
Monday, March 16, 2015

The happiest hour of the season

 There is something about the middle of March in New Mexico. 

The weather abruptly turns perfect for a day or two.
Morning chores are done without a coat, afternoon rides are taken in a t shirt,

 and the first official happy hour of the year commences on the porch.

A glass of pinot grigio is a refreshing treat in the heat of the late afternoon.

For a moment, I thought Johnny had developed a taste for wine...

 ...but I suspect he was more interested in the first fly of the season, who was swimming in my glass.

Johnny: I cannot believe you're still going to drink that.


  1. That handsome Johnny...what a love he is, and what a wonderful life he has now. It makes me happy.

  2. I hope you let him have that fly! Steeped in alcohol, very classy.......

  3. Eeeuw, I can't believe it either! But Johnny is surely a beautiful guy to have cocktails with & since you didn't offer him any hors d'oeuvres, glasses frames will have to do!

  4. ha ha Johnny, didn't you know alcohol kills germs? did you forget you are a Feral Cat? these amaze me and i love the magnify of the porch rail in all the glass shots.

  5. Loved the story. Enjoy the beautiful weather. Wish I was there!

  6. Great post! Enjoyed it while my kitty kneads my leg and purrs loudly.

  7. That was a great post. Love Johnny's expressions! You're so right about the middle of March in New Mexico. It was 50 degrees last night! I first moved to NM to Tijeras from San Diego in March 2005. I was sitting outside basking in the warm sun and thinking winter was done and two days later I got hit with a snow storm with 3 foot drifts and I couldn't get out of my driveway for 3 days! I still want to buy my spring flowers and tomato plant in the middle of March.

  8. Sigh…..

  9. Haaa, JCC looks hammered with his tongue all hanging out. I can't wait for our warm weather to hit and all the snow to melt.

  10. We, New Mexicans, do have a great advantage over other parts of the country when it comes to mild spring (albeit intermittent) weather. JCC looks so thrilled to have you sitting out on the porch with him.

  11. One and only (so far) visit to NM was in mid-March. Glorious weather punctuated by a snow storm - made drive from Albuquerque to Santa Fe on scenic route very special. By noon the next day snow all melted away.JCC knows that life is good on the 7MSN. Beautiful pics.

  12. yeck..... me either..... ick........ where has that fly been? .....

    1. two alternatives only for the fly provenance: cow dung or rotten coyote!

  13. HA HA! A wonderful belly laugh on a Monday...inside a 8x8 cell, I mean government cubicle.

  14. We're heading into some mild weather here in Houston. Still getting plenty of showers to help those springtime flowers. That sure is a handsome Happy Hour companion you have there.

  15. Happy hour and Happy cat with gorgeous fur! LOL with Johnny licking wine! I hope you gave him the fly

  16. it is much warmer here too and very welcomed

  17. Oh, I *love* March happy hours on the porch!

  18. An American in Tokyo3/16/15, 6:21 PM

    Wow, looks like you are getting some glorious weather!
    We are "just" starting to warm up over here. Spring weather is always up and down, hot and cold, sunny and rainy. Can't wait until it all evens out!

    You got some good shots of JCC! I love his facial expressions! ha ha

  19. Why would she not drink it Johnny? You were going to eat the fly and maybe have a drink too.

  20. was he pickled?

    M in NC
    (day late .... the weather was nice in NC tooo)

  21. Carson, we've already started on the Pinot Grigio here! We've had days in the 90's and have set some new records for March. Oh, boy....I wonder what our summer will be like... :-(
    Cheryl Ann
