
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014, it was a very normal year

Welcome to the fourth annual 7MSN Ranch video year in review, 
a tradition that began in 2011 and has lived on.
I piece together one photo from every blog post from the past year, find an appropriate song
that will get by the copyright police, then turn all of it into a video to share here.

2014 was the year we said good-bye to Wynonna and hello to Junior.
It was also the year of lots of rain, too much grass, and grazing muzzles.
Mercifully, there was precious little drama; sadly, there were no donkey playdates. 

The music for the 2014 video is simple and kind of repetitive, much like the year itself.
It makes me want to take piano lessons. 

We hope you will enjoy the show. 

 Here are links to previous year-end videos, if you'd like to watch everybody grow old. 
2011      2012      2013


  1. Hello to Junior? (Wondering who on earth is Junior) did I miss something?

    1. Junior was the pronghorn antelope whose mother died. She brought him on to the property and stayed for a very long time. Good access to water and an assumption that there was a bit of protection from coyotes since they were so close to the house. :)

    2. Thanks, Carla. I couldn't have explained it better.

  2. Well done! May next year be full of fun and frolic as life should be.

  3. Yay for no drama! Especially when mundane looks like that - beautiful wrap-up of your year; best wishes for a peaceful 2015.

  4. Magnificent! Well done. Love the piano.

  5. No donkey playdates is a sucky thing. However, no drama is a good thing.
    I love your ingenuity when tackling things that are just out of reach (ie: garage door opener). Having tall Paul (and Danni) there to help with the jury-rigging made it all the sweeter.

  6. What a wonderful way to start the last morning of the year! We'll raise a glass to a year with little drama.... We need those. I hope you have had a wonderful break. Happy New Year!

  7. Happy New Year, Carson!!! Great slideshow! I miss Wynonna.

  8. I always remind myself that there will be years where I will really wish for the boring ones. Life is good and the 7MSN brightens my days. Thanks for sharing with us.

  9. What a lovely way to start my last day of the year and a terrific compilation of life at the 7msn for all of us who follow along on your 'ordinary' daily life at the ranch. Thanks so much for letting all of us live it with you.

  10. Aaaaaaaaah, Junior!!! I was looking among the MSN's permanent residents! Of course, Junior, may he have a long and happy life. Then again he could be a Juniette...

  11. Thanks for the super last day of the year round up. We always enjoy anything you bring to us. We appreciate you sharing the wonder that is 7MSN. All of us at Casa de Cuckoo wish you a happy and healthy New Year and peace. Hugs and loves to you all

  12. Bravo!!! A wonderful recap, as always, and I loved the transition in the music! We smiled through the whole video, exclaiming along the way at so many delightful and beautiful pictures.
    May 2015 bring another year of health - with extensive laughter and much more pie-baking. :-)
    Happy New Year's Eve, Carson.
    - Danni and Tall Paul

  13. You really have a wonderful life!!! :) Thanks, enjoyed watching. Cheers to another good year in 2015!

  14. That was awesome Carson!!! Thank you. You do have a really nice life out there. Very beautiful. Have a wonderful 2015. Those chicken eggs still crack me up!

  15. Thanks so much for a great year! So glad Swami made it in and so glad you introduced us! Susan

  16. Super Duper Video! THank You Linda, what a great treat to end the year. I thought Junior wad the new name for Johnny! My Best wishes for a Very Nice, Happy and Peaceful 2015!

  17. It was a very good year, eh? Sending wishes for all 7MSN denizens to have a 2015 full of good things & lots of green chilis for Linda. Also sending thanks for sharing 2014, donkeys, horses, pigs, chickens, Juniors and all with the world!

  18. Another wonderful year for us sharing in your wonderful life. Health happiness and good photos in '15! Aunt Jean

  19. Such a beautiful year at the 7MSN. Among the highlights I will remember, tall grass waving in the pasture - and grazing muzzles galore. Thank you for this year in review video. Chickens grow so fast. All the residents are so photogenic, including Junior.

  20. What a lot of work -- you must have spent your "vacation" on this project. Precious memories. Thanks for all the effort you put into your blog. You're tops!

  21. Thank you for sharing the days of your life with us. Have a wonderful 2015.


  22. Love the look back ! Thanks for another year. Wishing only the best for you and yours in 2015 !

  23. A wonderful way to summarize the year - the images brought back the stories, made me smile and laugh and sometimes shed a tear. May 2015 be another good year - and wouldn't it be nice if you found some donkey friends nearby who want playdates?

  24. OMG ... I loved it!! I love your blog and I love all your critters and you and I absolutely look forward to reading what you have to say every morning!! All the pictures are so wonderful and you ended with Charlie Brown music ... so totally fitting for a year at the Ranch!!
    Hugs from S. CO and wishes for health, happiness and a 2015 full of more of the same!!


  25. Wonderful to see a re-cap of your beautiful surroundings and your great companions. I wish you all a very Happy New Year!

  26. Here it is Sunday morning -- 1-4-15 and your last post was on 12/31/14 ... are you OK or sick with the flu or some other terrible ailment? Or ... you're just taking a few more days off from posting!! Anyway ... lack of new stuff gives me cause for concern!! Hugs from CO ... Marcia

  27. Me too Marcia! Physically, you are alone on the ranch if you fall or get sick.... which makes all of us "cyber-roomies" worry 'bout cha!!
