
Friday, December 5, 2014

Waiting their turns

Once in awhile, I'll take my camera to the barn for the morning round
of feeding and chores.

My efforts to keep this blog filled with pictures go unappreciated by certain all members of the herd.

They don't mind posing but doing so on an empty stomach is alot to ask.

Hank kept me company while I fed Johnny and prepared everyone's breakfast bowls.
We had a lengthy discussion about the weather, our respective plans for the day, 
and all that other stuff people chat about in the morning.
You think I'm kidding. I'm not.

If there's ever a re-make of Mr. Ed, Hank and I will likely audition.
He really does talk, you know, even if I'm the only one who hears him.


  1. I feel the disgust in that picture of Johnny. Fill the bowl before you aim that thing.

  2. Oh, I'm positive that Hank talks to you. Molly and Peep talk to me, and the talent can't be limited to beloved animals under one hundred pounds.

  3. With those face, how do you get ANYTHING done? So many choices for petting!

  4. I think we'd all understand if you fed them first. We don't want to be their reason for starving. lol I also believe Hank talks to you. I also believe he isn't the only one: I bet they all talk.

  5. well of course you are the Horse Whisperer... or is that Hank?

  6. Who would have doubted that Hank talks. And poor Johnny. I'm know a face that needs cofee when I see it. Jean

  7. I KNOW you are NOT kidding. The discussions that go on around here are important, serious, or funny. Sometimes all three.

  8. My girl talks too! She sound a lot like me but, that may be because we've been together for 13+ years.

  9. Some of my best convos are with my critters. So I have no doubt but that Hank is a great talker. xoxo Oma Linda

  10. I too talk to horses and cats. I'm glad you said something so I know I'm not alone (in this crazy world). BA SP

  11. He's being such a good boy!! I would think he'd rather steal bites of hay instead of talking. He's a sweetie that way, huh?

  12. Now I'm curious about what Hank had planned for the day.

  13. Okay, time to confess: I sing with my cat. Yes, I put together a song lyric about what I"m doing around the house, such as sorting the laundry (with lots of puns and bad rhyming) and Kitterz sings the chorus when I pause and look at her pointedly. She gives me a "meow" and listens while I go into another crazy lyric, then gives the chorus "meow". It sure makes fun out of housework!! Her expressions while I'm singing (I have the kind of voice that sounds best in the shower, ha) is hilarious!

    Mr. Hank would make a great show! Expressive ears and eyes and many artfully posed shots of his rear. Yup, primetime material :)

  14. An American in Tokyo12/7/14, 5:10 PM

    Oh Hank! You are such a cutie! I would love to give you a big hug!
