
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Cat on a shelf

Last week when I posted this video of Johnny doing his balancing act on top of the fence,
Leslie suggested that I build a platform so that he could view the barnyard in comfort.

Hank helped me measure the wood, but he didn't have any suggestions 
for attaching it to the fence rail.
So I turned to my all-purpose ranch resource...

...baling wire. My barn runneth over with baling wire. This year's hay supply is bundled in wire
instead of the customary twine. I love it because the bunnies can't chew through it, 
but I'm finding it hard to repurpose because there's just so stinkin' much of it. 
It would be criminal to throw it away. 
At 16 feet of wire per each of 300 bales, I will be left with nine-tenths of a mile of the stuff. 

I used about 6 feet on this project; only 4,794 more to go.

JCC: I think I can see Texas from here.

Johnny: I hope you plan on adding some padding. A pillow would also be nice.


  1. Oh boy! I bet JCC is one very happy cat. We'll be looking for more pics of him enjoying is knew observatory tower.

  2. Oh my God Carson, do I see that the shelf actually had tapered edges? That's pricless. Have you thought of a corbel or two? And the fish would like you to consider tiling up his bathtub...

    1. Hate to disappoint but this scrap of wood already had the fancy edge...but I do have a few corbels in the garage...we'll see.

  3. Well, that's pretty nice, even without padding and a pillow! You know you're going to need more than one, though, right?

  4. Well done, Carson. A platform for JCC and ever resourceful using bailing wire. Any suggestions from our group for 10 uses of bailing wire? My first thought it to build tomato plant towers. Can't think of any more at the moment but once we get 10 we could always post them on Pinterest.

    1. I started a pinterest board for recycled wire ... it's all artsy stuff so far.

  5. Just like a cat. Give an inch and they feel entitled to a mile. Down filled pillow would be nice.

  6. JCC looks like he's checking the construction to be sure it's safe. How long til' the ladies check it out to roost?
    Love the "Fish would like you to consider tiling up his bathtub" comment Sigrid!

  7. My dad made something similar for our deck when I was a kid, despite consistently claiming that he didn't like or want our cats. It was pretty swanky—not only a platform, it also had a roof so the cats could hang out on top in the sun or inside in the shade. ^_^ JCC is living the high life!

    1. A roof...a second story...perhaps a turret? You guys are going to keep me busy.

    2. Indoor/outdoor carpeting would work nicely : )

    3. mean we can suggest projects and you'll do them?
      Ha ha ha. I keed, I keed.

  8. Nice beveled edges! Very foxy!

  9. Love it, and I agree with June. Padding, a pillow, and definitely more than one! :) I'm sure there is probably a way to recycle the wire...although the artist in me is screaming, 'sculpture!'. I love how Mr. Johnny knew it was just for him...although the ladies will probably have their eyes on it, too. Great job!

    1. I'm thinking sculpture, too. But it would have to be a very large one. Here's my idea board:

    2. LOVED looking at your idea board. LOVED the tree and the horse the most. I think you could have a sculpture 'garden', like a topiary garden, only wire sculptures. I also keep thinking of how you might incorporate your found could be awesome...just sayin'!

  10. You just have to love how that poor feral barn cat with no name gets by on your ranch. It's a good thing you didn't get too attached.

    1. hahahahaha! good thing I swallowed my wine already or I would have spewed it :)

  11. Yeah, that cat needs a pillow. And I know what you mean about those very useful things that come our way. It does, indeed, seem like a waste to throw all that wire. Unfortunately, I can always think of uses for stuff. :-)

  12. Maybe a heated cat cup on there.

  13. Johnny could run for office now, I hear he has a solid platform, and isn't on the fence anymore!

  14. Hah - it's great! So glad I suggested it. You're welcome, Johnny! Enjoy!

  15. I'm betting JCC didn't waste any time checking out the new digs. What a simple way to make for a happy cat. (Well, it started out simple, at least.)

  16. Hurray to the control platform! what a great work Linda! and yes a little roof made of wire that sounds great! we love you Johnny

  17. Johnny needs an electric blanket, then on top of the electric blanket a hand sewn quilt. What a great idea!

  18. An American in Tokyo1/20/15, 5:28 PM

    I love it!! And I love that you recycled the wire, too!!

    Looking forward to the next fancy project. A wire trellis for some plants??

  19. How about a cat house? With a roof? And, a nice pillow inside? That would make JC very happy, I do believe!

  20. A wreath! I am obsessed w/wreaths right now, esp. wine cork wreaths (I'll take all corks anyone wants to send). I do like your ideas on your board.

  21. LOL my neighbors cat does the same thing. While I was trying to pet the new foal the cat was sitting on the fence rail pawing at me for attention.
    Nice of you to build a little platform. ;o)
