
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Turf battle

It was around 7 o'clock Tuesday morning and Smooch and I were returning home from our morning jog.
We walked through the gate to the back yard, I took off her leash, she headed for her water bowl, 
and I aimed for the kitchen and the coffee pot.
I passed the hay stack along the way and saw that there was going to be trouble,
so I convinced Smooch to follow me into the house.

In a risky and defiant move, JohnnyCashCat had claimed the hay stack on Smooch's porch.
Smooch was just as surprised as I was by his brash behavior, 
and she watched intently from the guest room to see how I would resolve the land grab.

Johnny was unfazed that he might have to relinquish his claim.

Once I explained that another couple hundred of square feet was probably not worth going to battle for, 
he retreated to his home turf.

Smooch: Where'd he go?

Smooch: I know he was here a minute ago.

Me: Smooch, you might want to look behind you.

Johnny knows better than to pick fights with Smooch,
so my guess is he's doing this just to get my attention.

It worked.


  1. My sweet kitty hated the puppy I brought home over 14 years ago. He was angry at me about it, and turned into a mean cat. The dog passed away a couple months ago, and now the cat is happy again. Who knew they could hold a grudge that long?

  2. Cats are very intelligent. They never cease to amaze me. BA SP

  3. He has his own room!! Good thing Smooch hasn't seen it. I love how he blends in with the hay, what a boogar.

  4. I don't believe I've seen a photo of Smooch's yard before. You are all set up to hang out with Smooch. I wonder what the hay stack is doing in the yard, tho?

    1. Rebecca, that's the hay left over from last season. I moved it out of the hay barn to make room for the new stuff.

  5. That second pic is just great. JCC is one cool cat. Maybe one day he and Smooch will share the haystack.

  6. Could there be a nightly predator exploring your barns and it has made JC look for a zone closer to the house? No doubt at all that cats though do want to be where we are-- predators or not :)

  7. He's becoming a brave little bugger.

  8. Didn't you used to have previous cats in the house with Smooch?

    1. Yes, Jan, but they were in residence long before Smooch arrived and firmly stood their ground when Smooch was a puppy, so there were never any issues with them getting along with each other.

  9. Family....sometimes it is not worth it to pick a fight.

  10. Where's Waldo? This is too fricking cute. I love that picture, you may want to look behind weiner dog is enamored by the two stray cats I feed in the evening. She stares at them through the security screen doors on either side of the house...stares, like she can really see all that well. Poor thing is 80 percent blind, but her sniffer is not. She drives herself nutty and I am so afraid what she may do if she gets a hold of one of them or vice versa is more like it.

  11. Oh, that one photo of Johnny stretched out on the hale bale would provoke any self respecting dog. *grin*

  12. well this hay stack is such an excellent viewpoint in cat's territory supervision politics
