
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Saturday encore ~ The highlight of Smooch's week

This post is from February 2014, when I thought $3.05 a gallon was a pretty good price for gas.
Today, it's $1.79. "Almost makes me want to drive to town more often," she said never.

 Me: Get dressed, Smooch. We're going to town.

Smooch loves to go to town. I do not. Taking her along for the ride 
makes the trip a little less painful for me, and it's definitely the highlight of her week.

 Smooch: OMG! You're going to let me drive today?

 Me: Stop being such a grump and smile for the nice people, Smooch.
Smooch: No. I thought you were going to let me drive.

We stopped at the first cattle guard for a portrait.

 Then we stopped at the mailbox. Isn't this exciting? Smooch thinks so.

 Then we stopped at the gas station. Regular is $3.05 a gallon here, 
which doesn't seem too bad in the grand scheme of things.

The man at the pump next to us said, "Your dog looks so happy in there." To which I smiled and said, "She is."
Smooch is one of the lucky ones...many dogs in New Mexico do not get to ride in the cab.

 Our next and last stop was – you guessed it – the Walmart.

 Me: Don't you worry, Smooch. I'll be back as fast as I can.

Our errands were done and we stopped at the same cattle guard for another picture.
Funny how the sky is always bluer the closer we get to home.


  1. Our last dog - the only one small enough to fit in the passenger seat - had that same "I've got my human's back, so no funny stuff, folks" proud look in his posture as Smooch. Except that he was a little dachshund-terrier-perhaps-also-mini-schnauzer-and-such mix... He meant business, though, the little megalomaniac!
    Smooch, lovely babe, today you get to go again, yay! :-)))

  2. Timeless post. Always good for an encore. Smooch is one fortunate girl.

  3. Ha! You are cute in your pick up. My dog gets to haul garbage with me and that's about it. I tried to sell my old car onet time and really got marked down for the dog hair which is nearly impossible to remove. I didn't tell them it was also goat and cat hair. Figured it wasn't necessary. Since then, we stick to animals in the old truck only. I know what you mean about getting to ride up front instead of the back. I have lived in NM and also WY, where a dog in the back is just part of your self image.

  4. Best Ranch Security there is. Good girl,Smooch.

  5. Woo hoo, Wal-Mart!!! Smooch, such a good girl and always on high alert. Our gas is going up...2.27

  6. An American in Tokyo2/8/15, 7:51 PM

    You have such beautiful skin!! How do you protect it when you go outside? What SPF sunscreen do you use?

  7. I love her dog tag! Who made it? I would love to get some for my ranch security team!

    1. The tag came from

    2. Thanks! I am going to look them right up!!!!
