
Friday, August 1, 2014

Stormy weather

We've had some big weather this week. Even Jim Cantore might be impressed.

Call me a weather nerd, but I love to go outside and match up the radar to the clouds.
Lucky for me, many of the biggest storms this week have been right over the ranch.

I haven't had to go anywhere in the truck, thank goodness.
I'm sure the heavy rains have turned the road into one long tire-sucking trench.

 The pasture is getting greener by the minute...

 ...and the evening skies have been a sight to behold.

You can thank Junior for all of these pictures. 
I have my camera with me almost all the time now because I'm always on the lookout for him.
He hasn't been around for a few days. I know he doesn't like to get wet, 
so maybe he's waiting for the storms to clear before he returns.


  1. Maxfield Parrish would love your skies, I think.

  2. I am a Registered Cloud Nerd.

  3. amazing photos of amazing skies..

  4. Spectacular shots and a little comic relief.

  5. So cool!!! Weather-tracking is one of my favorite "nerdy" passions, too!

  6. I have lived in many places during my time on this planet Earth and there is absolutely no better place for sky and cloud viewing than New Mexico. Stunning photos.

  7. Your photos of the the skies are gorgeous! (and the animals, too)


  8. Gorgeous shots. Weather apps are addictive!

  9. I just love today's photos!! And watch out for that lightning when you're holding up your iPad. LOL

  10. Oh my goodness! That first photo looks like a painting by Michelangelo. Gorgeous

  11. Gosh, your cloud photos look like a Dutch master painted them! Stunning. Not to mention donkeys playing ball. (Smiley face here.)

  12. We LOVE weather of the "tall cloud" type here at our house too!

  13. Beautiful! And I bet it smells heavenly after a rain, too.

  14. oh your picturesque skies! you dont need to go to museums, you have the most beautiful paintings in your garden

  15. oh WOW. Gorgeous--the clouds looks like old paintings. :)

  16. That first cloud shot blows my mind. Straight out of the camera? Will you share lens and filter info?

    Here in the heart of hurricane country (a Weather Channel-free zone from June to November btw), Jim Cantore is known as Jim Can'tellya. Too.much.hype.

    1. This was shot with a Nikkor 18-135mm zoom set at 66mm, 1/250 at f/5.3, ISO 100. I'm not sure exactly how I processed it - probably ran Auto Contrast in Photoshop and sharpenened it some for the web.

    2. Thanks Carson.
      We have wide open skies here too, and often the clouds are amazing. I rarely break out the dslr because of blowing sand and humidity, (and possibly because I've been super lazy about learning how to use it lol), but your blog inspires me to upgrade from the iphone. :D

  17. Don't ya just love this time of year when the thunderboomers grow and grow and deliver such a fabulous skyward showing? Your photos are just fabulous. And the pastures look so yummy green. I've thought of you when I see the weather forecast. Even the littlest grand will say, "hey, bet 7MSN is getting wet right now". After all you and yours are our in state rock stars.
    Happy Monsoon, glad you don't have to travel the muddy roads right now. The Cuckoos at the Casa.

  18. Beautiful photos! I envy you the rain - it is so hot and dry here, we could sure use a good heavy rain!

  19. the clouds in the shots are amazing! Such clear edges.....weeoooo

  20. Happy August 1. Beautiful pictures. Those clouds are shocking to me. I have rain envy. We are dried up like popcorn out here in the Sacramento Valley. Might as well be living in Death Valley....
    I thought about you yesterday. You take the most amazing pictures. You need a gallery wall. 8x10 and 5x7 black frames. Walmart has them. You need about 2,922. Seriously, a gallery wall would be awesome! Have a wonderful and exciting weather related weekend!

  21. Love the clouds! I think when I am there visiting, I take more photos of the clouds and mountains to take home with me, cause we have nothing like that here...just beautiful!

  22. Wow! your clouds look so much like a painting! Reminds me of some pieces Tim Cox has done.

  23. Those cloud photos look they could be a painting! (Is there an echo in here...?) Gorgeous!! We had a wild storm last night. Lots of heavy rain and lightening strikes so frequent it was like watching a strobe light. I do love a summer storm.

  24. Amazing photos!

  25. That's a painting in the first's just too gorgeous to be real!! And a warm round of applause for Alan and George and the Deflated Jolly Ball, they just make me laugh with their shenanigans!

  26. Love these pics so much!

  27. An American in Tokyo8/6/14, 8:00 PM

    The colors in the sky are so wonderful in all these pictures!
    Thank you for sharing! Checking out your posts always makes my day! =)

  28. WOW! You sure do have the cloud formations! They are breath taking, And hear all the ones I have seen on the internet I thought was photo shopped! LOL, NOPE they are just in your back yard! FOR REAL!

  29. If that top cloud shot could be added to your "for you" page I'd be forever grateful.
