
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday leftovers

A collection of the images left in the camera from the previous week: 

Just before Justina and Don relocated Morning Bray Farm to Virginia,
they gave me a cutting from Spike, their mutant aloe vera plant.
Six months later, Son of Spike lives on. He and Smooch both enjoy the morning sun.

I was out in the back 40 and noticed a tiny calf in the bar ditch that runs along south side of the ranch.
I thought he was dead, but he stood up when I got within a few yards of him. 
Part of his umbilical cord was hanging down, so I'm guessing he was pretty fresh.

His mom quickly escorted him away from the prying papparazzi.

Random shot of Hank grazing in the meadow.
I never had a meadow until this year – another legacy of the September rains.

The morning routine goes like this:
1. Let Smooch out the back door.
2. Verify that JohnnyCashCat is waiting for me at the front door. I love it that he's so predictable.

Most of the yucca blossoms have turned to fruit, and most of the fruit is being nibbled on 
by New Mexico's state insect – the tarantula hawk wasp. This is how we keep the tourists away.

I need to keep making these animated .gifs so that I don't forget how. I hope you don't mind.


  1. I love the gifs.. this ones is hilarious.... Hank is so handsome in his meadow and the new baby calf just melted my heart.

  2. Great random shots, Carson. Thanks.

    BA SP

  3. The random shots round out the 7MSN experience.

  4. Hank in the beautiful.

  5. waw love Hank under that gorgeous sky... the colours suit him so well

  6. these Sunday leftovers are fabulous. And I still am going to try the moving photos with some shots GK got of the new baby turtles eating. I just love, love, love Lucy's mini movie. Happy Sunday.

  7. Again, gorgeous pictures. Why don't the tarantula hawk wasps keep the tourist away from here? Actually I love the tourists. (but there are those few "winter visitors" that make our insurance rates go up)

  8. OMG! I just love that photo of Hank....frameable! Hint, hint

  9. That is one scary looking insect!

  10. I love your leftovers! Not only that they are beautiful pictures, but they give me a window into life at the 7MSN.

  11. You inspired me to try out animated giffs. Fun to make! I haven't got the shots down as smoothly as yours of Lucy. Have a great day down there!

  12. I think the one with the chair and lamp in the foreground is my favorite. It has so much depth, and in a way takes in all the layers of 7MSN, from the chair to the door, to the porch, to the yard and then the pasture and beyond. Pretty cool.

  13. An American in Tokyo6/22/14, 5:39 PM

    I LOVE your Sunday leftovers!!
    Is Lucy sneezing in the gif? Too cute!

  14. Wonderful leftovers!! Oh and Gesundheit, Lucy, that was one huge sneeze!!

  15. Calendar pic of Hank!!!

  16. Love your Sunday leftovers!

  17. I remember the post on that horrid insect quite well. Completely freaked me out!

    As far as the animated gifs... Keep on! This one almost looks 3D as the background is fuzzy and Lucy is so clear. I stared at it for awhile and went to my happy place. Helped me out from the PTSD of the insect photo :-)

  18. Smooch is so gorgeous!
