
Monday, March 23, 2015

A trip to the mailbox

Smooch and I drove out to the mailbox Sunday morning. We encountered a few obstacles. 


  1. Smooch: " Mom! Don't pick up hitchhikers!" And was that a Traffic-department approved crosswalk there at the end?

  2. i do so wish there were cows by my mailbox... the song took me back to my grandma's music she played on her 45 record player

  3. The clean your nose with your tongue thing! What the what??

  4. Wonderful, such good fun (honking the horn sure made an "enormous" impression--and got "great" results, lol!)! But should we really call them obstacles?? ;) Thank you ever SO much for choosing music that wouldn't preclude all of us long-suffering -stan countries, like Germanystan... :D

  5. Oh and they even watch out for cars. Trained traffic cows! Enjoyed the film.

  6. That was AWESOME! I love cattle. Thank you for debugging the YouTube thing. My daughter was charmed!

  7. I laughed when the calf jumped when you honked.

  8. Curious calfes ... sweeties.

  9. Get along little doggies. Nice watering hole :)

  10. Calves! The calves are born! :) Hope the mommas are on high alert for your coyote family.

  11. Giving thanks that our human tongues cannot reach our nostrils!

  12. Why did the cattle cross the road? To entertain Carson's blog readers, of course!

  13. Looks like the cows were wondering "why is that crazy woman driving through our watering hole?" Is Smooch part Australian Cattle Dog? She looks like it. I was wondering if seeing cattle gets her droving instincts going.

    1. Smooch is 1/4 cattle dog - listen closely and you'll hear her whining the whole trip.

    2. An American in Tokyo3/23/15, 10:44 PM

      I was wondering why Smooch was whining at the cows! ha ha!

  14. Yumm, chocolate milk! They are so funny ...never tire of them

  15. Where the hell is your mailbox? Toledo?
    Those calves are not afraid of anything and stubborn at their little age.
    Ha Ha. Thanks for the good laugh on this fabulous Monday morning! It will be more fabulous on Friday...

    1. Ha! Might as well be Toledo. It's at the highway...11.4 miles away.

  16. cute. Those calves just dared you to push them out of the way.

  17. I often think of responding, but when I try to post a reply, it sends me to google and then back and I have lost the whole
    thing...UGH...BUT, this is sooooo worth a response....This is just what I needed after the horrible day I had doing work...
    Dinner anyone? And that nose thing from the dinner, was priceless along with the single file across the road....
    Who says living in the middle of nowhere is boring....
    Thank you oh so much for the video clip....
    Love from NC

  18. Oh man that brought me back to my formative years, growing up in Saskatchewan, and driving thru public pastures on the way to our local church camp. THANK YOU for the honk (wait, wait, baby's got an itch!), and slo-mo close-up of the nostril-cleaning wonder. As we say where I'm from, "OH MY CHICKEN!!"

  19. An American in Tokyo3/23/15, 10:45 PM

    Funny how they hardly moved when you came by, even when you honked it was only the little ones that were surprised! ha ha
