 PM

    Hope you are enjoying your time with your Mom! =)
