
Friday, April 17, 2015

D-I-Y Fail (a.k.a. there are some things YouTube can't teach you)

The big mirror is now in the truck, awaiting my next trip to town,
where it will be cut down to size by someone who knows what they're doing. 


  1. Mirrors - typical! Mirrors aren't my thing either... ;-)

  2. thanks for my morning laugh out loud, and I did when i got to the 3rd attempt... good choice to take it to town

  3. I love Smooch admiring herself! She needs her own mirror.

  4. I always liked that faded print...
    Cool idea though, it'll look great!

  5. No bloody paws, success! Mirror in truck the wise choice.

  6. Wise decision. Glass cutting is an art all into itself. You are brave to even attempt it. We used to have a custom framing shop -- glass cutting was NOT my part of the partnership.

    1. Thanks for the validation. The YouTube guy made it look so easy.

  7. The glass company has beautiful, perfect, sharp glass cutting tools. I always say it's and easy job with the right tools. Bravo for trying, Carson

  8. At least you were smart enough to use some practice glass. I would have just gone to work on the mirror and ruined it. I would have also sliced my hand open on broken glass and ended up in town getting stitches anyway. This way you're only going to town for a new mirror and not stitches too. :)

  9. Sometimes things that we CAN (make that, MIGHT BE ABLE TO) do ourselves will almost always cost 3x as much as paying someone to do it for us.
    Don't ask me how I know that.
    Or how many times it took me to learn the lesson.
    Or whether I am still dumb enough to keep trying, especially when IT LOOKS SO EASY!

  10. Ha ha! At least you tried!

  11. I don't think I would have even tried it. LOL

  12. An American in Tokyo4/17/15, 9:34 PM

    My dad is a general contractor and he taught me when I was young that cutting glass is one of the hardest things to do! Best to leave it to the professionals!

  13. nice try! maybe a simpler way and cheaper way would be to sell or donate that mirror (which is quite nice and in perfect state) and have a little mirror made to fit your frame
