
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

You can lead a cat to water...

I spied JohnnyCashCat on his tippy toes, stretching to drink from the equines' heated water tub,
this despite his easy access to the chickens' ground-level heated water bowl.
Apparently his fear of being pecked by chickens runs deeper than
his fear of falling head first into a 17-gallon tub of water.

Since all other water sources are frozen solid* at the moment, 
I thought I would be nice and provide a rock platform next to the big blue tub 
so that Johnny could stand on it and not have to stretch as far. 
He ignores it. He is a cat. That is what cats do.

*Fish is encapsulated in a 60-gallon icecube. Will he survive? Time and warmer temperatures will tell.

So I top off the tub many times a day so that JCC doesn't have to dive too deep for a drink.
He seems quite amused at the sight of me schlepping pails of water from the house.

I'm sure he's being persnickety about his water source 
as a ploy to be given full-time house privileges. 

JCC: Did someone say full-time house privileges?

JCC: I suppose it would be a bad idea to fall in and get all wet in this weather.
I might end up with Fish in the frozen food aisle.

After careful consideration, he moved over to the frozen tank for a snow cone. 


  1. It's what cats do. They rarely make a mistake falling into a bucket of water.

  2. these are ALL fantastic.. laughed all the way through.. love it love it..

  3. i know the question has been asked...could fish have been moved to the warmer tank or is it too warm? JCC is so dang handsome.

    1. The heated tank would be too warm, but I'm told he should be able to survive being iced over. We'll see.

    2. My sisters carp survive being frozen over in upstate NY... Good luck orange fish!

  4. Aww man, I knew it was cold there, but the fish?!'s our turn now. It went from 55 to 18 in several hours.
    Hope he's okay. You still have that tank with the tippy lid?

    1. I still have the solar tank with the tippy lid - JCC hasn't figured out how to use that one. Stay warm!

  5. He would enjoy coming into the house and hanging over the side of the toilet ever so much more. Hee hee. Alternative water sources. My two cats think they are just so clever doing that.

    I'd be scared of those chickens too. They might gang up on him when he was at his most vulnerable. And then laugh their little heads off.

  6. Johnny is one handsome cat. Or as the Mexican's say, "Muy guapo!" Could you let us know what the weather has been doing in your part of New Mexico?

    1. Highs this week should be in the thirties, lows in the twenties, which will seem like a heat wave compared to the past few weeks.

  7. In all my years of having cats, I've never seen one fall in water. They seem to have spidey senses about their balance.
    You'd be surprised about Sir Fish's ability to survive. I knew someone with a koi pond that froze with only a few inches of water left---they all survived.

  8. JCC is all cat for sure. Love how he does the feline tight rope dance. Great post.

  9. Can JCC get his own heated water source? It is going to be a LOOOOONNNGGG winter!

  10. Fish's biggest problem will be lack of oxygen. If you can drill a little hole in the ice for him, he will likely survive just fine.

  11. Note to self: Do not come back as a goldfish.

    I love Johnny. Just sayin'.

  12. Love all your pics and dialogue, but the one about the snow cone had me laughing out loud. I'm a long-time, every day reader (6+ years) but I rarely comment. We're snowed in and frozen over here in North Central Montana, too!

  13. An American in Tokyo1/6/15, 5:37 PM

    Is this Fish's first winter with you? (It feels like he's been around a couple of years already!)

    Stay warm!

    1. It is – he arrived in late February of 2014.
      p.s. Thank you for your card!

  14. Your chickens are pretty spunky...I'd avoid them too. Maybe put the rock where he usually stands? Then the cat lightbulb might come on.

  15. cute kitty

  16. Cats are pretty resourceful! I just hope fishy survives.
    Cheryl Ann
