Monday, March 30, 2015

George does the Hula



  1. Oh, Hank! You're such a spoiled sport...

  2. Oh my! I could watch George "HULA" all day! You need a web cam on your ranch with a selection of your fabulous music. Your characters would make a fortune for you just being themselves and we could all pretend we lived your idyllic lifestyle when we had some time to chill out on the computer. It could be a form of reality TV ....Kim's a** can't compete with your 3 perfect specimens!! I'm just sayin' ....

  3. That's so cute, I watched it twice! Love the little nose-touch with Alan -- whose ears later on say, "This is weird, ya know." It doesn't work so well when you stand on the hoop, ahem, George. It should be titled "George does the Hula while Hank eats a Hat!"

  4. I see Handsome Hank didn't want George having all the attention! Go George!

  5. I wonder why Alan didn't butt in? That last bit was hilarious.

  6. Goofy George. Pretty funny. Wonder what all the tail switching was about.

  7. Hank is saying, "what about me? Can I be on the blog tomorrow Mom?" Can I!?

  8. A donkey hoola hoops better than least it's George and not just some ordinary donkey.

  9. Great vid even with the photo bomber.

  10. Perfect Monday morning starter video. Your four leggeds are so fun to watch

  11. Perfect music choice for the video. LOL

  12. George is channeling the 70s and doing a great job altering the game to up and down instead of round and round!! His fear of the hoop is gone...was there peanut butter involved?!! Hank as the in-your-lense video bomber was hilarious!! And he thought your hat tasted good...again, was there peanut butter involved?! Great Monday start...thanks!!

    1. No peanut butter was harmed in the making of this video, on the hoop or the hat. I drilled a hole in the hoop and drained out the noise-making beads, along with the fear vibes. As for the hat, after Hank knocked it off my head, I suppose he just wanted to see how it tasted.

  13. Love the Hank photo bombs! don't you wonder what they are thinking when they play with something like that? Too cute!

  14. Better than ANY of the movies that won Oscars this year! Love it!

  15. Sounds like Hank was having more fun than George :)

    Where was Lucy?

    M in NC

  16. An American in Tokyo3/30/15, 8:30 PM

    Oh George! Having such a great time with the hula hoop! ha ha!

    And Hank! His photobombing skills are excellent. =) I like that he kept following you around...I guess he was trying to be the star of the show! ha ha!

  17. And this year's Oscars--yes, folks, ALL of them--go to "Hank Does The Hula"!
    I've only watched it four times. So far.
    Wish I could understand the Director's instructions at the end :)

    1. GEORGE does the Hula. Geez.
