
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Summertime and the grazing is easy

Oh, the joy of being an equine in the summertime...nothing to do but 
stand around, eat and swish away the occasional fly. Could life be any easier?

If the ranch has ever been greener than this, I don't remember it.

You may be seeing a lot of green pictures here for awhile, for the novelty if nothing else.

The monsoon season could end as quickly as it started...

...and all of this gorgeous grass could turn brown and crispy in a matter of weeks.

Perish the thought.


  1. Wish I could be one of your critters, life seems so nice with you! being tall myself, I think I would be Hank! a feminine Hank, Hanka?

  2. Wow! I've never seen clouds like that!!

  3. We have had one of the coolest summers in Connecticut that anyone can remember. Not much rain, but no air conditioning. I can't ever remember going without AC in August. Your pictures evoke that same sense of gratitude. You were there and you have it documented--if it never happens again!

  4. So beatiful. Hope that the green grass will stay a little longer than usually.

  5. Is it just the clouds? Your photos get more gorgeous by the day.

  6. this looks like a foreign landscape for your ranch.. beautiful but different...

  7. Oh George, he looks fantastic in that ears up photo. Those clouds look like fluffy marshmallow. Keep the rain coming, green is a nice change.

  8. Those clouds look like they're beginning to form into mammatus clouds. I'd love to see some like that one day. Hank's action shot is wonderful. It, as well as some of the others, looks like a 3-D image. Whatever it is that you do to tweak your photos makes them even more amazing than they already are. After you retire you could freelance as a photo editor. Your Photoshop (or whatever program you) skills are awesome!

  9. You're gonna have some happy chunky donkeys.

  10. The clouds look like they were painted. They don't even look real. Awesome.

  11. Crazy weather all around. Do you have a water barrel or something to catch the rain in?
    LaurieB in Georgia

  12. Oh you make me laugh every time I check in! Had to do a double take to make sure this was YOUR ranch ... all that green! Thanks for the rain - it has landed here today. Hugs from donkey land to the north! ;)

  13. I have seen it green just like that in past photos, however not as tall as that.

  14. An American in Tokyo8/12/14, 6:12 PM

    Beautiful! I always love when everything is so fresh and green!

    Did you do something to Alan's mane??

  15. Holy smokes, somebody picked up the 7MSN ranch and dropped it smack-dab into greener-than-green Oregon! Who knew your pasture could get so gorgeously GREEN?!

  16. Everything looks so lush and delicious! Love the bubble clouds, although, around here they usually mean trouble....
