
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

What comes after gargantuan?

My chickens continue to confound and astound. 
Let's review the astounding part first.

You may remember their previous record-holding eggs.

Here's the latest.
I've run out of superlatives.
Unless you're a chicken-keeper, a 3-and-7/8-ounce egg may not mean much,
so let me offer up Exhibit A,

which might be more appropriately named Exhibit BFE.
I don't know why this happens. Perhaps it's their daily diet, which consists of 
a few cups of chicken scratch, free-choice access to laying crumbles,
and various assorted kitchen scraps.

Here is a recent sampling of their snacks.
If you were a chicken, which would you prefer?

I was confounded by their choice of the wrinkly raw potato.
They ate the guts right out of it, ignoring the aged carrot and petrified frosty mini-wheats.

They also get an assortment of meat products, which they and/or JohnnyCashCat 
hunt down in the front yard. I try not to look too closely when they're being carnivores
 and am frequently surprised by what turns up in the pictures.

***warning...graphic image ahead***
Carolynn, Sigfrid, don't go there.

I'm quite sure Minnie is responsible for this week's record-breaking egg, 
so perhaps all the extra protein had something to do with it.

I'm still waiting to take delivery on three new chickens (two Ameraucanas and one Welsummer).
I can only hope that they don't succumb to peer pressure when it comes to their eating habits.


  1. Are they from My Pet Chicken or do you get them locally? It is a challenge around here to get what you want for less than 25 at a time. MPC is the only site I have found to ship as few as three.

    1. These are coming from Wilbur's Farm in Belen. I asked him to hold mine until the nighttime temps stay consistently above freezing, which should be sometime soon.

  2. Oh, my heart is breaking for the little bunny! I guess the moral is "Only dumb bunnies go into chicken pens." Do you suppose it hurts to whelp a quarter-pound egg? Ouch! Could you get a contract with McDonalds? Your ladies could begin keeping you in style!

  3. Oh no. please tell us that's not Honey Bunny. You may need a warning sign on the property entrance to enter at your on risk due to deadly ninja chicken attacks. Tell JCC to steer clear of those gals.

  4. When I first started blogging, in 2006, it was very new to me and to be on the safe side, I chose an Internet alias. Since then, I've gotten to know my blogging world pretty well and I feel secure enough in my activities to reclaim my real name. Hence, welcome Brigitte, formely known as Sigrid.
    And Linda? you know me so well lol huuuuh

    1. Hi Brigitte!!! I was "critterfarmgirl" for a very long time until I got to know my community of bloggers. :-)

    2. Hi Danni. But I knew you as "Danni the ranchsitter" before I even knew there was a critterfarmgirl :) Bottom line: it's all Carson's fault :)

  5. OMR oh my rabbit.. never new until i found you that chickens eat any and everything... i think the spider is the one that freaks me most. i would think that giant sized egg would HURT whom ever laid it...

  6. Ouch! Yes, I agree it looks like it would hurt...or it got stuck for awhile? Too cool

  7. Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, yes she did. Our cat used to leave the heads from her victims too. Now i wish we had chickens. I won't have had to get rid of all those heads. Oh, who am i kidding i made my husband do it. LOL

  8. I think one of your chickens may have a mutant goose gene that is working it's way up to producing a full sized goose egg!! Thank goodness, egg shells are soft when being pushed out the ole egg chute!! That newest beauty must be a 3-yolker! LOL

    I was surprised to learn that chickens are carnivores, as well ... thanks to Minnie and the Girls pouncing on and ravaging that tarantula that you recorded for posterities sake!! But a bunny?!? OMWord!! What a painful way to go being pecked to death by a herd of chickens!!

    Hugs from Marcia in CO ... Give Smooch a pat from me, too!!

  9. After looking at the Gargantuan, all I could think was OUCH! Do those long-shaped eggs usually contain double yolks?

  10. OMG! That is one big egg!! Didn't know chickens ate rabbits. Very interesting.

  11. Wonder how many yolks are in that massive egg. And you know that had to hurt.

    1. I'll let you know after breakfast this morning.

    2. It was a double...tasted twice as good, too.

  12. For what it's worth, I've seen chickens eat chicken. They are odd creatures. From a culinary standpoint, I really think they should be included in the same Genus as our porcine friends. My husband likes to feed our pet pig, Mike, bacon. He claims Mike loves it. I think it's creepy.

  13. There's a FaceBook video going around of a guy cracking open a similarly large egg (even bigger, I think) that has one yolk, and...another egg! inside, complete in its shell! I'm waiting to see what this one has "in store" for you.

  14. I hope your carnivorous chickens don't eat the new guys!!

  15. I'll bet it's a double-yolker! There is probably a fair bit of protein in their diet from the bugs they eat, as well as JCC leftovers. Mine fight over snakes and lizards all the time.

  16. When I had my pet chickens, they were given all sorts of fruit and vegetables and on occasion, Lay's potato chips...their favorite. (Don't judge, everyone loves junk food) I often would come across monster eggs and they were perfectly normal. This past weekend I was boiling eggs and two of them floated. I remembered your post on old eggs. I promptly discarded them. Thank you Carson for this information!!! IT did come in handy.

  17. Was that a rabbit's head!? Oh, and the egg is that chicken walks a little funny for a while. :)

  18. How far are you from Roswell? Maybe the hens have been exposed to alien radiation.

  19. I had to do a little research on the world's largest chicken egg. According to Guinness, the heaviest chicken egg was a whopping 16 ounces, with a double yolk and double shell, and laid in New Jersey. There are several other super large eggs leading up to that record according to google and some had a second egg inside the first - weird! One of the super large ones (12 ounces) had five yolks - now that's my kind of egg (I love yolks, hate the white). Can't wait to see what your ladies produce next - if it has five yolks, I'm coming for breakfast!

  20. yikkkks that must be a highly-proteinated bunny egg!

  21. I burst out laughing when I saw those ears sticking out of Minnie's beak! Everyone thinks of chickens as kind and gentle farmyard creatures, but I remember getting chased by a mean rooster and hen at Grandpa's farm when I was a little girl. I think they're really little dinosaur descendants. If you think of them as shrunken down latter-day Tyrannosaurus Rexes, then the spiders, packrats and rabbit heads make perfect sense.

    1. An American in Tokyo4/22/15, 6:14 PM

      I love that!! Chickens are current day Tyrannosaurus Rexes!! Especially these gals!! ha ha!!

  22. I can't believe that you threw away perfectly good Frosted Mini Wheats...soak those suckers in some milk for a half hour and you are right as rain! =o)

  23. An American in Tokyo4/21/15, 9:07 PM

    It would be interesting to see what other kinds of things the chickens do/do not an experiment! ;)

  24. So when I buy these 3x the cost of regular eggs because on the carton it says they are vegetarian fed, are those chickens miserable? Am I forcing a whole generation of chickens into undesired vegetarianism? I even get a note in the carton with a picture of the chicken of the month, which makes me feel like they are responsible chicken owners, but now I'm worried that maybe I'm encouraging an unnatural lifestyle.

    Plus all the eggs are the same size. I've never seen an EPIC egg like that one. How big would the chick in that egg be? And that had to be one unpleasant laying experience.

    (I think I'm rambling. Sorry. I'm up too late. Please give my regards to the girls.)

  25. Seeing my girls here in Oz go after a mouse, I think your newbies will have the instinct just as strongly as your current girls. They are mini dinosaurs, no doubt about it. You only have to watch them chase down a flying bug to see the dinosaur come out, or find them running around with a floppy mouse they've just thrashed to death to hear the thumping of T-Rex feet in your head. :)
