
Monday, February 23, 2015

A portrait session with Smooch

 Me: You're looking particularly lovely, sitting there in the world's ugliest your favorite chair. 
May I take your picture?

 Smooch: Again with the pictures? All right, if you insist.

 Smooch: How would you like me to pose? 

Me: Closing your mouth would be a good place to start.

 Smooch: Try this angle. I'm getting self-conscious about my neck rolls.

 Smooch: Love you, mom.
Me: Love you, too, Smooch.

 Smooch: Are you sure about this profile thing? My neck rolls are showing. I know it.

 Me: Let me try hiding them behind this arm.

 Smooch: Be sure to get one of my yearbook pose.

 Smooch: Are we done yet?

Me: That's a wrap.


  1. As Tara would say: fierce eyes!

  2. I don't like to use this expression but OMG OMG OMG!!! This post is adorable, cute and delightful on so many levels! Thank you, Smooch and Carson, for your great teamwork!

  3. Smooch knows she is very photogenic!

  4. A girl and her very NM chair. Love. Aunt Jean

  5. oh my gosh.... yearbook pose..... hysterical!!!!!! I think I have one with that same pose
    portraits of Smooch make for a very great Monday morning :)

  6. Thank you for the chuckles on another frigid day in WI. Needed that!

  7. No dog could have more beautiful eyes. So expressive too

  8. Smooch, you make excellent blog entertainment. Thank you.

  9. "Neck rolls" - Oh, Smooch, I can so identify with this! :)

  10. You know how the Dallas Cowboys was dubbed America's Team? (way back in the day) I say make Smooch, America's Dog. She is that special, but you already know that. She is so photogentic....she could have been a show dog or better yet, an Oscar WINNER!
    Happy Monday!

  11. Smooch's eyes are gorgeous and are so expressive. She always brings joy to my heart.

  12. I could just give him a big smooch!

  13. Smooch, any angle you are a darling!

  14. An American in Tokyo2/23/15, 5:32 PM

    Oh, it's cutie Smoochie-poo!
    Please give her some extra pats and hugs from me! =)

  15. Smooch is a good baby. Love the ones hiding his neck rolls.
    Very photogenic
