
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday leftovers

 This picture is remarkable only for the fact that I shot it through a window, which happened to be
sparkly clean, which happened because I had the energy to wash all of them, 
which happened because it's so damned easy now to keep the house clean 
because the novelty hasn't worn off the new cordless vacuum cleaner.
Also, the weather for the past 10 days has been deliciously warm and gorgeous.

 Every garden needs a statue.

 Johnny: Just because the windows are clean doesn't mean you can spy on me.

 This hawk may have been staring at his reflection in my sparkling office window.

If it's warm enough in December to wash windows, it's also warm enough to ride.
I spent the better part of my Thanksgiving break riding Lucy...
and giving thanks for every single moment in the saddle. 

I love Lucy. We were meant to be.

 I'll stop for a moment to smile and reflect upon how she came into my life.

How lucky I am that our paths crossed.


  1. Your life is beautiful from my lens. BA SP

  2. awesome leftovers and i love the Shadow Rider

  3. Beautiful post.


  4. Got my calendar this week. Love that your 7MSN events are listed including Lucy's arrival!

  5. Great post. For some reason.

  6. Wonderful post!
    And I am thankful that you share - in so many ways - all that you are thankful for! :-)

  7. I'm pretty sure Lucy feels the same way about you. And I'm glad for you, that you got some good saddle time in December, after all your chores.

  8. I feel lucky that our paths crossed, if only in this lovely blog of yours, as it brightens my day, every day.

  9. More of a feast than leftovers. Thank you so much.

  10. I am grateful for the beauty you share. But I am a curious soul. Is that a bunny tail on the ground next to JCC? Having found one of my own, it looks rather familiar.

  11. That's a sweet thing to say about Lucy, I'm sure she feels the same for you and the boys.

  12. You know, there is something about JCC's eyes---you can tell he is smarter than the average cat. Please do not tell our family cat that-she is smart-but doesn't have that observant look in her eyes. Hope you get to go riding with Lucy today!

  13. all your critters, all your bounties have crossed your path at the right time and moment. beautiful thanksgiving

  14. Lovely pictures and yes here in Tx the other day it was 80 degrees in December and no snow YEAH!!!!

  15. JCC soaking in the sun, such a nice feeling in this winter period!

  16. An American in Tokyo12/7/14, 5:07 PM

    I love your Sunday leftovers! This week's pictures, especially!
    Enjoy the nice weather and the cordless vacuum cleaner! Maybe I need to get one...

  17. Everybody should feel that way about their animals. I like to think that most of us do. Husband and I certainly feel as if all of our furbabies have been Meant-To-Be's.

  18. Oh, I needed a screen saver picture. The bright blue sky and cool clouds is awesome!
