
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunday leftovers

 Random picture of Alan because ... ear tufts.

 Why did the cat cross the road? To avoid the chickens.

JohnnyCashCat really doesn't like the chickens.

 They scare him...

 ...and he thinks their feet are really weird. Me, too.

 Johnny: AAACK! What do you mean we're getting three more chickens?
I can't handle the chickens!

Too bad. I ordered more chickens this week, for pick-up in the spring once the weather gets warmer. 
The new girls will lay blue/green and speckled eggs. We're all about variety. 

Here is a picture of my mom, taken Thursday night at an Andrea Bocelli concert.
Andrea Bocelli is to my mom what George Strait is to me. We both have the groupie gene.

Here she is working the red-carpet hand-on-hip pose.
Where did she learn that?!


  1. Your mom is the cutest thing on the interwebs!

  2. Awwww...your mom is so cute! And, I love Johnny Cat's big yawn!

  3. Great photos, Carson. Your Mom looks so beautiful.

  4. Northern AB gal2/15/15, 7:13 AM

    I think we can all agree, your mom is beautiful/adorable/cute/classy with the nicest smile! Do you have any pics of her when she was younger, I bet she was a real "looker" :) Sorry 7MSN animals, "Mom" takes home the "best of" award this week!

  5. Your mom DOES look great! She's got a wonderful smile.
    Love those ear tufts...
    Can't wait for the new chickens! Did you know that the insides of the blue-green eggshells are blue-green, too? Unlike brown eggshells, whose insides are white?
    Just some egg trivia for my chicken sister. :-)

  6. Your Mom has the sweetest smile, it lights up her face. She's beautiful!

  7. Glad to see your mom is doing well. Can't wait to see the new girls of The 7 MSN Ranch.

  8. I know who is going to lay the blue-greens, I always kept Ameraucanas (the kind the hatcheries sell). What king of speckle layer did you get? About the shells from Danni, the shells are blue-green inside. The bloom that makes them look olive on the outside will not tint the inside, so they are brighter inside than out. Really fun to open!

    I LOVE the fact that your mom is out there, stylin' it and having fun! Rock on, Mom!

  9. Lovin' the pix, can't WAIT to see the new chicks and their eggs. Your mom looks like a PEACH! Very cool!

  10. Love this...from the tufts to Mom, Johnny and chicken feet! ( more of them, yay!)

  11. Your Mom is adorable. I see where ya got your sassy attitude, for sure. As to the tufts.....hehehehe. Juvenile St. Bernards have a tuft stage as well, but unfortunately they grow out of it. As to the chickens....hmmm, they kinda scare me too. I know Danni and you just love you some chickens and I can admire them from afar and think your "gals" are cute, cuz they are. Those eggs sound fascinating. I look forward to seeing new chickies.

    1. I didn't know this, Oma Linda! There's only one solution for this and that's to get your own and spend some up close and personal time with them! :-)

  12. LOVE the pictures of your mom! She's beautiful! Glad she's getting out and about with friends.
    Will you be getting chicks or grown chickens? Integrating new chickens with old chickens is a bit of a challenge, but overcoming challenges could be your middle name. :)

    1. They will be somewhere between 9 and 13 weeks old. They'll live in Wynonna's side of the stall until they can hold their own against the big girls.

  13. Your mom is so sweet looking, reminds me of my mom. I'm sure she is a lovely lady. Hugs to the kids

  14. OMG. You look alot like your Mom. She has a very kind face. I am trying my hardest to get all caught up on my reading...if only the government phones would stop ringing. Sheeesh! Happpy Tuesday.

  15. Hi Mom! You have a beautiful smile and excellent taste. I am curious about your feelings on chickens, though. :)

  16. An American in Tokyo2/18/15, 7:41 PM

    Your Mom is SO YOUNG!! I love her pose, too!! hee hee

    I am scared of your chickens as well...but can't wait to see the new chicks!!
