
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Operation Raise the Woodstove begins

Raising the woodstove was supposed to be a relatively straightforward project: 
move a few switches/outlets, build a platform, slap some matching stone around the base, done.
(Click here if you missed the post which shows the grand plan.)

The best laid plans turned to rubble once we learned that it was impossible to find stone 
that matched the material installed 10 years ago when the house was built. 
Rather than use something that was sort of close but didn't match and would drive me 
batshit crazy every time I looked at it, we elected to rip out all the old stone and start fresh.

The old stuff came off cleanly and easily until the crew neared the ceiling,
whereupon more drastic demolition tactics had to be employed and superfine plaster dust
started to settle on everything in sight.

 The house needed a good spring cleaning anyway.

Boss Larry asked me if I wanted to bury anything inside the platform before they covered it.
I grabbed a photograph from my desk drawer and ceremoniously placed it at the bottom
for the next owner to find if they ever rip out the woodstove.

Next owner: WTF?
Next owner's wife: Who is this horse and why is he sticking his tongue out at us?

Lyle and I will be laughing ourselves silly, watching this unfold from heaven.

The stonemason will be here on Thursday and Friday,
and Boss Larry and his boys will re-install the stove on Saturday. 

Meanwhile, the new platform makes an ideal portrait studio.


  1. It will be nice once done. Can't wait to see your choice of bricks. Always something new at the 7MSN!

  2. Nice back drop. Very Downtown.

  3. Exciting changes. Great kick off spring project. Can't wait to see the finished product.

  4. If I've learned one thing in life, it is, nothing is ever easy. I can't wait to see the new stone and also I hope you blog in heaven so we can all see the new owners reactions!

  5. Can't wait to see what the new stone looks like. I like the idea of the time capsule photo. While renovating their basement, my neighbors discovered a note buried in the wall. It had been written by an 11 year old girl and it described her life in the house at the time (30 years prior to my neighbors finding the note). They were able to track her down and give the note to the then 41 year old woman. It was very cool.

  6. I agree with Barb, it's hip!

  7. Love watching other people work. Always have. Snowing still in central Kentucky (probably all of KY but I am here). Up to my knees. Well over a foot. The fair commonwealth is mostly shut down.

  8. ambitious..... very ambitious..... and it is going to look awesome!!!

  9. Hope you had the computer wrapped up tight against the dust! Oh wait - never mind - you had the *handymen* wrapped up tight---

  10. I like Boss Larry and his thinking about placing a sort of time capsule under the platform. :)

  11. An American in Tokyo3/5/15, 6:44 PM

    Nice!! I can't wait to see the next progression!!

    Cutie Smoochie-poo as always!! Mwa!!
