
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Johnny 1, Lucy 0

 See JohnnyCashCat walking across the pasture.

 See Lucy see Johnny.

Johnny senses that something might be amiss.

 Jealous Lucy does not appreciate being left out of the pictures.

 Lucy steps in to shift the focus.

 Johnny makes a blurry exit.

His heavy tail prevents him from becoming airborne.

 JCC: She'll never catch me. Lard ass.

Lucy: I could if I wanted to. Fat cat.


  1. The cat knows that she could turn those back legs on him and ...BINGO. Donkeys are so quick with their legs. It amazes me.

  2. If you picked up Johnny and brought him up nose to nose with Lucy so they mutually smell each other, what would happen?

  3. Ah, children. I made a four minute video yesterday of my #4 sheep challenging the #2 sheep for status. Will they never learn?

  4. Thanks for the laugh first thing in the morning.

  5. You are really quick on the "trigger." Great shots of the "dust up."

  6. Johnny's hugely expanded tail reminds me of the old gasoline commercial "put a tiger in your tank"!! Remember people driving around with a fake tail tangling from their gas tank cover? No wonder Johnny can really spin those legs to move out of range of ...errr...lard ass Lucy...hahaha!! Thanks for a great smile this morning!

  7. See how much JCC's tail poofed out!!

  8. Great action shots! I'm not sure I'd take Lucy on. Good thing she's in a forgiving mood. *wink*

  9. He's actually safer hanging out with donkeys, since they hate coyotes.

  10. An American in Tokyo1/21/15, 5:42 PM

    Is JCC's tail usually big and just extra big now that it's winter?!
    I've never seen a cat with such a poofy tail!!

  11. If they were serious it would be ugly. Just a "I'm-in-charge-and-you're-not-chase...." I needed a laugh this afternoon. Thanks!

  12. What a luscious tail, really luxuriant. He's a looker, in addition to being an action hero. And Lucy retains her crown. Great vignette, thanks
