
Friday, May 22, 2015

Best food hack ever

Back when I discovered the "stick-a-pin-in-it" method for making easy-to-peel hard-boiled eggs, 
I thought I was on top of the world. With my latest discovery, I'm orbiting around it a few times
every time I peel an egg. How did I not know this trick before?

1. Crack your hard-boiled egg on all sides, then peel off the shell 
at the bottom of the wide end of the egg.
2. Stick a teaspoon between the egg and the skin that lines the shell.
3. Work the teaspoon around the curve of the egg.

Fast, easy, and no stray bits of shell sneaking into your egg salad.


  1. Ah, I remember egg salad. I'm going to have to get another flock. After I build the chicken prison. Too many predators...

  2. Just in time for potato salad season. Thanks for the tip. Aunt Jean

  3. thanks, i read the pin thing to and have never heard of either of these. i keep my eggs a week so they will peel, great news here

  4. I'll try this one too! Thanks!

  5. And your eggs are fresh, can be tricky. That membrane really is the key though.

  6. I can't wait to try this.

  7. someone's been spending a little too much time on youtube :-)

  8. Wow....I've learned something new today, thanks

  9. An American in Tokyo5/22/15, 7:51 PM

    Oh, wow! I never knew that! Gonna try it out this weekend! Thanks!

  10. Peeling hard boiled, very fresh eggs is such a pain! I'll be trying this trick!
