
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Oops...she did it again

If this picture looks familiar it's because the bandaged paw has made a comeback. 
It debuted on the scene in June 2013 and returned to fashion yesterday when Smooch got carried away 
with her hole-digging yet again and managed to fracture the nail on her dew claw.
Back to the vet we went to have it treated.

 Smooch: I need more treats to help me through my convalescence.

Of course I obliged.

My workday was total chaos anyway, so what was one more interruption?

My employer gifted me with a new computer and yesterday was the day to migrate the old to the new.
Thank you, Apple, for figuring out how to replace a behemoth boat anchor with a sleek and powerful work of art.
Steve Jobs would be very proud.


  1. oh poor girl that hurts! but she hasn't learned apparenty, she gets carried away. Nice new PC installation! I'm always amazed how many cables it needs

  2. Normally I would say "Poor Smooch", but this is a repeat self-inflicted wound .... so I will say, poor Carson. You're such a good dog mom!

  3. kisses to your sweet paw, Smooch... wow, what a difference in size and i am betting a lot more JUICE to

  4. Poor Smooch. Will this be a setback for your perimeter walks or maybe it's just a way to ensure she gets to ride shotgun in the ranger for the next 2 weeks :)

    Nice monitor by the way!
    Hope the transfer goes smoothly.

    M in NC

  5. Good thing the road has firmed back up. Poor Smooch.

    I don't miss the big clunky desktops either. One day we'll just have a chip in our heads :)

  6. Replies
    1. About 5 years old, I think. Apple made a quantum leap with the beer can - it's only been available since February.

  7. Poor girl! Some evil creature under the dirt was being rooted out and Smooch was wounded in action.
    Fingers crossed for a smooth transfer of data.

    1. Mac has a built-in migration app...worked like a charm!

  8. Poor Smooch! You get hurt and your Mom gets great new present!

    I have to laugh at your new beer can! I got mine a few months ago, we call it "the urn." My boss says she's going to put her ashes in it. Scary. But don't get rid of the old monitor, use it as a secondary! Always good to have more desktop space. Enjoy your new tools!

    1. Ha! I'll never look at the beer can in the same way again. From this day forward, it shall be called the Urn.

  9. I have a Mac but I don't have a boat anchor or an "urn." What do they do?

    1. The urn does everything the boat anchor did, except twice as fast...and silently...and without generating any heat. I'm in love.

  10. New Mac envy.....get well soon Smooch!

  11. I used to have two of the 50 lb anchors sitting in my garage. One day I finally just took out the hard drives and gave the rest of the hulks to an electronics recycling company. Curious, what will you do with your data transferring? I have two external hard drives for backing up my pictures. Do you use external back up devices or the cloud? Will you keep your anchor for awhile or toss? I am looking at my future anchor right now, wishing I could find something's a PC, have never used a MAC. Perhaps a nice blog post? :-)
    Anna in AZ

    1. Anna, I have back-ups on external drives as well as in the cloud (via Pogoplug). The boat anchor will go back to my employer as a backup - there's really nothing wrong with it.

  12. Poor Smooch. Our FatNeck runs on the hard, rocky CT turf and has successfully ripped out the same outside claw twice in a year period. The first one was not successfully kept clean. My husband thought the plastic bag was silly. He doesn't anymore. Wet dirty bandage=many more vet visits. Good luck in her convalescence!

  13. Can't her dew claws be removed?

    1. I don't know, Janet - I've never asked. It sounds surgical...maybe not a good idea this late in the game?

  14. Poor Smooch. Willow can relate, she's always tearing her dewclaw. Same one every couple of months. I guess once it's torn, it's weak and susceptible to reinjury. Treats should help. *wink*

  15. Hope she gets better soon! She reminds me of our Rocket. :)

  16. Poor Smoochie but she did bring it upon herself with her frenzied digging. I am glad she is on the mend, and congrats on your brand new computer.

  17. Oh Smoochie Smooch Smooch. Beautiful computer set up though.

  18. Poor Smooch. I hope she heals up good as new. Congratulations on the new computer! :)

  19. No WONDER you're a creative genius! You're a MAC person!

  20. Thanks for the Brittney song that won't leave my head...
    Smooch, girl, you need to be more careful! You are putting extra work on your momma!

  21. An American in Tokyo8/14/14, 6:57 PM

    Oh no! Poor Smoochie! I hope she gets well soon!
    Lovely space saving Mac! Woo~!

  22. Poor Smooch, I know she'll be up and crazy in no time at all. Bruce Wayne never had his removed either ( coon hound mix) and I don't believe they can remove them when they are older because of the arteries? Too dangerous. Isn't it nice to have more leg room under the desk? Looks good
