
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Bed check

It's getting dark and time to check on the herd one last time. 

Everyone is present and accounted for.


The Daily Pronghorn, Tuesday, July 29, 8 p.m.

Junior had visitors...

...a great big buck...

...and a surrogate mom. 

When last seen, Junior was showing her around.


  1. Ah, his band has come to rescue him. I wonder if he will go or will he stay? That is the question.
    Thanks for the update. Love this story!
    BA SP

  2. As much as I would like to see Junior in the traditional Santa hat photos come December ....I would much rather think of him with his heard of pronghorns. So glad they are coming to watch over him. Would be fun to hear the stories he tells about you!
    Still most definitely needs a spot in the annual calendar! Lisa G in TN

  3. GREAT shot of Hank in the first pic. Looks Jr. wants to stay but Auntie and Baby Daddy are trying to talk him into traveling. Those seasoned pronghorns don't know what thier missing.

  4. That photo of Hank is one of the best ever, and that is saying a lot with so many great Hank shots.
    Love it.

    1. Thanks, Chesley. It's my new favorite of him.

  5. How cool that other pronghorns will come to check on a baby and perhaps make him part of their family. That sounds like an awesome kind of animal. Your place will probably forever be on their map of places to stop for rest and a drink.

  6. Word is out! :) You know I saw a refuge in Montana once, for elk...the folks were sheltering and feeding to get them through the winter...just sayin' :)
    Seriously, I am thrilled to see the olders have not abandoned the youngster. 'Specially happy to see a new female stepping in to help the baby out. Hope the bonding is strong, and the little one has a long, healthy life with the herd.

  7. That sweet little donkey face melts my heart. It's also very cool that the elders come and check on JP. It would interesting if you could mark him, that way if he moved on, you could tell if he ever came back. ( did that make any sense?)

  8. That picture of Handsome Hank, magnificent !

  9. Gosh that Hank is a beautiful creature; he is like the Cindy Crawford of horses. I love that last picture and caption. Good to know Junior has his kind out there looking after him. I hope they stay.

  10. Hank doesn't have a bad side. Yea Junior! I hope you get one of the good stepmothers!

  11. Holey moley! That is one FINE looking horse! Hank has never looked better. I think this one deserves a spot on your calendar. Glad to see JR's herd is checking up on him...looks like they are trying to convince him to head out with the herd.

  12. I spy a jack rabbit sitting in the lower center of the top antelope photo! Did you see it?

    1. Ha! No, I didn't. Good catch.

    2. Omg, that was driving me crazy...I was about to post asking Carson to post it again, with a red circle, when I finally spotted him. Holy hidden hoppers, Batman!

  13. An American in Tokyo8/6/14, 8:40 PM

    Glad to see everyone is well! I'm glad that Junior is interacting with others, too! =)

    It's always nice to see Smoochie-poo, too! hee hee!
