
Friday, July 11, 2014


Wynonna's busy life consists of three activities: eating, sleeping, and posing for pictures. 
She's multi-tasking here...

 ...and snoring so loudly that she must not hear the buzzing of all the bees that are pollinating the bushes behind her.
At least that's what I think they're doing. I took a few pictures then backed off. I'm not fond of bees.

On my way back into the house, I saw a bull snake climbing the wall toward a swallow's nest, 
but I wasn't too worried because I knew the babies had flown off awhile back.
Just as I was thinking about how cool it was that snakes can bend their bodies into right angles,
it dawned on me that the nest was probably full of eggs and that's why he was climbing the wall.

 And by then it was too late to grab something with which to knock him down.
I suppose I could have grabbed him by the tail, but that would have been gross.

He stayed up there for a long time, digesting his meal probably, and I got bored waiting for him to slither down.
He did look me in the eye before I left but made no apologies for his behavior.


  1. my favorite photo of Wynonna.. adorable.. i don't like bees either and that snake is looking you right in the eye. i would have freaked out seeing him climbing like that. maybe you should invest in a snake noose?

  2. I had no idea snakes could climb walls. I think I would have bonked him with a broom!

  3. I would have harrassed him -- break off a stick and break his hold on the wall.
    Though with a properly gloved hand I would grab him by the tail .... growling at him the entire time.
    He has better things to eat ... Rodents!!!

    M in NC

  4. Ack!!!! Snake!! the wind!!!!

  5. A honey bee working a flower is completely harmless unless you happen to step on her (they are all girls) with bare feet...which I'm guessing with all the other, um, wildlife, out there, you don't do much barefootin'.

  6. Oh how you made me chuckle today. Of COURSE you would watch him AND take his picture AND empathize with his hunger. No need for snake wrestlers in your neck of the woods - you are a snake charmer. Or ... at least ... you are often charmed BY snakes! ;)

  7. Mother Nature can be such a Bitch!

  8. Wynona is beating the heat. That snake was a determined little guy.

  9. Wynonna in her bower of bliss. Sorry, could not help myself. Spent too much time with Spenser's Faerie Queen once upon time.

    I suppose I would get used to bull snakes where you live, but cannot imagine the calm coexistence you show. Not much rancher woman in me.

    Love the pic of Wynonna - wall slinker not so much :)

  10. We might have cold winters, but we don't have bull snakes! :-}

  11. Very cool post! There are many swallows in the world, many swallows on your porches---his lunch was well earned. Those parents will have time for more babies and perhaps alert you of his intentions should he come back with the next set.

  12. I can handle the bees but the snake still makes me shiver. If I see them someplace where they aren't a surprise to me (someone holding them or in a cage) then I am fine with them. When it's unexpected they give me the creeps. Although, living out here in the desert now, I'm always on the look out for rattlers.

  13. Oh, that snake is gorgeous! Sorry about the eggs, but he sure worked for them! Determined to get a meal... Wynonna on the other hand is very determined to keep resting!

  14. What a sweet picture of Wynonna! The snake....well, let's just say "interesting".
    I wonder if Johnny's success as a Rodent Control Officer will mean the snakes will be looking for bird's nests even more? Maybe they'll just move away to more rodent-infested properties?

  15. Now this is when you go all Braveheart on me. I do love nature deeply but there are some species that move too fast for me to be comfortable. Snakes, spiders and roaches. Ah, and a request - something with beautiful long burro ears, a special, please soon. :)

  16. Great photos! I really like the photo of the snake with right angles and Smooch in the glass. We have snakes in the old house we are fixing up, and for some reason most people advise me to kill them even though they aren't venomous and have never done anything but slither away when they see us approach. Once the house is closed up, they won't be able to hunt inside the rooms, so I leave them alone to do their thing. Thank you for demonstrating that it's possible to live without an irrational fear of snakes. Snakes need some good PR.

  17. Great picture of Wynonna! The snake uh...not so much. I detest them.

  18. Oh! :o( I guess a guy's gotta eat.
    I have to admit, it was pretty cool bent all into sharp angles, like that.
    Repeat after me: Bees are our friends. :o)
    Say hello to Wynnona from me.


  19. Hope that snake is no threat to Johnny.

  20. This could be another job for....."Leaf Blower" !!!!

  21. Johnny cat will soon catch all the young small snakes I think. we have a cat and I saw her dragging a 6 or 7 foot black snake through the yard. She had it in the middle and its head and tail was dragging behind her.
