
Thursday, July 10, 2014

A morning safari

Smooch and I were coming in from the back 40 Tuesday night when we spotted a pronghorn near the house. 
I didn't have my camera then, which turned out to be a good thing. I could simply watch her and smile.

When I woke up Wednesday morning, I saw her again outside my window. 
This isn't just any old pronghorn and I wanted you to see why she is special, so I tiptoed outside with my camera.

Apparently mama pronghorns don't feel overly threatened by half-naked, flip-flop-wearing paparazzi.

I was surprised by how close she allowed me to get.

Junior eventually stood up...

...and we bid adieu until the next time...

 ...which turned out to be Wednesday evening.

Junior: She looks different with clothes on.


  1. Such sweet and beautiful visitors!

  2. I wonder why her horns are so deformed? Beautiful animal still

    1. The female pronghorn horns are usually just a bump, so I think hers are normal. What's strange to me is why these two aren't with at least a few other females. They're here in the pasture again this morning. I think they might be here to stay for awhile.

  3. Wow! Your pics are amazing. I am surprised they let you approach them with your camera. Beautiful shots!

    BA SP

  4. Oh my god! When I spotted baby boy, I gasped. What lovely pictures,

  5. How wonderful!

  6. Hopefully they will greet you every morning for a long time to come.

  7. Those two just want to move on in with you and your menagerie!

  8. So...what have you named them?

  9. Aww, I love the little ears peeking over the greenery. You are almost family to them :-)

  10. Wow! Our supposedly well-travelled friend from Houston visited us in Colorado and went gaga over seeing his first antelope in the wild. A rare treat. Great photos.

  11. Normally they are so skittish! Glad she let you get pictures.

  12. How sweet. Animals know when it's safe and they know you're a "friendly". Blessings, Carolynn

  13. Cool. When do we get to name them?

  14. I have a feeling they would like to be adopted by you next. ;)

  15. Is the mama really skinny or is that there nature?

    1. She looks the same as all the others I see around here, so I guess that's normal.

  16. They are both adorable. And those looooooong legs. Wow. Thank you for sharing your magical life!

  17. oh so cute the little bambi, love their big eyes and yes I think too these want to be adopted!

  18. An American in Tokyo7/10/14, 6:22 PM

    Oh how cool! A safari right outside your window!

    I never really knew what pronghorn looked like until now. Somehow I pictured their faces looking like deer, but now I can see that the shape of their head is different than what I imagined! Thank you for sharing!

  19. so, are they tearing up the fence getting in and out? I guess you are a little used to that unfortunately... and might I add, they know a good thing when they see it :)
