
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Alan makes a squeeze play

 George: Excuse us, Hank. We'd like to get out the door some time today.

 George: I don't think he heard me. Short ears. You try.

 Alan: Coming through, Hank. Don't back up.

 Alan: I'm not sure that this is worth getting my ass kicked.

 Alan: Suck in your gut and follow me.

 George: Get the WD-40 ready in case I get stuck.

 Alan: And we wanted to come out here why?

Alan: So not worth the effort.
George: Scenery is kind of nice though.



  1. most fun squeeze play ever..........

  2. Good thing he didn't get his ass kicked if it wasn't worth it.

  3. The littlest one with the most bravado!
    It's always nice to see how the Burro Brothers respect Hank, although I do wonder: would Hank kick? Somehow I can't quite believe that--because Hank knows that all he has to do is raise an eyebrow, no?
    I agree with George: nice scenery (albeit unsunny), complete with rabbit tracks!

    1. George and Alan are firm believers that all horses will kick them if given the opportunity, so they have always been wary of walking behind Hank. In truth, Hank wouldn't dream of kicking anybody.

    2. Ah voilà, Benevolent Leader Hank Supreme! I remember your video where George and Alan hesitantly enter the barn behind Hank's back, sort of tucking in their little burro derrières and scooting by real quick - so cute! Thanks.

  4. they have new fur colours on that white carpet! Alan looks reddish brown and Gearge looks beigish grey!

  5. An American in Tokyo3/3/15, 5:33 PM

    Nice play, Alan! ;)

    BTW, I love Hank's nameplate! Very nice!
